Fire in the hole! 15 Timewreck super soil pheno hunt


Well-Known Member
Sounds like I need to be running ccm. Low odor and compact. Did you get any males and save them? Not sure how many ccm seeds I have. Need more space, more money, more lights, mote cabs to grow out and work on actual breeding


Well-Known Member
I had males... they met the same fate all boys here do... i believe I have more CCM seeds though could be wrong. if not maybe owl does. They'd definitely do good for you in your space. I was told they're supposed to be real stinkers so maybe they'll get worse later.... still no roots on my cuts too :(


New Member
I'm not running ANY odor control at the moment, and I can't smell anything at all... when I am up close to the chocolate chunkey monkeys and chernojills I can smell the skunk in them... chernojill's straight up skunky. CCMs are a musky dark chocolate sweet skunky. I can't smell any of'em unless my face is within a few feet though. The timewrecks give off no smell I can detect by smelling the flowers... doing a stem rub smells like lime mixed with fresh new clear rubbery plastic (not that heavy rubbery smell but light). They all smell good to me but definitely not floral or aromas to die for like ace. Very happy with the low odor profile, but that may change later in flower... from what i hear this is normal for the timewrecks but the skunk in those other two worries me for late flower :)

But yeah, there's about to be a shitload of dank, frosty colas up in this bitch, that's for sure :) Those CCMs are looking nice too very compact and not much stretch the one I have that is farthest into flower looks like she is going to be solid cola almost every entire branch. Just node after node from botttom to top and all close enough to make probably about a dozen footlong colas :) I hope I end up getting a cutting off that one she's the most vigorous of the CCMs and looks the nicest so far into flower as well, but the others are behind her.
Nice. If CCM its anything like Chocolope, its a super NICE smoke!
And from mainlining you should end with the profile you want bro! Have you worked with the early topping yet? If nah, be sure to try it out for all main colas!


Well-Known Member
Well I am now in possession of two apollo cuttings thanks to a person who'll remain nameless since we're not supposed to discuss that stuff here... they both have nice roots going but the tops don't have much green left we'll have to see if they make it... i put'em in my seedling mix with a dome on in the sun on the back porch so they can get some green going. I'll azamax'em before they go back in with the seedlings once they've recovered a little. My other cuts are doing real good in this mix no wilting or failures yet some are thriving pretty quick post transplant so hopefully they'll do good.


Active Member
Reef I haven't checked in over here in a while man; you're plants look GLORIOUS! I was just showing them off to the GF.


Active Member
I'm going to have to read through and look at some of your methods. I'm jealous. Love that light green to dark green fade on healthy plants


Well-Known Member
Yeah I had three like that last round that recovered. I pulled all the ghost chili cuts that failed and about to clean the cloner and give the mother another trim. She's getting long branches.


Well-Known Member
Great hope so... just took'em from outside and put'em in my new veg closet... got the 600w going with the seedlings and cuttings. So far they look the same so that's a good sign. Hope to see some regreening in the next day or two or a new growth chute to tell me they're gonna make it :) really would love to flower out some apollo next flower especially since I know this cut will yield over 4z in super soil.... it will be a very good plant for my two super soil comparisons if they both make it since it's a heavy feeding cut.

Thanks Ron yeah this round is looking fantastic so far maybe the healthiest ever and it seems like the plants and I are in a groove on our system... the only thing I don't know is if the nutes are dialed in to put out big yields since i threw a few different things together last minute. It would be complete ballsy luck if it hit the fade and pumped out big buds like earlier this year this time... but that's sure what i'm hoping for :) Definitely have a shot at it so far it's pretty much the exact same as my first grow this year except the plants are healthy with no problems :) Not that they were unhealthy then, but they had some bottom up yellowing, cal-mag symptoms at times... pretty typical flower stuff you regularly see. This round they are just happy happy happy the worst thing I ever see is a little droop for a few hours if I give'm too much water :)

Aww fuck I just realized once I hit late flower I am going to be watering all those 3 gallon or less pots daily... they are already at 2-3 days especially the 2.4 gallons. That's gonna be a pain in the ass once I hit daily waterings. My wife is gonna hate me :)


Well-Known Member
Nighttime crew... everyone's happy day and night.
New veg chamber... will probably get a hood later we'll see.

Veg cuttings - first 3 cuts and the two apollos... have 4 more timewrecks in the flower chamber getting established... once they start growing again i'll put'em in here. I'll probably go ahead and transplant the 3 healthy cuts below this weekend if I have time into 1.5 gallons.


Well-Known Member
If you weren't having to constant move them I'd suggest you get those drippers ASAP.

I think it took longer than that before I could see my cuts put out new green


Well-Known Member
We need to talk about those Apollo cut's you have. I'd be interested in getting a couple from you before you go to flower.


Well-Known Member
Shhhhh public discussion is verboten :)

tx, you should probably wait to make sure they survive first ;) noted void how long they take to regreen/start growing again for you?


Well-Known Member
Daytime Krew jammin' out

Chocolate Chunkey Monkey

Cuts establishing in the flower room... they'll go into the veg room probably later today


Well-Known Member
I'm not really sure, I want counting. Since I didn't really need them I didn't pay much attention other than keeping them from drying out. Two more had small roots last night, will put them into coco later.

Week 7 starts tomorrow, two more weeks. Can't wait too chop them down. I've got to get me a new air filter.


Well-Known Member
Shhhhh public discussion is verboten :)

tx, you should probably wait to make sure they survive first ;) noted void how long they take to regreen/start growing again for you?
Yeah, I figure you got to wait till they get goin and all, as I'm sure they will thrive in your hands.


Well-Known Member
Will just have to see what happens.... so far they are looking the same as when I got'em :) but they'll probably need a couple days to adjust to being in soil too hope they make it. Those timewrecks should be ready to resume regular growth once they've had a few more days of root stretching... the first ones i took less than a week earlier are already growing. I think I'm gonna transplant those into 1.5 gallons in the next few days, along with the ace seedlings. Clone chamber couldn't handle the veg room and a lot of the cuts started wilting... i have almost as many as i can handle already so i may just go with what I got and what survives and not worry on the rest. Looks like this pheno hunt will be a bit of a bust as I probably won't be able to get the cuts with me to CA anyway when I move. Everybody seems to think it's crazy to drive there with'em. I may just spread'em around before I leave and see if someone'll take some money to overnight them to me once i'm there. About the only thing I can think of.


Well-Known Member
Night time krew
It's almost week three for several of these guys, so it's lollipoppin time!! Early samples! I'm smoking some now... damn good... sad to say already better than the stuff i buy normally, and wayyyy smoother (no coughing fits). Feels like a warm blanket coming over you with a nice euphoric smiley face... almost instantly losing focus. Taste is nice, earthy and mild maybe hints of lime with a minty-chocolatey aftertaste. It actually tastes good... i don't know how whatever I'm smoking now is grown, but I guarantee you it is not organic and it's not well flushed. The plants I trimmed still weren't yellowing at the bottom, so they're still pretty loaded with nitrogen, so for them to taste that good means they're gonna be realll good after done and cured.

ChernoJill - Love the way this plant grows and the thin sativa leaves but relatively compact size is perfect for a low profile led grow. She looks almost exactly like bobotrank's trainwreck so could be trainwreck dom.

Different Timewreck bud shots... these are either day 19, 20 or 21 not sure which


This one is definitely day 21, on my big TimeWreck... nice frost coming on. So far I think they're a little ahead of where I'm usually at at this point in flower the buds have a little more 'meat' on them than I'm used to seeing for last few days of week 3. I think that bodes well for nice harvest yields...


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how to safely contain a cut for shipping. Depends on where in California you're going. Off you can head north and over you should be fine, stay away from the border checkpoints. Plenty of people make it to burning man with drugs from all over the country.