Fight back against dr.chronic


Well-Known Member
So did my last three, I got em all at the same time.

Oh and here is the whole PM that that bitch/geek Kludge sent. In case there are anymore little Kludge Packers that want to talk shit!


Even though you were a complete dick to me I have some seeds I'll send you. They're just bag seeds but it will get you started. It's what I started with and it's a great way to learn and fuck up with out having to worry about it.

But you have got to get your anger in check buddy. You come off like a real asshole. I'm sure you're a nice person in reality but you sure do act like a prick.

When you argue like that on the Internet you just look like an idiot. And trying to put down someone because they are more intelligent than you only highlights the joke.

Anyway, didn't mean to preach but you really needed a reality check.

Suck it up, be a man, admit you were a dick and move on.



As you can see, it's just the same old Kludge. I just wanted to prove the fact that he is a bitch trying to make a peace offering . If he backs down on the internet what do u think he would do in real life. I bet if u tell that bitch you will beat his ass he'd give u a car to call it cool. kiss-ass"We're cool, right... I mean, I did give u my car, and my lips are getting sore from kissing your ass all day"...
Peace, Kludge

Was it necessary to type in big text? I do have bad eyes and wear glasses but I don't need my text that big.


Well-Known Member
It just hit me....
Kludge, you sure know how to kick a guy when he is down, but I'm not down anymore. I'm done whether u are or not. Come on, be a man and suck it up, u have some self esteem issues, they need to be addressed. You try and boost yourself up by putting people down. How low do u feel? I really do feel bad for you if you keep living like this. Remember Kludge, u won't always be able to find someone having a bad day to talk shit to, so you will just have to live with who you really are one day. Thank god for the internet hey! Leaves you with a whole bunch of people who don't hate u yet. Plenty of prey for you to catch people at their weakest. Look around everyone, the only time Kludge replied to my posts were after I was talking to someone else about a bad day I was having... Then he jumps in and catches me mispelling something and then uses my anger against me, and I just look more and more like a fool, and it makes hoim feel good, so he keeps doing it. I'm not mad anymore though, so u need to find your next boost of confidfence somewhere else. Isn't it kind of sad when u think about it Kludge?
I'm off to grow me some eLBow'S, this thread is all yours. I'm not coming back


Well-Known Member
It just hit me....
Kludge, you sure know how to kick a guy when he is down, but I'm not down anymore. I'm done whether u are or not. Come on, be a man and suck it up, u have some self esteem issues, they need to be addressed. You try and boost yourself up by putting people down. How low do u feel? I really do feel bad for you if you keep living like this. Remember Kludge, u won't always be able to find someone having a bad day to talk shit to, so you will just have to live with who you really are one day. Thank god for the internet hey! Leaves you with a whole bunch of people who don't hate u yet. Plenty of prey for you to catch people at their weakest. Look around everyone, the only time Kludge replied to my posts were after I was talking to someone else about a bad day I was having... Then he jumps in and catches me mispelling something and then uses my anger against me, and I just look more and more like a fool, and it makes hoim feel good, so he keeps doing it. I'm not mad anymore though, so u need to find your next boost of confidfence somewhere else. Isn't it kind of sad when u think about it Kludge?
I'm off to grow me some eLBow'S, this thread is all yours. I'm not coming back
I have been trying to figure out what has been going on like it is a fucking mystery book.

Why is there fights going on in this thread? Can someone tell me?


Well-Known Member
kludge does tend to do that shit tho.

Hydro... grow that bud and report back bra;)
be easy
What do I tend to do? Speak (mostly) intelligently, act politely, and stand up against assholes? Guilty as charged.

Let's look at it this way. If I'm a nice guy to someone who's being a dick to me then I'm a pussy. If I'm a dick back to a guy that's acting like a dick to me then I'M the dick. I guess my lesson in this is one I've already learned a thousand times but can't seem to remember; don't feed the trolls.

Was I dick to the guy? Hell yes, after he went postal on me for no reason. So yes, then I treated him like the ignoramus he is. I mean could he really not figure out I was being condescending to him in my PM? I thought it was pretty clear... I guess I'm slipping.

And I love his attacking me for being intelligent. That really cracks me up. This whole argument made by stupid people that smart people are somehow talking down to them simply because the stupid person is too dumb to understand the smart person is just ridiculous. If the smart person were talking down to the dumber person they wouldn't know it; they'd be too dumb to figure it out. (see above)

And how dare I use words he doesn't know! How I dare I have thoughts he doesn't have! How dare I bother to type out my words and at least attempt to use somewhat proper grammar! How dare I use a spell checker! How dare I be smarter than him! And I ain't that smart so you put 2 and 2 together...

Oh! I do love his Internet tough guy act though. That one was a belly laugh; nice deep one. It's such a hackneyed play but thats what makes it so laughable. He might as well have told me his daddy could beat up my daddy.

It gives me this vision of some zit faced little kid sitting in the dark basement of his mother's Hoboken townhouse. Bathed in the light of a soiled and stained CRT monitor he sits, furiously pecking away at a chip strewn keyboard while beads of angry sweat drip from his trembling face. And that makes me laugh... heartily.

You see what he fails to realize is a real tough guy doesn't need to talk tough because he is. A milksop on the other hand needs to pretend to be something he isn't to boost his ego and that's a sure sign of weakness.

Like he might pretend to be some great grower when in fact he's just some spoiled little rich kid using his daddy's credit cards...


Well-Known Member
just getting to people is what you do, I don't read the argument much but you always seem to get to pple


Well-Known Member
Kludge is god! I mean cmon, anyone who comes to a forum of all stoners to act intelligent obviously is. Whats the matter Kludge? Yahoo, got too technical for you?


Well-Known Member
Kludge, sorry but I can't stop laughing at u right now, so I have to say one more thing, since u think your rules don't apply to u.

U say that a tough guy doesn't have to act tough because he knows he is, correct? Since I'm such a moron, I have to ask u (the genius). Well wouldn't that be the same thing as a dumb ass acting intelligent, kind of like what u do...
It's hard to find a post of yours that you don't claim to be smarter than someone, if you were really that smart would u have to keep repeating yourself? or would people just know u are because of how u act?
I give u credit, u have done okay creating this persona, but then at the same time u back door yourself with ignorant comments that trap u in your own shit. Sorry, but I just thought I would end at that. -REP for the genius!!


Well-Known Member
Here is what started all this shit. Someone said they have brown spots and yellow leaves on their plant after 40 days flowering. Kludge wrote it off as an Autumn effect.
I have never just had my plants go yellow and brown unless I wanted them to, like after cutting the N supply, which this guy hadn't done yet......
Kludge then came back with tis pic proving to me that it is completely normal for a pot plant to turn colors.

Whats wrong Kludge, u couldn't find a pic of a pot plant doing that normally, so u show me a fucking maple tree.

Then when I disagreed with him he didn't come at me right away, he waited until I was pissed that I got took on 3 orders of seeds until he had the balls to approach the situation.

So there u have it, that is how this shit started...


Well-Known Member
I bought like seven, 5-seed packets from Dr.chronic from that autoflowering company lowlife. They all came fast, like 10-14 days, and were in original breeder packets with the little logo and everything. Out of 35 I got 25 males, 10 hermies, and 0 females. None of them were autoflowering.


Well-Known Member
I bought like seven, 5-seed packets from Dr.chronic from that autoflowering company lowlife. They all came fast, like 10-14 days, and were in original breeder packets with the little logo and everything. Out of 35 I got 25 males, 10 hermies, and 0 females. None of them were autoflowering.
Whats up Hippieman, sorry to hear that. It's one thing not to ship seeds, but to ship the wrong ones is almost worse! I bet the Doc wanted to get his orders seized! He probably has been sending everyone bagseed for the last month....


Well-Known Member
Yep Raiderman, it's all coming out!
Think we will get lucky today with those orders?

I figured out why I'm having such bad luck... Karma! I overcharged a guy on something he added after I bid a job to do for him. I was already working at his house anyways, so I knew he would just pay it and be done with it. It was a little bit of work, so I was able to slip in an extra $800 w/o him bitching. I would have normaly just done the job for less. I think this is him getting me back...

Either that or it's from running around vandalizing christmas decorations when I was a kid. Yep, maybe thats why. I was a troubled little punk kid. I look back at some of the stuff I did, like smash pumpkins, or steal a car once. I didn't steal it, my friends were drunk and one guy dared the other guy to go get this car that was just sitting outside running in front of someone elses house... He told us to go wait around the corner, next thing, he comes pulling around with the car...
Then about a mile down the road (I'm shotgun) the driver is talking to the people in the back. He's drunk so he's looking at them more than the road. All of a sudden the car is heading right for the biggest tree I have ever seen. I had to yank the wheel a hard right to dodge it. Needless to say, I drove from there. I drove it right back to a parking lot near where we got it from. We locked it up and took off. We never caused any damage tho, so I wonder if that counts in karma? what do u all think?.