Hey Kite, how's CO? Send us some rain AND a cold front !!!!!!!!!
Are you kidding me? Who bred that in? Glad I have the original C99 stuff and back crossed!
Still have some of the original BG genetics, must be 15 years old by now...neener neener neener.

Was called "Bros Grimm In/Out" mix. Ron of the infamous Heaven's Stairway sold me 20 at a buck a peace. It's a mix of the genetics that the Bros were working on, cubing and such like Princess, C99, etc. Original ad said they lost count of what was what on a sorting table.
Kite has the timing down about right on indoor growing considering typical temps which play a big role in the life cycle of a plant. Regarding harvesting, I use the same criteria no matter what the genetics. Read the plant - not some chart, a post, calendar or seedbank hawk.