Finshaggy's Hash, Edibles, and more

And also...

If you want to know who I am, I will begin posting pictures of myself, and videos with my face. Early to mid March. And from then on, my face will be shown :D

I'm not worried about you :lol:

Even with your threats (Which is EXTREMELY TROLLY for pm) I'm still continuing as planned :D
And it'll save you some time figuring out who I am :D :lol:
eh fin next batch of oil you make if you have any grount up shake or bottom jar stuff compile it together and mix it with the oil with a normal stirer you use

and i usually do a gram oil to 2-3 gram shake depending on texture of the oil

this method produces some great stuff for massssive bong rips

also makes the oil easier to smoke in some vapes
eh fin next batch of oil you make if you have any grount up shake or bottom jar stuff compile it together and mix it with the oil with a normal stirer you use

and i usually do a gram oil to 2-3 gram shake depending on texture of the oil

this method produces some great stuff for massssive bong rips

also makes the oil easier to smoke in some vapes


yah yah ive done it with kief till i could press it together that was intense but the shake allows the oil to settle into the material ive actually had it hold a fire like a oil lamp
yah yah ive done it with kief till i could press it together that was intense but the shake allows the oil to settle into the material ive actually had it hold a fire like a oil lamp

I've had my oil light on fire too, and stay lit until I use my finger to cut off the oxygen source :D :lol:
yerp yerpp

but im just saying next bho run instead of whiping it after its purged drop the shake in stir and press stirr and press

great stuff
yerp yerpp

but im just saying next bho run instead of whiping it after its purged drop the shake in stir and press stirr and press

great stuff

What I'm doing next is stems, and shake through a bubble bag, with oil made from pre-vaped bud sprayed on top :D
Kind of recycling :D
not tryin to hijack ur thread, but I made some hash recently with acetone and notcied u did too. I have also used acetone + salt instead of iso + salt, and it works better and is 10x cheaper when cleaning my pieces.

I looked up the MSDS for the brand I bought first and it was 100% acetone. I did the mirror drip test and it was clean of smell and residue.

I usually make hash by freezing iso and weed in the freezer, separate, for a few hrs. I keep the weed in a zip lock. So Then I just pour the acetone into the ziplock, lighly shake and turn for 30 seconds, and pour it out over two coffe filters in a strainer. THen pour in some more acetone in the ziplock and dump to wash out the rest, etc. U may have seen this method, theres some little steps im leaving out. I do not squeeze the zip lock very tight but i do squeeze a little.

This stuff that was made is phenomenal. So I'm pretty much done buying 99% iso from the store anymore as long as I can get 100% clean acetone. Perhaps there is some reason Iso is better for something I need later on ( like medical applications? numbing tincture? ) but thats it for now. The acetone evaporates really fast. Its boiling point is only 134f, compared to iso boiling point of 180f.
...better lighting in the room or outside, and take the flash off. Noticed a lot of your close up pics are 'washed out'
Just trying to help you share your pictures with us... As the end-user of the "products" (or pictures in this case), I thought you'd like to know we can't see anything but a bunch of flash.
Well that must be your computer, because I'm looking at them too, and there is only one picture that got "washed out"

And sorry,
But I'm not about to change the lighting at my friends house :dunce: