Fight back against dr.chronic


Well-Known Member
this seed bank has seemed to be down on there luck the last couple months, its what you get for not stickin to the seed report


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I just call it bad Karma. If you fling shit all day some of it's bound to stick to you.


Well-Known Member
Well went to my mailbox today and had a small envelope from the UK aka Doc. I was about to shout with glee but only to see the little green sticky in tow with it. The last time I had correspondence with Doc, he told me I was scamming him and I knew the risk and I decided to leave it at that but he actually resent them . It had a post mark to be sent by 08/05/08 the original date that they were to be mailed but it was today that they finally arrived. I believe I saw somewhere on here or there that the mail servers were on strike over there so go figure. So I'm posting on here that I did recieve my last attempt, but they too were got. I do feel better that he tried to make things right and that's all I wanted in the first place. It may be that now that my mailbox has been forever flagged in chicago for suspicios articles, (3xloser) I don't think I will have any sucess going through the Doc as long as it going through Chicago and he still use the same lame method of stealth shipping. So I have still had no luck with the Doc and beans, but I guess this was my first good experience with him, I think. Hopefully he'll try harder on improving his stealth methods of shipping and I'll be glad to do business with him in the far,far, future again maybe. :roll:


Well-Known Member
we all learn as we go, you know the ole saying ,fuk me once , its your fault, fuk me twice its my fault.But sorry to hear . :-?


Well-Known Member
did you hear wat happened to hydro, that man has the worse luk, i even ofered to sell hima pac of my b.cheese seeds and give him my freebies. thats twice i offered. he didnt reply i aint selin shit . :o


Well-Known Member
i got hit for 525.00 a few months ago and cryin about it dont do nuthin but make you look dummer . suk it up for cryin out loud , damn:spew:


Well-Known Member
You have to call them right in the morning when they are open.

I have spoke to the ACTUAL Doctor and he was pretty nice I must say but this was in July and I just told him how great he was.

However majority of the time he gets his secretary who is a prick.

I am like, Yeah I have a quick question, And he is like UH CAN'T TALK RIGHT NOW BYE!.


Active Member
Im in the u.s. and ordered $200 worth of seeds from dr chron back in the beginning of aug. Well still nothing in the mail. Not even anything from customs. I emailed them very politely and they said they would resend 3 of 5 packs. Thats wonderful well its been a week still nothing ill update once i know whats going on. ATTITUDE SEEDS made it to my door in 5 days. I highly reccomend them. iv gotten 2 of 2 orders from them they're great.


Well-Known Member
well i hope peope are reading thi s thread and learning something today.cant wait to go chk the maill tomor.