fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08


Well-Known Member
well.... I wouldn't be aquainted with anyone just for ganjas... its the character and integrity that matters. want a body guard? $12 an hour....


Well-Known Member
they always wait until it's harvested and cured. then they befriend me and just walk off with it. :evil:
Fuckasses! I hate people like that. It's one of the reasons why I really don't make friends easily, too many people are just too... meh.. fuck 'em.


Well-Known Member
i fed them a full dose of veg and a full dose of bloom nutes 2 days ago. they really took it up. they are soooooo green and healthy.


New Member
i fed them a full dose of veg and a full dose of bloom nutes 2 days ago. they really took it up. they are soooooo green and healthy.

What nutes are you using now faded? I remember that you said you were using Gh's Floranova series but you said something about they were going to stop making it (I cant recall when You said that they would stop making it though)

I looked around today and there are a bunch of sites still advertising it for sale. Did you ever change to something else and if so what are you using now?

Also can I ask when your outdoor hijack plants start to flower during the year? Mine indica dom one seems to be trying to flower(possibly because Ive had crappy light with all the raining its been doing for 2 weeks straight)
But my lanky sativa pheno hijack is vegging again?


Well-Known Member
They are looking amazing Fdd... If that was my backyard I would probably never get out of that chair except to eat, shit and feed the plants. lol:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
What nutes are you using now faded? I remember that you said you were using Gh's Floranova series but you said something about they were going to stop making it (I cant recall when You said that they would stop making it though)

I looked around today and there are a bunch of sites still advertising it for sale. Did you ever change to something else and if so what are you using now?

Also can I ask when your outdoor hijack plants start to flower during the year? Mine indica dom one seems to be trying to flower(possibly because Ive had crappy light with all the raining its been doing for 2 weeks straight)
But my lanky sativa pheno hijack is vegging again?

you're trippin'. :neutral: :mrgreen:

i was using "metanaturals". now i'm using "age old grow" for veg and "metanaturals" for bloom. that is all. :blsmoke:

i just posted those pics. then i looked at them. i took them 3 hours ago when i first turned my sprinkler on. SHIT!!!!!! it's still on.

my backyard is literally under 3 inches of water. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
What are the ones in the pots Fdd? Are those the Hijacks? All in all this is a great grow. I can't wait to see these things go into flower:-)



New Member
you're trippin'. :neutral: :mrgreen:

i was using "metanaturals". now i'm using "age old grow" for veg and "metanaturals" for bloom. that is all. :blsmoke:

i just posted those pics. then i looked at them. i took them 3 hours ago when i first turned my sprinkler on. SHIT!!!!!! it's still on.

my backyard is literally under 3 inches of water. :mrgreen:
oh thanks bro, I dont know how the hell i got that confused...(stoner blonde moment?)

Sorry to hear about the flooded yard, it happens to the best of us @ one point or another.(pray the watering ban officials dont see it and fine you though. lol) Im sure the grass will enjoy it though, it is looking very nice this year as well as the grass trees sitting all around it.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
we're on well water for the lawns so the lawn police don't bother us.

the two plants in the orange pots are santa berry, the one in the green pot is hijack. the rest are all kinds of different stuff.


Well-Known Member
that's it. they make metanaturals about 10 miles from me. i pulled out the phone book. there they are. local listing right here in town. i call it. disconnected.