• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Festival Time!


Whats the best way to get speed and grass past the sniffer dogs at festivals ?
Rockness soon and i dont want to be buying another stash can and sealing the coke case etc ... what do you professionals think works best ?


Well-Known Member
Whats the best way to get speed and grass past the sniffer dogs at festivals ?
Rockness soon and i dont want to be buying another stash can and sealing the coke case etc ... what do you professionals think works best ?
If you can fit your stash in a soda can, you probably shouldn't worry about it at all.

How do I bring in enough cannaoil to make 12,000 gooballs is my question.. lolz


ps- the answer to my q is 6 gallon opaque green water containers..


Well-Known Member
cut a little hole at the bottom of your sleeping bag, put it in, sew it back up. Im not sure if the festivals over their are the same as they are here but they don't have time to search everyone going in thoroughly. Most people will be taking drugs in there so I wouldn't worry about it. I would put money on the fact that they might only be trained to sniff out H, coke, meth. You can wrap your ganj in a plastic bag really tightly and melt it shut. ive got to plenty of festivals in the UK carrying my fair share of drugs and been "searched" twice. All they did was check for glass bottles.

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
There not sniffer dogs, there crowed control dogs. I have walked past them plenty of times with stinky weed, coke and pills. Think of how crazy the situation would get if they were sniffer dogs? Every 3rd person would be getting reefed out of it.


well last year we went into rockness and the fucking cocker spanial came right to us man ... shiting bricks ... but the scum handler just said 'a lot ae money in yer pockets lads?' 'aye thats aw it can smell' we took 40 pills, half ounce of speed, quarter of green and 6 gram of mkat all wedged in a strongbow stash tin put in a multipack case and resealed but this year im only going for the saturday because magnetic man will be tearing up the main stage


Well-Known Member
well last year we went into rockness and the fucking cocker spanial came right to us man ... shiting bricks ... but the scum handler just said 'a lot ae money in yer pockets lads?' 'aye thats aw it can smell' we took 40 pills, half ounce of speed, quarter of green and 6 gram of mkat all wedged in a strongbow stash tin put in a multipack case and resealed but this year im only going for the saturday because magnetic man will be tearing up the main stage
I just figured out which festival you are talking about.. Wow, I would love to see DJ Shadow... He is not in the USA this year.. you are lucky.. Don't miss that set.



haha yeahh man looks decent inverness is some trek but the wilddd scene is amazing ... chase and status last year went mental on stage with their antics
well last year we went into rockness and the fucking cocker spanial came right to us man ... shiting bricks ... but the scum handler just said 'a lot ae money in yer pockets lads?' 'aye thats aw it can smell' we took 40 pills, half ounce of speed, quarter of green and 6 gram of mkat all wedged in a strongbow stash tin put in a multipack case and resealed but this year im only going for the saturday because magnetic man will be tearing up the main stage
im shitting myself about taking a half ounce of weed in to rockness next week, you got any tips on getting it past security at the gates man? first time ive taking it into a festival so any advice is welcome


Well-Known Member
Best way to sneak drugs into a festy is to not bring them and acquire them when you get there. Everyone and their freakin dog has drugs at a festy. Go find someone selling what you want and then go get like 6 people to buy something from said person.... 9/10 times youll get a kick down. if its just pot your looking for... tie a bowl to a stick with a string and go phishin

to give you a more thorough answer... go to any head shop and buy a stash can. get the barbasol one, that still sprays foam out and looks 100% normal. if they get suspicious (they wont) about it just tell them you still need to shave, your hair doesnt stop growing when you go to festivals lol.

not sure if a half would fit in, probably... have a dog? bring a large bag of dog food and stash your stash in there (well wrapped, pot that tasted like beneful is GROSS). If they happen to put the drug dog on you they wont hit on the food and in the slight chance it does hit on your bag of food the operator will 9/10 times over look that as the dog just sniffing food. (never personally done that but heard plenty of stories. my friend went to trim in humboldt, brought 6 ounces back in the bag of dog food, van got searched 3 times with dogs, never found it)

but like i said, best way to sneak drugs in a festy is to just get them there.


Well-Known Member
I'd be more worried about the undercover/ secret police in the fest. Idk how it is over there, but everyone I've been to in the USA they've been out.

AllGood had a Nitrous Police, busting that shit left and right. Had one dude get slammed by the N02 cop right next to me while I was napping and they pulled out a tank. They were a privately contracted security "unit", and were "in uniforms" (really just blue collard shirts with "No2 bla blah blah" badge stitched on.

I think mainly, they're worried about BIG dealers and just glass bottles. I got searched going in the gates at AllGood, they patted me down and felt my bowl in my pocket. He went back to that pocket saying "wait, wait a second....." then once he realized what it was "oh you're good man, have fun at the show"


Well-Known Member
Going back and forth into Electric Forest last summer the never patted me down or even asked to check anything but I watched them search a bunch of other people. Must be that I look like I already consumed it.


Well-Known Member
I'd be more worried about the undercover/ secret police in the fest. Idk how it is over there, but everyone I've been to in the USA they've been out.

AllGood had a Nitrous Police, busting that shit left and right. Had one dude get slammed by the N02 cop right next to me while I was napping and they pulled out a tank. They were a privately contracted security "unit", and were "in uniforms" (really just blue collard shirts with "No2 bla blah blah" badge stitched on.

I think mainly, they're worried about BIG dealers and just glass bottles. I got searched going in the gates at AllGood, they patted me down and felt my bowl in my pocket. He went back to that pocket saying "wait, wait a second....." then once he realized what it was "oh you're good man, have fun at the show"

if you see something like this scream SIX UP as loud as you can. It will spread through out the festival, people will put their drugs away and the LEOs will leave because theres nothing they can do


Well-Known Member
if you see something like this scream SIX UP as loud as you can. It will spread through out the festival, people will put their drugs away and the LEOs will leave because theres nothing they can do
Used to yell it, now I politely tell everyone near. If they are about to bust someone and you help them get away then they will charge you with obstructing and if a pig should be hurt it the process your double fucked. I haven't heard too many people yell SIX UP of FIVE O for a few years. I miss it though, it sucks to be all high and enjoying yourself and then have a pig wander through you camp unannounced.


Well-Known Member
Used to yell it, now I politely tell everyone near. If they are about to bust someone and you help them get away then they will charge you with obstructing and if a pig should be hurt it the process your double fucked. I haven't heard too many people yell SIX UP of FIVE O for a few years. I miss it though, it sucks to be all high and enjoying yourself and then have a pig wander through you camp unannounced.

Interesting... How would they know it was you thought? Never heard any stories of people getting fucked with for alerting people to the presence of LEOs. If people arent doing it anymore, maybe people lost touch with it.. I frequent rainbow gatherings quite often all over the country and without six up alerts many of us would have legal problems im sure lol.

dont get me wrong though, im not saying to walk next to the pigs screaming six up right next to them lol.. but if you see any LEO in the area just casually walk away in the other direction, when you feel your far enough away yell it so it circulates because I 100% agree that NOTHING is worse than enjoying your buzz just to have it blown when a uniformed officer walks by and gives you "the look". I also know a lot of people that go to all good fest, get searched by security that finds their weed and just gives it back to them. Unless your bring several ounces I wouldnt worry about it, just have it stashed somewhere good thats not easily and readily accessible. Every event is different and one security staff wont be the same as the next, just use good judgement, spread the word if cops are around ESPECIALLY if they are mid bust. They cant harass you (legally anyways) for that as you arent obstructing justice, you are just "reporting" the event to others in the area. I mean, if some child rapist that lived a few doors down was getting raided wouldnt you want your neighbors to let you know? Yes, i understand thats a BAD example but.. meh


Well-Known Member
I haven't been to a gathering since the last Colorado national, one reason I have not returned for a while is that no one was warning anyone of anything and there we're swarms of arm LEO all over the place. I was tripping my ass of in front of my tent and a whole bunch of them came through looking for people with warrants and no one yelled anything and there must have been 100 people within hearing range (not even yelling that loud). When at shows at Red Rocks you used to hear the pigs coming for miles and now its seems its everyone for themselves, I always inform anyone near me. I've heard a few times about someone getting charged trying to warn someone. I've never seen it first hand but I always figured that is why I don't hear it anymore. Plus I got older and made a family so I don't get out nearly as much as I once did.
Oh and the crackheads down the block from me get raided about once a year and no one warns me, I just wake up to all sorts of flashing and get to freak out for a second until I realize they are beating up the crack dealer again.


Well-Known Member
Ive only been attending rainbow gatherings for the last couple years.. This will be my 3rd year in a row going. I cant really comment about rainbow gatherings before the ones i went to (PA, WA) except for that a lot of people have told me rainbow has dramatically degraded over the years, and i believe that because of the onset of internet promoting. Back when these things were word of mouth and you had no idea what you were getting into is when it was really MAGICAL. It still is in a sense.. where else do you see a temp city spring up out of no where in the middle of the forest with full blown kitchens feeding 15,000+ people 3 or 4 times a day? In WA there was very little 6 up alerts but at the same time the 11 days I was there camping I never once saw a LEO in the actual gathering site, only out on the forest service roads... PA they were EVERYWHERE on horseback too. generally they arent going to fuck with you unless you are seriously doing something wrong (drug use in public mostly) and are mostly like you said looking for people with warrants which is why youll see a lot of people covering their faces or run away when a camera gets pulled out. they are mostly there to keep the peace and make warrant arrests. ive never had one come up and run my name though.. but sometimes they can be real assholes, i think it was wyoming or new mexico that LEOs gathered in kid village and the people camping there tried to push them out because kids were getting scared so one LEO decided to open fire with pepper balls saying "well a hippie threw a rock at me, they attacked first" so all the LEOs started shooting. Children got hurt, my friend got shot right in his orbital (the piece of bone your eye sits in).. theres videos about it on youtube and sadly no law suits were pulled from that unprovoked attack on peaceful women and children.

nothing like that happened at either i went to but that doesnt mean it wont happen again.. lot of swag shit associated with rainbow but it comes with the territory i suppose...

but like you said I would still tell people regardless whether a loud announcement or private style to pass it around. i HATE seeing cops walk freely and no one thinks twice about it...


Well-Known Member
I remember hearing about that. My first gathering was New Mexico 1995 and I went to quite a few regional and a few Nationals after that. I found the whole thing very "magical" to start with, I still do sort of. The thing that go to me was after all said and done you still have a lot of the same problems you have in a city but your messing up a forest. I know the family does a lot to return it to its natural state but I don't believe that there is no impact, especially with all those shitters. I try to incorporate all the positive things I learned from gatherings into everyday life. Don't take this as me knocking rainbows, there great. In fact I would like to get my kids to another one soon, they last one they were pretty young and mostly remember that all the kitchens had good food for kids. Its too bad that some gatherings are a police state, I can't enjoy myself, even if they are not harassing me. I think there needs to be a "rainbow" type movement that moves into citys, feeds people, fixes things, and camps out in yards and parking lots. Yeah, not so back to nature but I like to woods better without all the hippies. Plus all the hippies have heard the rainbow stories and have all of these amazing skills to share with each other, what could 20,000 hippies do to Detroit in a summer? That would be the shit!