Roll it up whats good?? Got some fresh ww feminized seeds from a hermaphrodite parent when i was out in Amsterdam in june and somehow managed to get em here. Coulda bought em online but we were already out there so hey.

I decided to grow em just to study em. lol. BUT i need the best growth ever. Didnt have the time to build a grow room {maybe im just lazy} so i bought the Superlocker from supercloset.com http://www.supercloset.com/index.php?c=product&m=index&d=19

I began growing on July 14th and i noticed that this locker really isnt worth the $1600 i spent. It continues to overheat since i didnt purchase the OPTIONAL Co2, which they explained wasnt neccessary and the closet wouldnt overheat.

I need help and advice for growing, but first let me bring yall up to speed. Warn you I have made my fair share of mistakes.

Superlocker http://www.supercloset.com/index.php?c=product&m=index&d=19
150watt hps
10 ww female seeds (6 planted)
Maxigrow 10-5-14 & MaxiBloom 5-15-14 http://www.generalhydroponics.com/genhydro_US/maxiseries.html
pH buffers http://www.generalhydroponics.com/genhydro_US/buffers.html
Rockwool growmedium
1 gallon empty milk jug
Empty Mist bottle
1 external fan (to blow air into the "house" closet)- it tends to get stuffy in there.
..and the rest u can find on supercloset.

Aight i began to grow on july 14th. Planted 6 ww in the vegations chamber (24/0 3wks)

Moved to Flower chamber and switched to 18/6 but kept it to 18/6 until a week ago wk 7 which then i switched to 12/12.

im not sure if my plants growth is where it should be but i did keep a log just in case. I began my log on Wk 4 Day 32 in the Flowering chamber (18/6) 14inched from plant top.

Plant 1: 2.5", 3rd set leaves, Yellowing on older set
Plant 2: 2.5", 3rd set of leaves, yellowing on older set
Plant 3: Died
Plant 4: 1.75", 3rd set of leaves developing, yellowing on older but not extreme
Plant 5 (my baby): 3", 6th set of leaves developing, yellowing on 2nd & 3rd set, Branchy, Strong Stalk, New roots starting to poke out
Plant 6: 3.25", 5th set developing, yellowing on 1st & 2nd set, Very Branchy, Strng Stalk, New roots starting to poke.

Avg Temp inside (TIN): 83.5f
Min. Temp Inside (MTIN): 75.9f
Max Temp Inside (MXTIN): 97.7f

Avg Temp Outside the grow closet(TOT): 79.9f
Min. Temp Outside (MTOT): 69.4f
Max Temp Outside (MXTOT): 90.5

Wk 5 D-36 08/18

P1: 3", still yellowing but not extreme
P2: 2.75", still yellowing but not extreme
P3: Dead
P4: 1.75 looking good to be a darf
P5 (my baby): 3" still yellowing but not extreme
P6: 3.25, still yellowing but not extreme, Looks good!

TIN: 81.3
MTIN: 75.4
MXTIN: 92.7

TOT: 78.6
MTOT: 72.3
MXTOT: 83.7

Plant to Position X. Meaning Plant X is now where Plant Y use to be. Plant X will now take Plant Y position title. ie. Plant 1 was moved to where plant 6 used to be so Plant 1 will now be referred to as Plant 6. Kinda crazy but its my formula! lol.


Wk6 d-42
P1: 3.75"
P2 MY BABY: 3.75
P4: 2"
P5: 2.75"
P6: 3"

All yellowing explained in previous notes
Changed nutrient to Maxibloom
switched to 12/12 3 days ago changed back to 18/6 *which i thing was a mistake*
Light 15" away
TIN: 85.0f
MTIN: 72.5f
MXIN: 95.0f

TOT: 82.0f
MTOT: 71.8f

P1 = P5
P3 = P3 DEAD
P4 = P1
P5 = P2
P6 = P1
switched back to Maxigro
yellowing is not a problem

Wk 6 D-48
P1: 3.25"
P2: 4.10"
P4: 4.85"
P5: 5.5"
P6 MY BABY: 5.5"

TIN: 82.0F
MTIN: 71.6
MXTIN: 96.6

TOT: 77.0F
MTOT: 70.3
MXTOT: 84.7

18/6 LIGHT; Light Height: 18"; Nutrients: Maxigrow 900ppm; Yellowing on older Leaves; Spotted new growth on all from pistels (All female by the way including Mr. Dead); Using external fan for experiment to keep the area outside the superlocker (house closet) cooler.

Wk 7 D-49
Pruned Older yellowing leaving

P1 = P2

WK 7 D-54
P1: 5.5" Showing root disease (root rot); Slight folding on older healthy leaves not pruned; Sniped roots a tiny bit. Flowering spotted
P2: 3.5" cnt determine root disease (C.D.R.D); discolored on older leaves; Flowering spotted
P3: DEAD still part of the family tho
P4: 5.0" C.D.R.D; discolored on older leaves; pruned older leaves; Flowering spotted
P5: 6.0 C.D.R.D; fan leaves perfect except small brown spottings; flowering but flowering leaves are browning
P6: MY BABY 6.0" C.D.R.D; Fan leaves perfect; Flowering Perfect

Light 12/12 Officially
Changed nutrients to Maxibloom 900ppm
Thoroughly cleaned reservoir

Wk 7 D-57
drained a gallon of water from reservoir and replaced it with a gallon of pure water ph 6.5 & added a small palm full of epson salt.

Wk 8 D-56 TODAY
Plant height pretty much the same
All plant resembles a little wilting but i noticed since i've added the drained and added the pure water new roots are developing. I also pruned a few more fan leaves.

I admit i have made a lotta mistakes but i love these plants and this strain cuz they are so forgiving! Seems like every time i do something wrong and correct it they thank me. ie. new root growth less than a day on a 150 watt hps, especially MY BABY!

My questions are:
Am I taking care of them correctly?
How can I prevent mistreating them? Like ppm feeding.
I mist I mist I mist every 12 hours with pure ph 6.5 water, is that right?
How much should I expect to harvest by Oct 20th (Wk 14)?
Should I harvest at that time?
Can you confirm if I was off with the veg and flowering time?
If i by a 400watt hps light will that effect them negatively since they're already use to 150watt hps?
If not should i get 400watt hps or MH?
Last one: Since White Widow is SUPER potent (I know they are personally from our trip to amsterdam) can the fan leaves also be dried, smoked, and counted as harvest when weighed?
I have read the noob section, but thanks in advance for answering these question. In return here are my beautiful babies.
















To be honest I would start over. =/ Those are 8 weeks old and that small? And so you know, each plant will most likely give you a gram or two each dried
Possibly heat stress 97% is pretty hot for those girls, I see you have a fan blowing on them. How about an exhaust fan to reduce heat? Just a thought.
I'd pull them and start over. Get that 400 watt HPS and install an exhaust. You need that especially for HPS (runs hot).
I grew white widow last year and i know that those suckers will grow quickly so I would say the growth has been stunted for sure with that light switch. For example, I am on my 2nd week almost with my fourth set of new growth.

That case is sweet though.
You really can't let your temps get up that high. You get a little more flexibility when you use co2, but for the most part you want to keep the temps under 80 degrees. Above 85 and your growth is being stunted.

Also, that 150w looks pretty high if that's the actual location you keep it. It should be closer to the 10-12" from your plants. Don't increase the light size if you cannot effectively cool a 150w, because obviously the 400w will be hotter. Spend that money on ventilation first, and if you are even toying with the idea of stepping up to a 400 then I would suggest you design your ventilation with that in mind.
i feared the worst. i mean ive did everything possible for ventilation. its this stupid supercloset that has poor ventilation! i wouldnt recommend any of there products!
also what would be the ideal set up in my case?
Your issue is heat. I am on my first grow in the exact same setup using 5 nirvana white widow fems. I built my cabinet tho. You need to get the biggest carbon filter you can fit into that thing with an inline fan and pull from the cabinet and exhaust out of the cabinet. DO NOT get that 400 watt light bc you will stand no chance. Get your temps to 75 with that 150 and read up on exhausting with ducting and then CONSIDER the upgrade. Tho I'm using crap cfls and my plants are about 8 inches tall and about 8 inches in diameter. That's in less than 4 weeks. Heat is your problem. Get a hole saw insert an exhaust fan. Don't pull those plants if you don't want to tho. Just lower your light to about 8 inches away. You started with them too high and your babies stretched out to reach the light.