FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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If a Jamaican came into this thread and gave you advice would you listen to him? What made this Jamaican so credible? Just because he's Jamaican? If so... that is very racist.
If a Jamaican came into this thread and gave you advice would you listen to him? What made this Jamaican so credible? Just because he's Jamaican? If so... that is very racist.
Depends on the advice. I never said he was credible, or that dumping milk was a good idea. I said I'm gonna try it, and that it might help for Ph.
They aren't gonna die. And you're the puppet. I come in for 10 minute visits every once in a while, then a long visit at night, and you guys keep this thread pumpin all day. Whose the puppet? And these plants will be alive for a long time, so be prepared to have your strings pulled for a long minute :lol: I might even clone these so that I can do another grow on this thread.
I hate to say it spammy but the hype is fizzling out, the threads slowing down, were all here for shock horror. I stop in for ten minutes a couple times a day too. Just to see if the sprouts are dead :) Even if one lives long enough to clone nobody will stick around to watch that, they dont want to see you succeed because your methodology is detrimental to the RIU community and marijuana growers everywhere. We want to see them dead because your delusional. Dont hate us, this is the monster you created ;):dunce:;)
I hate to say it spammy but the hype is fizzling out, the threads slowing down, were all here for shock horror. I stop in for ten minutes a couple times a day too. Just to see if the sprouts are dead :) Even if one lives long enough to clone nobody will stick around to watch that, they dont want to see you succeed because your methodology is detrimental to the RIU community and marijuana growers everywhere. We want to see them dead because your delusional. Dont hate us, this is the monster you created ;):dunce:;)
:lol: you realize that only 20 of you reply, while I get at least 35 views on every video. I'm sure half of the 20 shit talkers will stay till the end, and at least 10 of the silent watchers will come as the grow stops being such a hate fest. That's how threads work, if there's too much hate and shit talking, everyone else just kind of stops talking, which just attracts more shit talkers. But once it dies down, as you claimed it is yourself, then the more timid people com out of hiding. :D
Plus, when people randomly search and find my thread on Google, and see my buds, in like a year, this thread will have more love than hate by a long shot :D :p
I really am trying to understand. The slow/no growth is part of the experiment right and its planned? Whatever top secret thing your doing is going to make the finished product better than a normally grown plant in optimal conditions? Are they going to make up for lost time and growth as well or is the added time just a cost for the better product at the end?
I know you know from the outside it just looks like your crossing your fingers everyday hoping they have started growing and since they aren't you make up some experiment story. That's just what it looks like. Can you at least give us a hint as to what your trying to do? I'm not being sarcastic or trolling. I really am curious.
I really am trying to understand. The slow/no growth is part of the experiment right and its planned? Whatever top secret thing your doing is going to make the finished product better than a normally grown plant in optimal conditions? Are they going to make up for lost time and growth as well or is the added time just a cost for the better product at the end?
I know you know from the outside it just looks like your crossing your fingers everyday hoping they have started growing and since they aren't you make up some experiment story. That's just what it looks like. Can you at least give us a hint as to what your trying to do? I'm not being sarcastic or trolling. I really am curious.
You'll see. Just watch. I'm not "crossing my fingers". I know for a fact these plants will make it to the end, I just need to see if they are different when they get there. And I'll get clones (my room mate wants to grow some in our "grow room" also, since it's legal for anyone in Colorado) to be my control so I can really really see if I'm right.
After asking how old your seedlings were and not getting a reply I went back to the start of the thread to have a look for myself and have to say things really aren't going well for them, if you think what I am saying is wrong just look at the difference for yourself they are definitely taking a turn for the worse mate since they have broken ground, if your broke you could put them in bottles just make sure to put drainage holes in the bottom and if your stuck for nutes you can use your own urine heavily diluted for nitrogen and they will thrive.
I know lots of people will say urine won't work but I can assure you that it will and has been used for centuries, don't use your first pee of the day and be sure to dilute it heavily as they're too young and urine is generally very hot so a couple of cap fulls will easily suffice for their age and then you you can up the ratio as they show signs of yellowing, if you doubt what I say have a look around on the net and see for yourself urea is a keyword mate.
you don't have to spend money you don't have but you definitely need to do something to help them out a side by side look at their health now to what it was just a few days ago shows the path their on and the decline in their health, even if you don't repot them you need to feed them some nitrogen before they cannabalise themselves and are beyond recovery, which won't be long judging by their present condition.
I should have said a couple of caps full for a couple of litres mate very important not to over do it if you do go down this path, also I should have added if you click on my name and have a look at the only pics I have saved to name you will see they're pretty healthy for my first grow back then and they were vegged on urine, I started them and vegged them before I found riu and bottled nutes lol
After asking how old your seedlings were and not getting a reply I went back to the start of the thread to have a look for myself and have to say things really aren't going well for them, if you think what I am saying is wrong just look at the difference for yourself they are definitely taking a turn for the worse mate since they have broken ground, if your broke you could put them in bottles just make sure to put drainage holes in the bottom and if your stuck for nutes you can use your own urine heavily diluted for nitrogen and they will thrive.
I know lots of people will say urine won't work but I can assure you that it will and has been used for centuries, don't use your first pee of the day and be sure to dilute it heavily as they're too young and urine is generally very hot so a couple of cap fulls will easily suffice for their age and then you you can up the ratio as they show signs of yellowing, if you doubt what I say have a look around on the net and see for yourself urea is a keyword mate.
you don't have to spend money you don't have but you definitely need to do something to help them out a side by side look at their health now to what it was just a few days ago shows the path their on and the decline in their health, even if you don't repot them you need to feed them some nitrogen before they cannabalise themselves and are beyond recovery, which won't be long judging by their present condition.
You're gross, and my plants are fine. :lol:
Answer these questions in my last post though please. Obviously your not going to tell me what your doing but at least tell me what you hope to achieve. Give me a reason to watch. "You will see" is a cop out answer and does not keep me interested and I will lose interest. I look at journals to watch them grow and to learn things. Since your not telling anybody anything and they are not growing why would anyone watch other than to troll you?

The slow/no growth is part of the experiment right and its planned? Whatever top secret thing your doing is going to make the finished product better than a normally grown plant in optimal conditions? Are they going to make up for lost time and growth as well or is the added time just a cost for the better product at the end?
1. 1.5 pounds of balanced compost (free if u r not a dick to your gardening neighbors in your neighborhood)
2. 1 ounce of liquid kelp (6-7 bucks just about anywhere)
3. 1 ounce of un sulphurated black strap molasses (under 10 bucks I think)
This makes 5 gallons.

if the op doesn't know how to brew tea, then we can tell him.
Hope this helps only trying to give some advice. Please don't yell at me about this. You've been acting a little strange lately.
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