Feds and Medical Marihuana


Well-Known Member
Well I've recently found out that although the use of Medical Marihuana is Legal in Michigan, if the Feds decide to step in, you are not protected. Is it likely, or unlikely for the Feds to bust you? Or does that happen more to the people that grow 50 Plants in there basement and are Huge Drug Dealers, as appose to someone with 2 or so plants.
Yeah I heard about the dispenceries getting cracked down on, but I never heard of anyone being busted for growing an extremely small amount with a real Medical Condition and a Valid Medical card so I was just double checking.
The math will be on your side for awhile. 1 outta 300,000 is your number. You will hear of the sickness before it spreads. Grow your dope now and buy what you can for your life.

There is great power and money in marijuana... there will be a day if we do not collect the right leaders in state and federal goverments the dea will sweep the land much like hitler did in germany. I believe the history with gambling,tabacco,alchohol is I have had to observe to see the future with marijuana.

You have been giving a window of oppurtunity... I am not sure how far the window was opened for me so I cannot be sure for you. I do know you have TIME to get some shit done.
My state's law allows a Medical Marihuana patient to legally possess up to 2.5 Oz of Medical Marihuana, and up to 12 Plants in a Closed and Locked facility. Why do they allow you to have up to 12 Plants, but only 2.5 Oz? I'm sure you could get 2.5 easily between even just 2 plants. But say you grow 4(+) plants, but only harvest 2.5 at a time, would that be good? And if by some chance you got busted by the Federal Government and you had no Criminal record, Valid and Legit medical conditions / Medical Card, and it was a first offense, would they be able to do much?
THE FEDS ONLY WANT BIG FISH. NOTHING LESS THAN A HOUSE FULL OF PLANTS. Step dad is a Marshal & he says you dont become a FED by busting Personal Grows.
the FED will only bust people that they can show where making a profit, if they busted medical patients they would stir up shit that they cant handle, so just dont be an asshole turning a profit and you'll be left alone
^ hes correct. Make sure its not paying for your Mortgage, Cars, that new boat, putting your kids through college and you'll be fine.
Well, one things for sure.
As long as our political leaders can keep our eyes on the devil weed, blame it for all our states problems, and keep a small minority of lemmings marching in a straight line, maybe we'll all forget about the absolute shitty job they've done not only running the state, but the country into the ground. Yeah, and maybe we'll forget the representatives who ignored 63% of us when reelection time comes round.
I've never really been a one issue voter, but that might be changing.
I think at the state level, at least in Michigan, patients who elect to grow their own plants are getting a raw deal.
We are being lumped in with a group claimed by our Attorney General to be nothing more than greedy money loving drug dealing scum.
And if we had billions in profits, and a political action committee rooted around the country, and in Washington, we'd be called pharmaceutical representatives.
I just got some information from my dads friend who is a lawyer, she says IF by some chance the Federal Government busted any medical patient, at home, with even 12 plants that IF they arrest you or seize your plants, they are getting themselves into a world of legal trouble.
One thing is for sure, with all the talk of confusion, and the outcries of law enforcement for clairity
The only thing clear about the bills being introduced is michigans medical marijauan patients will have far fewer rights, and access to their meds.
It's amazing that the outcries for change to the law introduced in these bills turns this into a state police run program.
Giving law enforcement more power than they've ever had before.
All while claiming the law as written isn't what people voted for. What lawmakers are saying is by votoing yes on medical marijuana, what 63% of people were actually wanting was a police run state giving law enforcement unlimited power to invade our privacy,
and even taking away your ability to take legal action agains them for doing it.
As well as wanting the stiffest penalties against marijuana ever.
Very compassionate
The best part is, there will be no doubt as to whos side our "representatives" are on by their votes on these bills.
A clear message on who is with the people, and who is on the pro police state side.
Pay attention, they can't ignore 63% of the people who vote those that don't represent the peoples will out of office.
It's funny, on the one hand they claim federal law trumps state law, and with the additional bill on city ordinances, local law will also trump state law.
So much for a compassionate healthcare program.
I doubt the feds have much interest in a caregiver growing for their patients in compliance with state law. I'm only speaking from personal experience but from all the news I read I can't remember ever seeing any article on the DEA bringing down the thunder on a caregiver growing for a few patients.
I looked through the thread and I couldn't pull from it what changes will be made, are these changes set in stone? Or are they going up for vote? And what changes are they?
I looked through the thread and I couldn't pull from it what changes will be made, are these changes set in stone? Or are they going up for vote? And what changes are they?

No, these threads should be properly represented for what they are and not sensationalized as if RIU were faux fuckin news. These are only PROPOSED bills and nothing more. A voter approved initiative in the state of michigan requires a 3/4 majority in BOTH chambers of government in the state legislature to either MODIFY or REPEAL said initiative....jeez I almost get tired of repeating this shit. I'm not saying we don't need to let our voices be heard on this but lets not give these cocksuckers any more credo than they deserve. Thousands of bills are introduced every year that has no chance of fucking passing but the morons who introduce these bills and SENSATIONALIZE them are simply pandering to their fucknut conservative base to secure their reelection interests which is just around the corner. Anywho, don't go batshit crazy thinking this crap is signed into law or anything. Learn how the process works. The most dangerous people on this planet are informed people....remember that.
No, these threads should be properly represented for what they are and not sensationalized as if RIU were faux fuckin news. These are only PROPOSED bills and nothing more. A voter approved initiative in the state of michigan requires a 3/4 majority in BOTH chambers of government in the state legislature to either MODIFY or REPEAL said initiative....jeez I almost get tired of repeating this shit. I'm not saying we don't need to let our voices be heard on this but lets not give these cocksuckers any more credo than they deserve. Thousands of bills are introduced every year that has no chance of fucking passing but the morons who introduce these bills and SENSATIONALIZE them are simply pandering to their fucknut conservative base to secure their reelection interests which is just around the corner. Anywho, don't go batshit crazy thinking this crap is signed into law or anything. Learn how the process works. The most dangerous people on this planet are informed people....remember that.

Right, but on the same note, all this bullshit Schuette is spewing could possibly sway enough opinions to get some of the shit passed. You can bet your ass come Sept 7 only patient/caregiver transfers will be legal making it impossible for anyone new to start up as a caregiver. Call me a pessimist, but I see it happening. I'm sure we've all been sending emails to these legislators, how many supportive replies have you received back? I haven't received one.
I simply hope someone asks for proof.
That someone sees through the fear mongering propaganda campaign of our anti marijuana crusading AG and says,
Show me the crime statistics that make a three year old law so ravaged by criminal oppertunists it is nessessary to change the law.
Given the statistical data on alcohol related fatalities, and the lack of action to
address its safety (unless you count sunday morning sales as action to keep people safe)
Why would you need to make changes to a three year old law in the first place.
63% of voters passed the law, and less than one tenth of one percent
of the population have taken the oppertunity to become legal.
Where is this fictional crime wave.
You put motherfucking convicted pedophiles on state police lists, not law abiding citizens.