*Few Things* .. ***Help***

ok so i have 8 ak plants going . there maybe a month old . can i shoot them into florweing to sex them and then back to vegy stage ? not sure how that works .. first time indoor . second .. how much longer till i should flower . im under a 1000 watt hps light . also . limited to height.. is there anything i should do . clip to crown . .. heelppppp .. thanks 20111220_023952.jpg20111220_024001.jpg20111222_013025.jpg20111222_013616.jpg20111222_013635.jpgbongsmilie


Active Member
Hey man why dont you just flower out a clone from eachone? That way you know sexs but it doesnt make all the plants stressed out.

Just a suggestion.



Well-Known Member
whyy dont you take clones right before you are about to flower and label em then if any pop up male, take them and their clones out.then you will have all female and some clones to make mother plants or just keep taking clones before you flower, and if height is a big issue maybe lst them or scrog em
there not female seeds .. there just a bunch of non sexed AK seeds . explain better please .
sorry bro im ripped .. its that time of the night . but best time to learn a few things .. hook a fan up to my Light .. its 100w hps . and maybe drop it down to about 9 inches ? fist indoor so all the help will be greatly appreciated
i have 8 .. im hoping for 4 females . and then im going to take clones from that one .But i dont know the best way of going about it


Active Member
Well man it would be easiest to just take a clone from each one label all of the mothers/fathers and the new clones you took, So you know whats what. Then put the clones on 12/12, within a week or two you should be able to clearly see what sex they are.



Well-Known Member
u take clone from all 8 plants u have and labelem to match the plant they came from then when your ready flower the orginal 8 which ever 1s r male throw them and their clones out and you would be left with some females in flower and clones of those females.


Active Member
If you're just cloning for sex, you just want to take the minimum. So, 2 off each would be good, if you are concerned that one of the 2 might not survive. It's good to take the clones from the bottom hormone-wise, but also because those branches are less productive and often get removed anyway.
Those plants look good. I like stocky little afghan/indica's like that. You know there not wasting any height with those tight internode spaces. In terms of your other questions, you can just flower when you're ready and when their about a third of the height you are working with, since they can 2.5 to triple in size. If you are height limited, you can bend 'em. Search under 'LST' . You can top 'em if you want. It just depends on your height limitations. Those look like real short plants though, which is good for you.
thank you so much guys for the advice .. another q i had my light at 24 inches from the tops .. i hooked a fan to the light and dropped it down to 19 in...sound safe ? its stays about 80 degrees at the top of the pot there in (thats where i have the thermometer )..... another q is .. i have 7ft from the floor to ceiling and the plants are about 9 inches tall ... how much taller should i let them get before i start the flowering faze. and when is a good time to start cutting some clones . you guys are so much help . i wish you lived around ide hook ya up bahahahaha ... thankkk :) :weed:


Active Member
thank you so much guys for the advice .. another q i had my light at 24 inches from the tops .. i hooked a fan to the light and dropped it down to 19 in...sound safe ? its stays about 80 degrees at the top of the pot there in (thats where i have the thermometer )..... another q is .. i have 7ft from the floor to ceiling and the plants are about 9 inches tall ... how much taller should i let them get before i start the flowering faze. and when is a good time to start cutting some clones . you guys are so much help . i wish you lived around ide hook ya up bahahahaha ... thankkk :) :weed:
Aslong as your hand is not uncomfortable underneath the light at the tops of your plants you should be fine. If it is hot on your skin where the tops of the plants are then I would bump your light up.

Hmm clipping fan leaves is a very controversial topic here at RIU. I personally wouldnt clip anything that isn't atleast 50% damaged, Think of it this way as the plants fan leaves being the solar panels to provide energy to the plant. Without those solar panels your not going to be taking in and using as much energy. But when I lst if have fan leaves that are stuck under the plant and not getting any light then I chop em.



Well-Known Member
dont take off ne fan leaves just let them fall off.as when to flower up to you and your style of growing which you will eventualy find.just remember they can stretch when you make the switch to 12/12,but by the looks of your plants i dont think they will strech too much,but just a guess from what i c there,and not too much could still be double veg height.so its up to you.your temps prob getting a lil high at the tops,but will work if you cant change that.