Fire in the hole! 15 Timewreck super soil pheno hunt

What can I say... I prefer weed that makes me silly and do shit like this :) the kind of weed i don't like is that bakey stoney weed that doesn't blow you away and isn't heady at all... standard bakey stuff = last resort :) i do like a good indica stone that leaves you melted and going 'whaaaaaat?' but it's gotta be on the stronger side.

the tw is definitely heady stuff i took the last 2 hits out of a bowl earlier and 5 minutes later was like 'man this stuff is good i haven't smoked in 3 hours and i'm still pretty high' only to realize that i'd just hit it less than 5 min ago... ;)

Harvesting two tonight... big penis pheno TW and one of the smaller but most mature CCMs (fewer yellow hairs than the one that's fading even though it's still green/purple :) ) -- ccm has rock hard top nugs you almost can't squeeze'em... the tw's aren't rock hard but they are a lot denser than the lower test nugs i pulled... have more hope now that the yields will be more what i was hoping (3z/plant)....

so i'm gonna take another couple tomorrow and another couple friday sat/sun will be trimming our asses off all weekend i'm sure... saving CCMs and smallest couple plants for sunday.
You perpet tho right?! So you gonna have to do some cleaning up and hiding things huh?! Hopefully you got a good friend close by lol who can babysit for the night lol!
I was going to be perpetual... replacing plants in flower as they were going out... but now i'm gonna have to cut'em all at the same time, wait til the coast is clear again and then start'em into flower again. I gotta get rid of about half a dozen girls to get my remaining plants down so it's manageable to hide'm when the time comes and easy to take the lights down short notice. On the bright hand this sort of spring cleanup was something I needed to do... and i've been half expecting the landlord to stop by at some point, so it's better to just get it out of the way so i won't have to see her again for another year :) it'll be good to have a small break from growing where i just have to minimally water those babies and not much else. I can refresh from this double shifting and be ready to roll in mid june into the new flower. Hopefully I can sex the boys out of the aces before the landlord comes and get rid of a few more unnecessary plants.
I guess state law varies. over here that's how it is unless there's a broken water main or something(emergency)
I feel you on this issue, and they don't have to give notice and it's a bitch to try and hide 8 plants in 5 minutes.
Not here... another reason to get the hell out and get my own land....

Penis Pheno Final


"Small" chocolate chunkey monkey
I was going to be perpetual... replacing plants in flower as they were going out... but now i'm gonna have to cut'em all at the same time, wait til the coast is clear again and then start'em into flower again. I gotta get rid of about half a dozen girls to get my remaining plants down so it's manageable to hide'm when the time comes and easy to take the lights down short notice. On the bright hand this sort of spring cleanup was something I needed to do... and i've been half expecting the landlord to stop by at some point, so it's better to just get it out of the way so i won't have to see her again for another year :) it'll be good to have a small break from growing where i just have to minimally water those babies and not much else. I can refresh from this double shifting and be ready to roll in mid june into the new flower. Hopefully I can sex the boys out of the aces before the landlord comes and get rid of a few more unnecessary plants.

I know the feeling lol. Currently on the duck and dodge squad haha! But def. good to clean things up! Dust off the fans, sexy up the grow rooms, and just wait around lol.
And my one and only AOS is hopefully gonna be a male so I can keep the lines! So far it's the most vigourous of the seedlings by quite a bit, and I've learned that the males get to the point faster, so maybe! If it's not a male tho, I ALREADY KNOW I gotta keep it lol. Pretty much.

And I wanted to let the AOS and GDP have some sexy time, hell I was actually set on it when I ordered...
But I been reading a lot since then, and have decided I don't wanna make seeds with the GDP since it's a hybrid...Plus I've never smoked it, so it could be just hype..
So if I end up with a GDP male, I may use it to make sexy time with the darkstar instead, which is a purple kush x indian sativa.

I got a chance to get males this next run from the GDP, Bay 11, and AOS. Got a homie running the other Bay 11, so hopefully 1 of us will get the male...

But DAMN that you gotta pull early tho..At least you'll still be hella medicated haha. Gonna have hash for DAYS :joint:
Yeah, in Cal they have to give 24 hours notice unless it's an emergency. Like when your little ebb and flo unit in the closet overflows (design problem. My own DIY build) and starts dripping something like 5 gallons of water into the closet of the people in the apartment below you. Luckily my apartment manager was super cool and let me remove it and clean everything up. This was pre medicinal so if they would have turned me in I would have been fucked like a hooker on saturday night.
These are the sample CCM nugs I took a few days ago... just done with the preliminary dry on the branch an now buds snipped off... 2g and 3.9g from smaller branches that aren't as dense as the ones we trimmed last night... these are medium density

Yellowing CCM is up for harvest this morning... not sure what's coming down tonight we'll see


PS - that $3 torch lighter from walmart has lasted me all year so far!! every one i ever bought from a hydro store for more stopped working on me after the first couple of drops (even onto carpet)
I think...I think I just came a little bit! bahahah j/k

Looking good Reef! Definitely looking forward to seeing how those cut chernojills are gonna turn out.
One of my favorites... can't wait to see what the yield is - sincerely you'll be happy to know this one finally started showing yellowing/senescence at the bottom leaves when I took it to harvest :) Possibly because the last several waterings I've been flushing it and it's been getting it daily since it's almost dry by the next day even with 2-3x the normal watering amount
Main cola
She joined the others (hanging from the hangar)
I actually think my average per plant yield may be closer to 4 than 3! Dense nugs... I shouldn't get too confident though the last few are a lot smaller... i'm just hoping the ChernoJill weight doesn't disappoint... it just seems so light to me but it's densin' up... i'm giving big chernojill til sunday.
