Feds support State legalization efforts

The first question in a "political discussion" shouldn't be whether a certain type of politics or a certain person running for the power to run your life is the starting point of the discussion. . That's a limited perspective, with no exit door other than more of the same. All the politicians use the same methods. The partisan bickering here seems to dance away from that.

The first question should be, are politics, ie , government necessary? Otherwise the discussion becomes a dick measuring contest based on a skewed reality, that assumes, politics and the existing systems are necessary and complete. Treating the answer to that question as a foregone conclusion, "because we've always done it that way" is absurd.

Determining WHETHER there ought to be an entity that encompasses people using force, is a valid part of the discussion. I'm sorry if it's too scary for you to contemplate the possibility that everything you've been told is a lie.

Of course I'm preaching... I'm preaching that politics are absurd, harmful, contradictory, etc. and conversations that assume no other methods of interacting are even possible are absurd. and limiting.

I like the fact you admit it. It is a basis for agreement. You woke up yesterday and me 3 days before that. OK? But, your hidden (to you) assumption is the world woke up yesterday.

So, it has all been tried and you are weak, weak on the history of Politics. It is all politics and there is nothing else. You are not even clear on the word itself or the base concept. You are erasing the board and substituting the ignorance of the new born.

Mainly you act like there is something to do and we are not doing it. I have. And guys die every day for doing something.

You have not.

For you to say there is an alternative to Poltics....that is absurd. I have challenged you before to describle it and you cannot.

It cannot exist. You are talking about anarchy. What is wrong with your thought processing?

Did I not just start a thread that says, ALL POTUS LIE? Hey stop being goofy, OK? This is bs and you know it.

too scary for you to contemplate the possibility that everything you've been told is a lie.

I said that to you a long time ago, bonehead. :)The lie is that there is anything else. Hierarchy consumes anarchy, immediately.

The first question in a "political discussion" shouldn't be whether a certain type of politics or a certain person running for the power to run your life is the starting point of the discussion. . That's a limited perspective, with no exit door other than more of the same. All the politicians use the same methods. The partisan bickering here seems to dance away from that.

The first question should be, are politics, ie , government necessary? Otherwise the discussion becomes a dick measuring contest based on a skewed reality, that assumes, politics and the existing systems are necessary and complete. Treating the answer to that question as a foregone conclusion, "because we've always done it that way" is absurd.

Determining WHETHER there ought to be an entity that encompasses people using force, is a valid part of the discussion. I'm sorry if it's too scary for you to contemplate the possibility that everything you've been told is a lie.

Of course I'm preaching... I'm preaching that politics are absurd, harmful, contradictory, etc. and conversations that assume no other methods of interacting are even possible are absurd. and limiting.

But at what point does private business become an absurd harmful private governmemmt?
But at what point does private business become an absurd harmful private governmemmt?

At the point that forceful interactions become the norm, however that isn't necessarily what would happen. Consider reading this short book, it does a pretty good job of answering questions, written by a friend of a friend, 40 something years ago. PEACE.

The Market for Liberty PDF

I like the fact you admit it. It is a basis for agreement. You woke up yesterday and me 3 days before that. OK? But, your hidden (to you) assumption is the world woke up yesterday.

So, it has all been tried and you are weak, weak on the history of Politics. It is all politics and there is nothing else. You are not even clear on the word itself or the base concept. You are erasing the board and substituting the ignorance of the new born.

Mainly you act like there is something to do and we are not doing it. I have. And guys die every day for doing something.

You have not.

For you to say there is an alternative to Poltics....that is absurd. I have challenged you before to describle it and you cannot.

It cannot exist. You are talking about anarchy. What is wrong with your thought processing?

Did I not just start a thread that says, ALL POTUS LIE? Hey stop being goofy, OK? This is bs and you know it.

too scary for you to contemplate the possibility that everything you've been told is a lie.

I said that to you a long time ago, bonehead. :)The lie is that there is anything else. Hierarchy consumes anarchy, immediately.


Absence of a central authority = individual freedom. Are you saying that the only way to be free is to follow a path that originates from force? How does that magic happen again?
Absence of a central authority = individual freedom. Are you saying that the only way to be free is to follow a path that originates from force? How does that magic happen again?

DMI dancing. I like it. Here if I may, is you central confusion. You are already free. Free to think, associate, free to believe all manner of bullshit fantasy. Yet, only a single individual is free to act unfettered. No individual, including you has the brains, will or any hard-wiring to act right, in the presence of your tribe, all the time.

An individual is an error for any group if he thinks he only is the shot caller. You can't even run your own life, I'll be damned if I let you run mine.

You have no experience. You can't imagine what that would be like. It is only anarchy, what you call freedom, IF THERE IS NO ONE ELSE.

Think of the island and my group of thug vs your group of pastoral "we want get along. we want to share the island." And I said, if there were no thugs things would be different. But, you have no idea of security from the thugs. FAIL.

Break down, logic fault. TILT. Self rule is we elect instead of fight for leaders and WE are against the thugs of this world in an Agreement with the States. Anything else you think.....well, yeti doesn't hold his hits long enough, I have observed :)

And you are still trolling a bit, I understand.
DMI dancing. I like it. Here if I may, is you central confusion. You are already free. Free to think, associate, free to believe all manner of bullshit fantasy. Yet, only a single individual is free to act unfettered. No individual, including you has the brains, will or any hard-wiring to act right, in the presence of your tribe, all the time.

An individual is an error for any group if he thinks he only is the shot caller. You can't even run your own life, I'll be damned if I let you run mine.

You have no experience. You can't imagine what that would be like. It is only anarchy, what you call freedom, IF THERE IS NO ONE ELSE.

Think of the island and my group of thug vs your group of pastoral "we want get along. we want to share the island." And I said, if there were no thugs things would be different. But, you have no idea of security from the thugs. FAIL.

Break down, logic fault. TILT. Self rule is we elect instead of fight for leaders and WE are against the thugs of this world in an Agreement with the States. Anything else you think.....well, yeti doesn't hold his hits long enough, I have observed :)

And you are still trolling a bit, I understand.

Mr. Dangerous Arm Wrestling Killer Guy,

Perhaps you've confused my reverence for the non-initiation of aggression as pacifism. They are not the same. I believe that self defensive is an acceptable thing.

Also I think some of the things I say, go over your head, so I'll try to be more succinct.

Mr. Dangerous Arm Wrestling Killer Guy,

Perhaps you've confused my reverence for the non-initiation of aggression as pacifism. They are not the same. I believe that self defensive is an acceptable thing.

Also I think some of the things I say, go over your head, so I'll try to be more succinct.


So, if we were arm wrestling you might head butt? Bring it on. :) And please, I am a little loogy when the carrots are ill pre-prepared.

So,yeah, kept it in the strike zone. Over my head is not very far....OK? :) I'm so little and stupid remember?

But, you may think the senile must abandon self defense.

Yours to find out, brother. But, I'm glad to find the scrappy in you. Thanks.