Feminized Seeds

un named

Active Member
Imagine if I had a name like Jimmy Recard
Evolved from the joke of a com
The king of the cards
King of the castle
King of the barstool
Liked by all known but he thinks he’s an asshole
Pass the parcel to Jimmy
Everybody pass quicker then getting off with a glass of kill Kenny
If anything, Jimmy’s a man of the millennium
No two men can better him, not even
Lenny and Carl


Active Member
Imagine if I had a name like Jimmy Recard
Evolved from the joke of a com
The king of the cards
King of the castle
King of the barstool
Liked by all known but he thinks he’s an asshole
Pass the parcel to Jimmy
Everybody pass quicker then getting off with a glass of kill Kenny
If anything, Jimmy’s a man of the millennium
No two men can better him, not even
Lenny and Carl
One of my favourite songs, Makes me really think about my life and the things I have done throughout my life but oh well I guess it's because of my name right? :P

EDIT: Let's keep this about feminized seeds, open thread elsewhere for elsewhere topics :)
Thanks for all the help guys.


Remember I am running a SCROG so I don't want the plants any bigger then 1 square foot roughly but I take all advice into consideration. And what instabilities have you seen in the barneys farm seeds? I am going all hydro with a 160 L res.
I think u should do a search on Tangerine Dream grow logs, ive read at least two, and from what I gather have had trouble with germination rates, and if they do they are one stretching girl, maybe im mistaken with another strain but I remember being very disheartened after reports of product from coffee shops.


Active Member
On searching i can't find it myself so maybe I am at error with my statement, best of luck JR
Cheers man, I like to hear and learn every possible thing before taking a step. I will continue to reaseach and as I mentioned I still have to have a house inspection before I can begin.


Active Member
Just letting everyone know that I placed an order for the 20 feminized TangerineDream Seeds and now hoping for the best.
I'm growing some feminized seedsman white widow seeds....post on my shitt and help me out experienced growers...

and a UFO#1 Dinafem Seeds Original Amnesia
freebee seed from attitude where i got the seeds from but can u also explain the easiest and cheapest grow equipment and grow tent/box to build/buy and also the correct ways to grow these strains so i don't fuck my first grow up that would be pretty dope if you could help with some pics grow tips or journal

your man 50 grand



Well-Known Member
Ive wanted to try that one. sounds awesome. BF is a GOOD breeder you should be happy with them. Start a journal when you do! ill be sub'd for sure.
barney as some herm prone varieties

Why do you speak like as if you are a big breeder?

1 For a start you can get MALES in feminized seeds.
2 Some fems like Soma are made from over doing the flower cycle until it stress's and self's
3 you can also breed near feminized seed from high ratio males and selective breeding.
4 Herm seed is made from genetically modified females. anything can happen in the result. Nature is still nature and as her own way of dealing with thing's
5 It depends on how the seeds where made to how stable they are.

Recent research as found better techniques than the out of date STS, Gib acid. It cost's pennies to make female seeds in both breeding time and cost efficiency . Breeders (True breeders) creat a variety with basic breeding. Select the Pheno's they wish to show of and then self them. but offer up a regular version with more variety .

I have done nothing but research genetics in the last 6+ years and just when you think you have sussed it out nature throws a spanner in.


Well-Known Member
barney as some herm prone varieties

Why do you speak like as if you are a big breeder?

1 For a start you can get MALES in feminized seeds.
2 Some fems like Soma are made from over doing the flower cycle until it stress's and self's
3 you can also breed near feminized seed from high ratio males and selective breeding.
4 Herm seed is made from genetically modified females. anything can happen in the result. Nature is still nature and as her own way of dealing with thing's
5 It depends on how the seeds where made to how stable they are.

Recent research as found better techniques than the out of date STS, Gib acid. It cost's pennies to make female seeds in both breeding time and cost efficiency . Breeders (True breeders) creat a variety with basic breeding. Select the Pheno's they wish to show of and then self them. but offer up a regular version with more variety .

I have done nothing but research genetics in the last 6+ years and just when you think you have sussed it out nature throws a spanner in.
1. you can get males if you breed incorrectly. a good breeder will have no hermies in their fem seed batch. The reason you get hermies (9 times out of 10) is because the breeder chose either a hermie or a hermie prone variety w/o checking it. some just find a good pheno and make beans from it without bothering to stress it to see if it will hermie.

ive grown almost all fem seeds in my growing career and ive hardly had any hermies at all. generally the hermies i got (2 of them) were from suspect breeders who don't have a proven track record. (ie. GHS)

a good breeder TESTS their genetics before breeding with them. ive tested some feminized beans myself in the past by stressing them in terms of light or nutes and they stayed female after 1+ month of torture. that would be a good candidate to breed with and you wouldnt get hermies down the line either.

2. yes. and soma is a good breeder. the STS method doesn't cause hermies down the line. most if not all mj plants will throw out bananas (male pollen sacs) if left to flower for a long time past their "ripe" stage in an effort to preserve and continue the strain in future generations. perfectly natural. the hermies im refering to are when breeders use genetics that tend to hermie easily going into 12/12...not from over ripening.

3. very true.ive heard of many folks getting 10 packs with 7+ females before.

4. yes thats true too. however CS does NOT alter a strain's genetics. its something you treat the plant with as it begins flowering. that doesnt alter the plants genetics nor does it produce hermies in future generations (if the parent chosen does not have a tendency to hermie which some breeders don't bother testing for...but a good breeder wont have hermies in future generations)

5. thats true too. for instance ive grown fem beans from paradise and their genetics are very stable as far as im concerned. i grew out a 10 pack of white berry from them and there were only 2-3 phenos and all were the same height and stature. they were a breeze to grow in that respect. no herms and potent smoke. i can say the same about a 10 fem pack i got from dutch passion too. they were quite stable and nice w/ no hermies.

then there are breeders like GHS...i bought a 10 pack of one of their strains and it was supposed to be 80% indica however i got like 7-8 different phenos ranging from short squat indicas to 6 foot stretchy sativas. and yes some DID hermie.

so imo the difference is finding a good breeder versus a crappy one. however to dismiss fem seeds because of a few bad breeders is not the way to go. you can easily buy a 10 pack of regs and get hermies if you buy from a bad breeder or a breeder who didnt test their genetics/gene pool.


Well-Known Member
I'm growing some feminized seedsman white widow seeds....post on my shitt and help me out experienced growers...

and a UFO#1 Dinafem Seeds Original Amnesia
freebee seed from attitude where i got the seeds from but can u also explain the easiest and cheapest grow equipment and grow tent/box to build/buy and also the correct ways to grow these strains so i don't fuck my first grow up that would be pretty dope if you could help with some pics grow tips or journal

your man 50 grand

I found seedsmans fem white widow the crappiest white strain Ii have ever done.
The reg on the other hand was fine.