Will the microbe population survive drying out after harvest? I'm usually too busy with harvesting/trimming to do anything with the soil at that time, so the pots just sit there and usually they're not super moist to begin with since i don't take'm right after watering... so they're dry by the time i reclaim anything. When I do a really good job, there is not much to reclaim as the entire pot is just a big rootball fused to what little's left of the soil

I usually only have dirt left over on the boys or if they didn't get enough time to fill their pot out all the way. Sure for example those 8 gallons will have a lot left over when done. The 2.4 and 3.4 gallons probably will have little if anything recoverable, the 5s not sure but guessing they'll have some only because they didn't get a lot of time to grow into them before flower. In the future I plan for that not to be the situation

I guess the best way to do it would be to always flower in a way bigger pot than you need and then as soon as you harvest before it dries all the way out mix the reclaimed soil with some additional new soil and amendments the colony should take over I'd think.
No reason in particular... I think the first time I did it I just didn't have all the ingredients for a second can of super soil, but I had part of the ingredients and enough to make up the rest with appropriate amounts of guano, and I had really good results can't say from which batch I didn't keep track

I've never heard of anyone doing super soil the way I do, so as far as I know it hasn't really been done this way... but anyway, in case you can't tell from this thread, I'm a tinkerer... always gotta be tinkering around the edges and fine tuning. this time it's different super soil, next time it'll be something else. I gotta keep myself entertained.

Also sub's added and changed the recipe over time, so there's obviously no 'this is the absolute best and no other way is possible to get good results'... sounds like they got their commercial version pretty down but you can't even get it most places, so that's not even an option... if the original super soil kicks ass, i'll probably be sticking exactly to that formula going forward and I'll tinker on something else... if the alt version produces similar or even better results, i'll continue tinkering with the soil. I generally take everything i read online with a grain of salt I don't 100% believe a lot of stuff I read here unless I see it myself... and it's fun to try this stuff out.
I'm gonna check out your thread.