C99 S1, 12 gal SIP under Quantum Board

Hey Y’all

Week 9 starts (Day 57) today and everything is looking great. It’s swelling more and more, but I’m not seeing a fade. The buds are really beautiful and a great bud-leaf ratio. There are two more weeks left, which I’m sure will go very fast. There’s a brix meter at my job (in the ag industry) that I keep forgetting to bring home and use on my plants. In the next couple days I’m going to top water with liquid kelp, Peach FFE, and blackstrap molasses.

There are a few pictures w/and w/o lights on.

Happy Growing

Hey Dudes
Week 10
Day 65

She started Week 9 yesterday and looks like she’ll be making it past 10 weeks. Calyx’s are swelling and the fragrance is getting stronger daily. Still waiting on the very top of the tops to swell and I think more frost is coming. It’s been raining in my part of town so humidity is really high. I have my dehumidifier going, but have to empty it every 6-7 hours. If it fills up it turns off, and my humidity will climb high and fast.

I believe in the past I have been harvesting too early. There is a wide range of opinions over the internet about when to harvest. I do watch the trichomes but it can be deceiving. Breeders will also under-count the days till harvest. One thing I do know is it’s not ready. It also took 2 weeks for flowers to show after being in veg for 2-3 months, so I’m thinking it will go past 10 weeks, maybe another week, no more than 2 though. At least that is my suspicion. I’m usually really antsy around harvest time, but I want to take my time with this one.

I top watered w/ liquid kelp, Blackstrap, and peach FFJ. I’ll do one more before she’s done, sans kelp.

Day 77

Hey y’all

Sorry for the late update, I turned the lights off for three days and thought about it, and didn’t think it was done. I turned them on two nights ago and they look done, still want to give them a couple more days. From what I read when it’s ready they quadruple in smell… never had that happen which (among other factors) lead me to believe it’s not ready. It’s definitely gained weight in the past 7 days. Waiting for the trich’s to be white and balloon up. I see those trich’s but the clusters aren’t showing it. Part of my wants to harvest, the other wants to wait. The buds look ready, clusters have swollen, red hairs have receded, and they are dense. Breeders notes say 60-70, but ya know variables.
Harvested last night!

just the 10” or so, there’s a pretty even canopy of what’s left. I don’t know what the weight will be and I kind of don’t care. I have some plants, Sativa Scream from Jinxproof in veg, they’ll be put in 5 gallons and straight to flower getting a faster turn around.

Anyways, she got thick. I was seeing bunches of amber, but usually on areas that have been touched. It’s hard to say, it looks done, maybe too done, but I’m still learning. In the coming 4-6 weeks I’ll do a smoke review. I’ve been smoking the lowers, which have tasted excellent it’s strong, but not knock you down. I’ve had the giggles, and moments of “flow.” I’m hoping the tops will be much better. There are speckles of purple and it even has berry notes in it, which is odd.

She also hermied, I don’t know where, or even saw anything. A sister plant that I grew 4 years ago hermied as well, I just chalked it up to me doing a bad job (that plant was sickly). Nose on the bud is not strong, smells amazing when you break it up, and has a really beautifully structured flower. She looks great, we’ll see how she smokes.
