Finding Acid.


Well-Known Member
Sorry man, can't really help you out. But please tell me how shrooms didn't have the same "magic". I've done shrooms but have never tried LSD. I've been dying to though, just so I can compare. Please tell me how they differ. I don't understand.
my God..

you don't know what your missing.

the difference is QUITE strong actually..

the trip from acid can last upwards of 10 to 12 hours.. no shit.

the trip from acid is also MUCH more visual.. like seriously visual.

It's not something I can describe.. and once you trip acid, you'll know what I'm talking about.. about not being able to describe it.

Just, EVERYTHING becomes so intense.. with crazy visuals and tracers (from lights). Oh, and music.. wow. It was like I could count the beats to any and every

song that came on the radio. It's just a complete different trip.. when comparing shrooms versus acid.

lol, yeah.. acid is a trip man. if you ever hear about it coming around you area? I highly advise you to take full advantage of the situation.



Well-Known Member
speaking of which that avatar doesnt fill me with confidants ..................................
I would hope not,
confidants plural of con·fi·dant
Noun: A person with whom one shares a secret or private matter, trusting them not to repeat it.

If you were filled with other people that might be bad ;)

LSD is my favorite psych as well, shrooms sometimes are to much of a mind fuck/ego destroyer (although if youre out for this then go for it and i do love shrooms dont get me wrong)
but Lucy is just so clean and im always energetic/ready to go on it :)

Like others have said festivals, Jam band festivals are good. At bonnaroo i saw 4 or 5 people selling blotters/liquid (one kid dressed as jigglypuff got dosed :P).
Also the internet, youll have to spend probably 100 hours searching and finding a good vendor however you can get bombass stuff.

But i feel for you man both my hometown and where im at now are dry as hell and i had to search/travel/be creative to get a little, def worth it though.


try festivals, greatful dead concerts etc
I wish there was a Greatful Dead concert to go to.

come to yonder mountains harvest festival in october. its in arkansas, i will be all over
I'm checking that out right now dude, looks like a lot of fun!

As for finding Acid? No clue dude, but wish I did. I've done shrooms once and it was an amazing experience. I came out a new person, and have only bettered myself.
Acid sounds like it would just be an amazing thing to trip on and see the visuals, shrooms were much more spiritual for me.


Well-Known Member
oh what memories....driving down the mountain to s.f. and finding some guy in a vw bus and getting a sheet for 40 bucks. then having my friend try it first. then trying to get out of s.f. trippin and having to go over the bridge 3 times cause we missed the exit. oh what memories


Well-Known Member

there will be REALLY good CLEAN AND PURE LSD on Mullyberry Mountain that weekend!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
moe.down festival in upstate ny is always flooded with acid and all sorts of hs. its sep 1 so hurry up


Well-Known Member

there will be REALLY good CLEAN AND PURE LSD on Mullyberry Mountain that weekend!!!!!!!
Oh, you said 'Mullyberry' Mountain. I thought you had said 'Mulberry' Mountain.. and if that were the case, I currently reside about an hour away from there.. but yeah, looks like its a different mountain your talking about here.. that sucks. I got my hopes up there for a min.. lol. I was going to make sure I attended that festival.. just so I could stock up on some things. I wouldn't be going for the 'festival' - nope, I'd buy all the 'stock' I needed... and then leave.

Oh well.. I'm sure acid will come around this area before too long. Or at least I hope it does.. :| I haven't tripped since 2006, back when I went to the 'Memphis In May' concert/festival.. and they also had the 'DUB' magazine car show.. so I couldn't resist going.. especially when I'm only about 5 hours away from Memphis, Tenn.

But yeah, next time I hear about acid floating around this area, I plan on taking full advantage of that.



Well-Known Member
come to yonder mountains harvest festival in october. its in arkansas, i will be all over

yonder mountains?! Where the hell is that...? I know just about everything about Arkansas... and I've never heard of 'Yonder' mountains. Does the mountain even exist?? Or is it just the name of the 'festival'?

let me know man.. I'm currently residing in Arkansas.. and would LOVE to be able to stock up on some "things" - if you catch my 'drift'.



Well-Known Member
to me, shrooms provide much stronger hallucinations or than lsd...

eehhhh... I'm just going to leave that comment alone.

Shrooms have NOWHERE near the strength of acid.. period.

You should look up Chemistry of LSD. ;)

I don't care if you were to eat 10grams of caps (shrooms)... your still not going to get the visuals and the strong trip that you would get from a hit or two of acid.

I mean, yeah.. there's no possible way. lol...


Well-Known Member

there will be REALLY good CLEAN AND PURE LSD on Mullyberry Mountain that weekend!!!!!!!
Man I'd love to do something like that. Even though I'm not really into that sort of music I think I would have a good time. My cousin actually lives not too far from there.
eehhhh... I'm just going to leave that comment alone.

Shrooms have NOWHERE near the strength of acid.. period.

You should look up Chemistry of LSD. ;)

I don't care if you were to eat 10grams of caps (shrooms)... your still not going to get the visuals and the strong trip that you would get from a hit or two of acid.

I mean, yeah.. there's no possible way. lol...
youve never done good mushrooms then.


Well-Known Member
eehhhh... I'm just going to leave that comment alone.

Shrooms have NOWHERE near the strength of acid.. period.

You should look up Chemistry of LSD. ;)

I don't care if you were to eat 10grams of caps (shrooms)... your still not going to get the visuals and the strong trip that you would get from a hit or two of acid.

I mean, yeah.. there's no possible way. lol...

Doesn't make since to me..

ten grams of mushrooms, "homegrown Good mushrooms", will put most people in what i like to call a fractal prison. anything after 7 for me and i cant see anything but colors bleeding together, literally cant make out shapes, people, nothing. two hits of acid and i can still drive. i dont want to, but its physically possible, i can still see the road.

I do love lsd more though.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't make since to me..

ten grams of mushrooms, "homegrown Good mushrooms", will put most people in what i like to call a fractal prison. anything after 7 for me and i cant see anything but colors bleeding together, literally cant make out shapes, people, nothing. two hits of acid and i can still drive. i dont want to, but its physically possible, i can still see the road.

I do love lsd more though.
Haha I drove on acid once. I was 17 and stupid I wouldn't recommend it. Ever see the movie Black Sheep where the nitrous in the truck of the car leaked. It was EXACTLY like that except I didn't get pulled over. I thought I was doing at least 60mph then I look down and notice I'm doing like 6. Anything above 20mph was just way to much visual stimulation.

Man, just looking back I can't believe how reckless I was back then. I come off as a pretty straight edge guy. When I get to know someone well enough to start sharing stories of how I was when I was a teenager I honestly don't think people believe me. I did waste a lot of time and money on weed and other recreational drugs, but in all honesty I regret only a small percentage.

But yeah they are definitely very different hallucinogens. I've had some pretty intense trips on lsd, but I've never been as far "out there" like I've been on mushrooms. At 5g I thought I was going to have an out of body experience.