fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about the flooded yard, it happens to the best of us @ one point or another.(pray the watering ban officials dont see it and fine you though. lol) Im sure the grass will enjoy it though, it is looking very nice this year as well as the grass trees sitting all around it.:mrgreen:
Hey, I've forgotten that the hose was refilling the pool (at my folks' place). :| Overnight. :o
that's it. they make metanaturals about 10 miles from me. i pulled out the phone book. there they are. local listing right here in town. i call it. disconnected.
DAMMIT! Don't you hate that? I wonder why they stopped making it. How are you liking the Age Old so far? I just got myself some worm castings (should have seen how that was stuffed into my saddlebag) and an organic fertilizer.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I've forgotten that the hose was refilling the pool (at my folks' place). :| Overnight. :o
DAMMIT! Don't you hate that? I wonder why they stopped making it. How are you liking the Age Old so far? I just got myself some worm castings (should have seen how that was stuffed into my saddlebag) and an organic fertilizer.

the metanaturals was a lot stronger and only called for half as much. so you used half and got a larger dose. it was 16-0-0. the age old is 12-6-6. less nitrogen but more of the other stuff. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
do the clubs pay as much for outside grown bud as bud grown indoors?
is there a big difference?
ive heard peoples opinions that my greenhouse widow wont smoke as good as my indoor widow (same mother plant)
i get better ventilation and pure sun.......so i figured it might be better outdoors than indoor............figured uve smoked tons of indoor and outdoor


Well-Known Member
Finally made it to the end of this thread. Whew! Great grow fdd. When you say you used a full dose of veg and bloom nutes on each was that a gal of each or a gal total?

Don't you think you would get less growth with the shade cloth over your trees?


Active Member
you're trippin'. :neutral: :mrgreen:

i was using "metanaturals". now i'm using "age old grow" for veg and "metanaturals" for bloom. that is all. :blsmoke:

Fdd, may i ask where you buy these or if you happen to have a website that sell both, ive goggled but cant seam to find a place that sells both. There are no hydro shops in my area.

Also for me and for others, how much do you mix into water? Whats your ratio for these monsters.


Well-Known Member
yikes. thassa lotta watta.

so how is the bud quality of the indoor vs. outdoor hijack?
the outdoor is much denser. the smell, flavor and high seem to be the same. :mrgreen:

i only have small samples of the indoor ready. when i get a few plants fully dried and cured i'll do an indoor compared to outdoor thread. :)


Well-Known Member
those Santa Berries look kinda small for being started as clones in January... or are they different ones from the start of this thread? You have indoor? I wanna see....!


Too many brownies
It was a Finding Nemo reference, lol, I didn't expect anyone to get it anyways.
Fdd Isnt it awesome how Marijuana plants grow exponentially bigger. It makes me feel like im really losing out with these small indoor plants. I envy you, and im sure most of the others do as well.

oh and wikid I read it and I caught it...watched it like 20 times when I first got my high def tv. Its so fucking crystal clear on my tv. Plus the movie is really good too, pure eye candy with an entertaining story. Great when your blazed, and really good when your tripping.