Well-Known Member
I simply hope someone asks for proof.
That someone sees through the fear mongering propaganda campaign of our anti marijuana crusading AG and says,
Show me the crime statistics that make a three year old law so ravaged by criminal oppertunists it is nessessary to change the law.
Given the statistical data on alcohol related fatalities, and the lack of action to
address its safety (unless you count sunday morning sales as action to keep people safe)
Why would you need to make changes to a three year old law in the first place.
63% of voters passed the law, and less than one tenth of one percent
of the population have taken the oppertunity to become legal.
Where is this fictional crime wave.
You put motherfucking convicted pedophiles on state police lists, not law abiding citizens.
All he has to offer is the same reefer madness that the federal government has been spewing for the last 70 years and nothing more. If certain people are so dumb as to blindly believe a politician these days then those people are beyond help. I agree with you on the whole list's a sad state of affairs when a law abiding citizen has to carry 'papers' so the gestapo doesn't cart them away in handcuffs. It's very hard to believe that this is progress eh? And then obama sells us out to big pharma, corporate america, and the prison industrial complex just like the rest of the soulless bloodsuckers after promising to the moon dreams of change on marijuana policy in this country as he campaigned for a year and a half.....nothing like a good old fashioned back stabbing to brighten your day.