Feds Changing Their Minds!!! July 15th....

Ha ha no i never said ZI would not spend 16,000 on a house. I can get a bulb for a $100. and yes I know there are morons co-oped up in and around all of michigan.

Those that co-op are the ones I hate. Yes I am a tadpole and you are a big bad pike. Your pot may be a touch more potent but for as it costs you to grow it, you can have it. I myself am not like you, and thank God I am not.

Do as you wish it is your world too, Have fun I hope you really impact MI someday with your way of thinking. I know I do not buy your pot.

you have advantages and disadvantages when it comes to growing. some like to go the cheap route, some actually want to grow high quality medicine with high quality equipment. not saying your isnt, so no offense. but i hope you understand when i say there is a difference between a cheap ballast and a badass ballast, right? if all conditions are right wouldnt you yield more off a better bulb and ballast? its strictly depends on how dank of bud do you want. i spend $ because I KNOW ill make it back in a short amount of time.
caregivers can say all they want "we grow cause we like to smoke pot"... valid point.. okay, but how are u supposed to pay for the lights, nutes, seeds, electric bill, etc. weed shouldn't be free, its never been free, and will never be free. and if you wanna give out free weed to patients please hit me up, i will take anything you got!
damn that was rough... you hope i go to jail... cold blooded dude. you dont even know me, and for the most part im glad. usually i like other growers because they are down to earth and friendly, but you my friend are very immature.

and for the record, i am very close to detroit, which is full of AMAZING medicine, so finding other vendors isnt a problem, its all about quality and bang for the buck. i honestly dont really have a reason to defend myself to you, but just thought you should know.

I have heard enough to know what you are I may not who you are but what yes. Take note I do not want you to go to jail for growing marijuana I would not mind you going to jail for what you are doing and why.

Your kind takes and takes until it is ugly. You do not have to defend yourself to me by any means. We both know that is not my place. You will however have to defend yourself at some point in time for what you have done. What you have done is take when you were given the oppurtunity to give. That my friend is what it is about.

The feds? There are worse places then jail. Ask Hitler.
I have heard enough to know what you are I may not who you are but what yes. Take note I do not want you to go to jail for growing marijuana I would not mind you going to jail for what you are doing and why.

Your kind takes and takes until it is ugly. You do not have to defend yourself to me by any means. We both know that is not my place. You will however have to defend yourself at some point in time for what you have done. What you have done is take when you were given the oppurtunity to give. That my friend is what it is about.

The feds? There are worse places then jail. Ask Hitler.

180 an oz for primo is the best price you have ever heard in michigan, if not the best than the top 10. how is that being greedy thief who takes and takes... give me break dick

180 an oz:
white widow trainwreck big bang church nyc diesel black diesel mango cough lavender kush... suck it

i am under my plant #'s by 20
This division is causing problems in our community. Dispensaries and Co-ops are a grey area in our laws here in MI. Sometimes it is the result of trying to push legislation through that hasn't been well thought out. Many people say that an imperfect law is better than no MMJ at all. It is what it is, we have to deal with it. How you choose to limit your exposure is entirely up to you. I have friends that are caregivers and I wouldn't want their headaches or their worry. If something goes wrong, how will they provide for their appointed people? No sir, I don't want that in my life. It is all I can do to take care of myself. Dividing the community is not the answer. You either have to be part of the solution or you are part of the problem. That is my two pennies. I have heard, and am sure you have too, plenty of horror stories about Dispensaries, Co-ops and caregivers. There are good and bad. I hate the greed that this has inspired but there were bound to be growing pains. Everybody is a one bad decision away from disaster and we need to be mindful of how far we have come.
Whatever the case many of you make me sick and I hope the feds do throw you in jail even if you have 30 kids. You like to make shit rough for people including yourself so why are you here? Go move to Cali and sling some hood rat bud there. You move to the right part of town with the crips and the bloods you may be welcome with open arms? Go see and let my job be easier.

Wow, why the hostility? Just because people don't act the way you wish they would doesn't mean you have to be an asshole. No one ever told you "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? You are a negative nancy and I almost feel sorry for you. Don't be so jealous and you'll be a much happier person.
lol r1tony 's post in another thread he had stated he wouldnt "get rid of" one of his oz for less than 400... c'mon dude you must be fucking retarded

I said "If I were to sell" I never do and never will, quit trolling you moron. You're probably the "care dealers" that is worrid.
The problem with this is that although many of us know the problems that have arisen with the MMP program, it should be up to the voters of the state of Michigan to solve their own problems. The war on Drugs is a money pit and marijuana is not a schedule 1 drug. That's the problem, oppression of a commodity that's already being traded, (more marijuana produced in this state that sugar beets), it could develope into a multi-million dollar industry and is being quashed by a federal program/policy that has never worked, never will, and everybody knows it.
The law books say it is a schedule 1 narcotic. ive seen it my self. my friend is taking a criminal justice class.
You guys bicker too much. 16000$ on a grow room is crazy dude. those guys at the grow store could sell you any thing, ill bet.In fact ill bet you bought a clone machine and didn't make one. You could drive a hundred wells in an African country for that much money. you could put 160 bums up in a motel room and feed them. SOME ONE PLEASE BUY THIS DUDES WEED SO HE CAN WAIST MORE MONEY PLEASE HELP HIM.
You guys bicker too much. 16000$ on a grow room is crazy dude. those guys at the grow store could sell you any thing, ill bet.In fact ill bet you bought a clone machine and didn't make one. You could drive a hundred wells in an African country for that much money. you could put 160 bums up in a motel room and feed them. SOME ONE PLEASE BUY THIS DUDES WEED SO HE CAN WAIST MORE MONEY PLEASE HELP HIM.

i run 2 homemade cloners, thanks for trying to be a know-it-all dick. ive never had an issue on roll it up until i started posting in the michigan section... lol you fucking jealous assholes is the only thing i can see here. my grow room is 100% superior to yours, in everyway
I said "If I were to sell" I never do and never will, quit trolling you moron. You're probably the "care dealers" that is worrid.

sorry i actually take this forum seriously and read things that pertain to growing and local community, so unfortunately i did read this whole thread and came across this. you all think you know everything and are the king of the world. get a fucking clue and stop spending all your time talking shit about people on some helpful forum, you (all) need to get a life and get off RIU for a couple hours and go work out, pig
Wow, why the hostility? Just because people don't act the way you wish they would doesn't mean you have to be an asshole. No one ever told you "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? You are a negative nancy and I almost feel sorry for you. Don't be so jealous and you'll be a much happier person.

streets its shit stains like you that have all this shit hitting the fan. I'll bet your not over 30... You see boys and girls most of the card carrying people are young men between the ages of 18-34 with there ailment listed as chronic pain no specifics just chronic pain. What a fucking pant load! You see all you fucks have got greedy and now we all have to face the music because of your greed. I know this was gonna happen just a matter of time.

Now if we all continue to bitch and argue like little kids ( my grow room is better than yours and so is my product LMFAO! ) we will become divided and that just what the state wants. You see if we don't come together and fight as one mite as well mail back your card and say fuck it! Go back underground and be the good little lemmings the Government want you to be... Grow the fuck up get a clue before its to late!
Oh and one more thing all the so called meds coming outta the so called dispensary I have consumed is mids at best...
So far I've noticed the Michigan area of this forum is full of hateful people and name callers.

I'm leaving this section now. Ya'll need to grow up and get off each others dicks.
Sorry it doesn't take $16K worth of equipment to grow 12 plants worth of medical grade marijuana...lmao. I think you WAY over spent dude.
streets its shit stains like you that have all this shit hitting the fan. I'll bet your not over 30... You see boys and girls most of the card carrying people are young men between the ages of 18-34 with there ailment listed as chronic pain no specifics just chronic pain. What a fucking pant load! You see all you fucks have got greedy and now we all have to face the music because of your greed. I know this was gonna happen just a matter of time.

Now if we all continue to bitch and argue like little kids ( my grow room is better than yours and so is my product LMFAO! ) we will become divided and that just what the state wants. You see if we don't come together and fight as one mite as well mail back your card and say fuck it! Go back underground and be the good little lemmings the Government want you to be... Grow the fuck up get a clue before its to late!

Cheers to that. I'll agree that there are too many greedy dicks out there taking advantage of people and karma will take care of them in due time. The political establishment in this state (especially republicans) were going to fight this law tooth and nail no matter what so I don't really believe these few bad apples are 'causing' this legislation to happen. It's ideology and political pandering to the conservative republican base of voters by our conservative elected officials that's driving this kind of legislation and nothing more. If they were truly interested in solving problems, they'd do something about the rampant prescription drug abuse going on in this (and every other) state but that wouldn't make their pharmaceutical industry corporate campaign contributors happy interfering with their money machine.

It's far easier to attack MMJ because they can kill 2 birds with 1 stone. A: they keep their corporate owners (i.e. campaign contributors) happy and B: they fire up their conserv-a-tard base to make sure they show up on election day to vote.

It looks like the MMJ community in this state is separating into 2 separate factions. 1 is all about the $$ and the other is all about the compassion....somewhere there has to be common ground for a unified voice to confront the political opposition.
Oh and one more thing all the so called meds coming outta the so called dispensary I have consumed is mids at best...

Had a conversation with somebody about that just recently. The highest grade med the dispensary my wife and I visited was decent at best but was no more effective than good commercial grade middies. One jar even smelled like hay for shit's sake and you could tell many of the buds they had for sale were premature and improperly cured. Lots of small airy popcorn buds...at $12/gram....no thanks. I'm sure there are some dispensaries out there that have quality product but like anything else...ya gotta shop around. I will say the medibles @ $5/each were a steal of a deal and rather potent.
Wow, why the hostility? Just because people don't act the way you wish they would doesn't mean you have to be an asshole. No one ever told you "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? You are a negative nancy and I almost feel sorry for you. Don't be so jealous and you'll be a much happier person.

Jealous? me?... let us test that theory. Offer me anything you have. Tell me you have to be like you to have it. yea, case closed. I got my rabbit dog, a fishing pole, a wife, some kids, retired at 30, have land in alaska, have a house on 40 acres, never had a std, never had to even finish high school, I have purpose, I have an end, I do as I wish, I have no bounds, I have a brain that would outshine yours on any scale, I have a future, I have my authority now, I am young still 31, I have a med-card for marijuana, I have loved ones that will take a bullet for me, I have the world and best of all I have my freedom. You have nothing I need, I do not get what I get from you that is for sure. No jealousy I assure you. I did not even get into the future.

I may be the biggest asshole in the world! I will take pride in that statement. It shows me that I have stayed true to myself.

Also take note that I am sorry to see you leave Dubbz0r, I thought we would have the chance to communicate. Do not show me and the others you are a quiter, if you believe what you believe then let us get down to the problem. I have seen enough tail duckers in my day and do not want to add another to the list.

Well the feds will get some of you. The feds will not get some of you. But what does it matter if they do? Will that effect me or you? We have to set back and think if it were not better for society as a whole?. What you all can do...they can do just as easy with much less effort.

You know what they say.... you cannot bring a city boy to the country unless you give him everything he had in the city. With all that shit you bought streets I cannot believe you say you even have to work? You could have bought a damn robot to do the work for ya with the cost of your growing routines.

You know when you have defeat the enemy? When the enemy calls truth, hate. The truth hurts so you must call it hate for your little heads to feel good. I really do not dislike any of you, right now. I do however wish you big growers would open your eyes and see what goes on more in the world then your big green flowers and your real fast car.

So let's get back to... here come them feds.