Finshaggy's Hash, Edibles, and more

Are you serious???

That guy makes absolute crap !!!

Crap DID come out of the crap. I'll agree...

But you STILL haven't posted pictures, AT ALL, OR A VIDEO...

And what about this??? You can't say I make shit :D :lol:
The only stuff that came from a GOOD base weed...
ALL the other hash was made from $8 oz of weed...
Crap DID come out of the crap. I'll agree...
And ???

But you STILL haven't posted pictures, AT ALL, OR A VIDEO...
So what, because I don't post pictures or videos, it means I have no knowledge of how to make concentrates?? Is that what you're alleging?
Not that it matters, but I've been making hash and hash oil much longer than you've been alive. I've traveled through India, Nepal, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lebanon and Morocco and met growers of the best Cannabis and makers of the best Hashish in the world.

I recognize CRAP when I see it.

And what about this??? You can't say I make shit
The only stuff that came from a GOOD base weed...
ALL the other hash was made from $8 oz of weed...
Sure I can. I've seen your videos. That garbage was just the latest batch in your crapfest.
Here's a picture of me 30 years ago in Pakistan.


The guys here make excellent hash.


I KNOW what good hash is and you've never smoked any much less made any.
Here's a picture of me 30 years ago in Pakistan.


The guys here make excellent hash.


I KNOW what good hash is and you've never smoked any much less made any.


That's probably not even really you, why can you post pictures of yourself, but can't make some hash, and take a picture to show me up?
And if it IS you in that picture...Another LOL LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: (Nice pedo-stash, and booty shorts)

I've not only MADE good hash, AND shown you pictures, but know how to make BETTER hash than I have made :lol:
What the fuck are you still trolling me for???

You STILL haven't showed me a picture of some hash you made, to show me up...

So I DON'T GIVE A SHIT what you have to say :lol:
I don't have to post pictures of hash I've made to show that YOU make crap, you've posted ALL the info needed to prove to everyone here that YOU MAKE CRAP!!
I don't have to post pictures of hash I've made to show that YOU make crap, you've posted ALL the info needed to prove to everyone here that YOU MAKE CRAP!!


Crap came from crap. But it IS good hash for what it comes out of....

JUST like when I use GOOD weed, I make GOOD hash :D :lol: :lol:
Even GOOD Reggie :D

Do these insults make you feel better?
Because I don't mind them, but they are pointless, unless they are serving some purpose...

You're talking shit on a $5 oz of weed.

OF COURSE it shitty.

It was a $5 oz....:D


Anywhere??? Or are you just a bored old dude, that can't think of anything better to do???
ADHD much?? You're pathetic, kid.


Whatever Bodhi, you've been on the SAME subject for months, and it's a stupid one.

You only have 111 posts, and I bet MOST of them are on MY threads...
Why are you so pathetic, that all you have to do online is say the same thing over and over, to a pathetic kid???
:lol: :D :lol: :D
I'll keep saying this over and over. If, at least one person listens then that one person won't try emulating your embarrassing moments here and possibly save their life.
As long as you and your douchebag pal keep insisting that running Butane INDOORS is safe, I'll keep calling bullshit !!!

Don't like it??

Too bad.
Bodhi D.

I would like you to read this thread, and discover that YOU are trolling ME not vice-versa.

You came HERE to UP TALK yourself, and SHIT TALK me...
But you don't want to post pictures of your hash.
Or give better methods.
You just bitch about it being indoors, and talk shit and talk shit.

You are trolling me. Read through this, and you'll realize.

And I DOUBT you know who I am by simply reading on here, and watching my videos (Unless you knew me before. And I think I would remember that pedophile-stache from post#29 :lol:) So I', pretty sure you don't know who I am, because my videos, and RIU don't give that much away. And your threat goes "unheeded"...I will respond in a negative manner, as long as you continue responding to my threads in a negative manner.
Post some pictures of what you know how to make, and cut out the shit talk...And we can be cool.
Or continue, and we can argue about my hash...(And your style:lol:)
It's up to you really.