First Attempt Grow With CFL's


Well-Known Member
well been gone for 2 weeks got my internet turnd off cuz had some car troubles :cuss:had to use some extra money to get it fixed.....but my shit is back one ...will post some pic updates later in the day


Well-Known Member
well here are the pics of them at 14 days the first 2 pics ais the one that is not looking so good i dont know if its dying or it's really growing real slow.... the last 2 pics is my other plant that is looking real good it blew the fuck up ... looking real good any advice on my other plant that looks like shit to me they are



Well-Known Member
looking good man, very healthy, im also growing lowryders but a santa maria strain.

i was thinking lowryders would be bigger than that in 2 weeks, but i guess size isn't everything. cant wait till my leaves come out like yours.

follow my journal if your interested, i just started.


Well-Known Member
thanks noob... i think maybe if i had a HPS light they be a lil bigger who knows... but have ventilation problems ... my biggest plant is starting to smell oh so good... my other one is jus not growing at all i mean it is but real slow compare to my other one... i jus started giving them nutes ....will see by next wendsday when they turn 21 days


Well-Known Member
much nutes ?? they look good just let em grow and they will get bigger in a few ! Patience ??? haha I have none haha


Well-Known Member
i started feeding them nutes last week .....waterd them 2day... they are looking good my big plant is really taking off my lil one is still lil but growing......


Well-Known Member
Thanks danky dank & for the rep ..... they both look good now.. im excited they should be flowering in 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
thanks doc trying to get a better camera.. but it's all i got for now prolly gonna use cell phone to take pics they look a lil better


Well-Known Member
Hey how are the plants doing now? theyre slow growers to start with aint they? they shoot up after the first couple of weeks though from what iv seen.

good luck


Well-Known Member
Keep up the pics, good work so far! if youve still only got those little CFLs you might want to think of getting one of the big red CFLs soon if funds would allow? I think that'd help loads otherwise they wont get very big at all. They look great tho, did you say theyre a lowryder mix?