FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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I dated this girl on the left. She was 19 while I was 18. She was half black (Jamaican), but had a white mom, dad and sister. The way it happened is her mom went to Jamaica, got drunk, and came back pregnant :lol: :lol:

and it shows, the girl is a poster child for fetal alcohol syndrome. no wonder you got with her.
wow, just realized failspammy is spamming his own thread now to cover up the fact that he admitted to banging 14 year old drunk girls.

sad, but not as sad as those sprouts.
woowwwiie you guys are just a bunch or regular old bad asses huh lol, cop probably just shook his head and turned the next corner hoping you bunch of wiggars would jacked at the next stoplight, atleast thats what happens where I'm from, when a bunch of scrawny white boys show off what is about to be someone elses system... and newsflash, a fake nigga thats that shit i dont like and thats exactly what you are.... songs about you you jive ass turkey lol, glad you recognize your theme song but no reason to disrupt people around you by blaring it... president may be black but you sure aren't, do you know this?

:lol: :lol: A bunch of scrawny white kids? :lol: :lol: Maybe watch that video again. :lol:
Yea i figured it was an accurate assessment.. skimpspammy you human paraquat... kill those things...i need new glaze material....
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