Roll it up whats good?? Got some fresh ww feminized seeds from a hermaphrodite parent when i was out in Amsterdam in june and somehow managed to get em here. Coulda bought em online but we were already out there so hey.
I decided to grow em just to study em. lol. BUT i need the best growth ever. Didnt have the time to build a grow room {maybe im just lazy} so i bought the Superlocker from supercloset.com http://www.supercloset.com/index.php?c=product&m=index&d=19
I began growing on July 14th and i noticed that this locker really isnt worth the $1600 i spent. It continues to overheat since i didnt purchase the OPTIONAL Co2, which they explained wasnt neccessary and the closet wouldnt overheat.
I need help and advice for growing, but first let me bring yall up to speed. Warn you I have made my fair share of mistakes.
Superlocker http://www.supercloset.com/index.php?c=product&m=index&d=19
150watt hps
10 ww female seeds (6 planted)
Maxigrow 10-5-14 & MaxiBloom 5-15-14 http://www.generalhydroponics.com/genhydro_US/maxiseries.html
pH buffers http://www.generalhydroponics.com/genhydro_US/buffers.html
Rockwool growmedium
1 gallon empty milk jug
Empty Mist bottle
1 external fan (to blow air into the "house" closet)- it tends to get stuffy in there.
..and the rest u can find on supercloset.
Aight i began to grow on july 14th. Planted 6 ww in the vegations chamber (24/0 3wks)
Moved to Flower chamber and switched to 18/6 but kept it to 18/6 until a week ago wk 7 which then i switched to 12/12.
im not sure if my plants growth is where it should be but i did keep a log just in case. I began my log on Wk 4 Day 32 in the Flowering chamber (18/6) 14inched from plant top.
Plant 1: 2.5", 3rd set leaves, Yellowing on older set
Plant 2: 2.5", 3rd set of leaves, yellowing on older set
Plant 3: Died
Plant 4: 1.75", 3rd set of leaves developing, yellowing on older but not extreme
Plant 5 (my baby): 3", 6th set of leaves developing, yellowing on 2nd & 3rd set, Branchy, Strong Stalk, New roots starting to poke out
Plant 6: 3.25", 5th set developing, yellowing on 1st & 2nd set, Very Branchy, Strng Stalk, New roots starting to poke.
Avg Temp inside (TIN): 83.5f
Min. Temp Inside (MTIN): 75.9f
Max Temp Inside (MXTIN): 97.7f
Avg Temp Outside the grow closet(TOT): 79.9f
Min. Temp Outside (MTOT): 69.4f
Max Temp Outside (MXTOT): 90.5
Wk 5 D-36 08/18
P1: 3", still yellowing but not extreme
P2: 2.75", still yellowing but not extreme
P3: Dead
P4: 1.75 looking good to be a darf
P5 (my baby): 3" still yellowing but not extreme
P6: 3.25, still yellowing but not extreme, Looks good!
TIN: 81.3
MTIN: 75.4
MXTIN: 92.7
TOT: 78.6
MTOT: 72.3
MXTOT: 83.7
Plant to Position X. Meaning Plant X is now where Plant Y use to be. Plant X will now take Plant Y position title. ie. Plant 1 was moved to where plant 6 used to be so Plant 1 will now be referred to as Plant 6. Kinda crazy but its my formula! lol.
Wk6 d-42
P1: 3.75"
P2 MY BABY: 3.75
P4: 2"
P5: 2.75"
P6: 3"
All yellowing explained in previous notes
Changed nutrient to Maxibloom
switched to 12/12 3 days ago changed back to 18/6 *which i thing was a mistake*
Light 15" away
TIN: 85.0f
MTIN: 72.5f
MXIN: 95.0f
TOT: 82.0f
MTOT: 71.8f
P1 = P5
P3 = P3 DEAD
P4 = P1
P5 = P2
P6 = P1
switched back to Maxigro
yellowing is not a problem
Wk 6 D-48
P1: 3.25"
P2: 4.10"
P4: 4.85"
P5: 5.5"
P6 MY BABY: 5.5"
TIN: 82.0F
MTIN: 71.6
MXTIN: 96.6
TOT: 77.0F
MTOT: 70.3
MXTOT: 84.7
18/6 LIGHT; Light Height: 18"; Nutrients: Maxigrow 900ppm; Yellowing on older Leaves; Spotted new growth on all from pistels (All female by the way including Mr. Dead); Using external fan for experiment to keep the area outside the superlocker (house closet) cooler.
Wk 7 D-49
Pruned Older yellowing leaving
P1 = P2
WK 7 D-54
P1: 5.5" Showing root disease (root rot); Slight folding on older healthy leaves not pruned; Sniped roots a tiny bit. Flowering spotted
P2: 3.5" cnt determine root disease (C.D.R.D); discolored on older leaves; Flowering spotted
P3: DEAD still part of the family tho
P4: 5.0" C.D.R.D; discolored on older leaves; pruned older leaves; Flowering spotted
P5: 6.0 C.D.R.D; fan leaves perfect except small brown spottings; flowering but flowering leaves are browning
P6: MY BABY 6.0" C.D.R.D; Fan leaves perfect; Flowering Perfect
Light 12/12 Officially
Changed nutrients to Maxibloom 900ppm
Thoroughly cleaned reservoir
Wk 7 D-57
drained a gallon of water from reservoir and replaced it with a gallon of pure water ph 6.5 & added a small palm full of epson salt.
Wk 8 D-56 TODAY
Plant height pretty much the same
All plant resembles a little wilting but i noticed since i've added the drained and added the pure water new roots are developing. I also pruned a few more fan leaves.
I admit i have made a lotta mistakes but i love these plants and this strain cuz they are so forgiving! Seems like every time i do something wrong and correct it they thank me. ie. new root growth less than a day on a 150 watt hps, especially MY BABY!
My questions are:
Am I taking care of them correctly?
How can I prevent mistreating them? Like ppm feeding.
I mist I mist I mist every 12 hours with pure ph 6.5 water, is that right?
How much should I expect to harvest by Oct 20th (Wk 14)?
Should I harvest at that time?
Can you confirm if I was off with the veg and flowering time?
If i by a 400watt hps light will that effect them negatively since they're already use to 150watt hps?
If not should i get 400watt hps or MH?
Last one: Since White Widow is SUPER potent (I know they are personally from our trip to amsterdam) can the fan leaves also be dried, smoked, and counted as harvest when weighed?
I have read the noob section, but thanks in advance for answering these question. In return here are my beautiful babies.
I decided to grow em just to study em. lol. BUT i need the best growth ever. Didnt have the time to build a grow room {maybe im just lazy} so i bought the Superlocker from supercloset.com http://www.supercloset.com/index.php?c=product&m=index&d=19
I began growing on July 14th and i noticed that this locker really isnt worth the $1600 i spent. It continues to overheat since i didnt purchase the OPTIONAL Co2, which they explained wasnt neccessary and the closet wouldnt overheat.
I need help and advice for growing, but first let me bring yall up to speed. Warn you I have made my fair share of mistakes.
Superlocker http://www.supercloset.com/index.php?c=product&m=index&d=19
150watt hps
10 ww female seeds (6 planted)
Maxigrow 10-5-14 & MaxiBloom 5-15-14 http://www.generalhydroponics.com/genhydro_US/maxiseries.html
pH buffers http://www.generalhydroponics.com/genhydro_US/buffers.html
Rockwool growmedium
1 gallon empty milk jug
Empty Mist bottle
1 external fan (to blow air into the "house" closet)- it tends to get stuffy in there.
..and the rest u can find on supercloset.
Aight i began to grow on july 14th. Planted 6 ww in the vegations chamber (24/0 3wks)
Moved to Flower chamber and switched to 18/6 but kept it to 18/6 until a week ago wk 7 which then i switched to 12/12.
im not sure if my plants growth is where it should be but i did keep a log just in case. I began my log on Wk 4 Day 32 in the Flowering chamber (18/6) 14inched from plant top.
Plant 1: 2.5", 3rd set leaves, Yellowing on older set
Plant 2: 2.5", 3rd set of leaves, yellowing on older set
Plant 3: Died
Plant 4: 1.75", 3rd set of leaves developing, yellowing on older but not extreme
Plant 5 (my baby): 3", 6th set of leaves developing, yellowing on 2nd & 3rd set, Branchy, Strong Stalk, New roots starting to poke out
Plant 6: 3.25", 5th set developing, yellowing on 1st & 2nd set, Very Branchy, Strng Stalk, New roots starting to poke.
Avg Temp inside (TIN): 83.5f
Min. Temp Inside (MTIN): 75.9f
Max Temp Inside (MXTIN): 97.7f
Avg Temp Outside the grow closet(TOT): 79.9f
Min. Temp Outside (MTOT): 69.4f
Max Temp Outside (MXTOT): 90.5
Wk 5 D-36 08/18
P1: 3", still yellowing but not extreme
P2: 2.75", still yellowing but not extreme
P3: Dead
P4: 1.75 looking good to be a darf
P5 (my baby): 3" still yellowing but not extreme
P6: 3.25, still yellowing but not extreme, Looks good!
TIN: 81.3
MTIN: 75.4
MXTIN: 92.7
TOT: 78.6
MTOT: 72.3
MXTOT: 83.7
Plant to Position X. Meaning Plant X is now where Plant Y use to be. Plant X will now take Plant Y position title. ie. Plant 1 was moved to where plant 6 used to be so Plant 1 will now be referred to as Plant 6. Kinda crazy but its my formula! lol.
Wk6 d-42
P1: 3.75"
P2 MY BABY: 3.75
P4: 2"
P5: 2.75"
P6: 3"
All yellowing explained in previous notes
Changed nutrient to Maxibloom
switched to 12/12 3 days ago changed back to 18/6 *which i thing was a mistake*
Light 15" away
TIN: 85.0f
MTIN: 72.5f
MXIN: 95.0f
TOT: 82.0f
MTOT: 71.8f
P1 = P5
P3 = P3 DEAD
P4 = P1
P5 = P2
P6 = P1
switched back to Maxigro
yellowing is not a problem
Wk 6 D-48
P1: 3.25"
P2: 4.10"
P4: 4.85"
P5: 5.5"
P6 MY BABY: 5.5"
TIN: 82.0F
MTIN: 71.6
MXTIN: 96.6
TOT: 77.0F
MTOT: 70.3
MXTOT: 84.7
18/6 LIGHT; Light Height: 18"; Nutrients: Maxigrow 900ppm; Yellowing on older Leaves; Spotted new growth on all from pistels (All female by the way including Mr. Dead); Using external fan for experiment to keep the area outside the superlocker (house closet) cooler.
Wk 7 D-49
Pruned Older yellowing leaving
P1 = P2
WK 7 D-54
P1: 5.5" Showing root disease (root rot); Slight folding on older healthy leaves not pruned; Sniped roots a tiny bit. Flowering spotted
P2: 3.5" cnt determine root disease (C.D.R.D); discolored on older leaves; Flowering spotted
P3: DEAD still part of the family tho
P4: 5.0" C.D.R.D; discolored on older leaves; pruned older leaves; Flowering spotted
P5: 6.0 C.D.R.D; fan leaves perfect except small brown spottings; flowering but flowering leaves are browning
P6: MY BABY 6.0" C.D.R.D; Fan leaves perfect; Flowering Perfect
Light 12/12 Officially
Changed nutrients to Maxibloom 900ppm
Thoroughly cleaned reservoir
Wk 7 D-57
drained a gallon of water from reservoir and replaced it with a gallon of pure water ph 6.5 & added a small palm full of epson salt.
Wk 8 D-56 TODAY
Plant height pretty much the same
All plant resembles a little wilting but i noticed since i've added the drained and added the pure water new roots are developing. I also pruned a few more fan leaves.
I admit i have made a lotta mistakes but i love these plants and this strain cuz they are so forgiving! Seems like every time i do something wrong and correct it they thank me. ie. new root growth less than a day on a 150 watt hps, especially MY BABY!
My questions are:
Am I taking care of them correctly?
How can I prevent mistreating them? Like ppm feeding.
I mist I mist I mist every 12 hours with pure ph 6.5 water, is that right?
How much should I expect to harvest by Oct 20th (Wk 14)?
Should I harvest at that time?
Can you confirm if I was off with the veg and flowering time?
If i by a 400watt hps light will that effect them negatively since they're already use to 150watt hps?
If not should i get 400watt hps or MH?
Last one: Since White Widow is SUPER potent (I know they are personally from our trip to amsterdam) can the fan leaves also be dried, smoked, and counted as harvest when weighed?
I have read the noob section, but thanks in advance for answering these question. In return here are my beautiful babies.
