fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08


fdd went indo last year and did a mini sog under his 600 (or was it 2 6's?)

i love it when people say fdd doesn't help out new growers...

i'd have to strongly disagree there! =]

and jeez fdd, no comment on the suicidal video??? hahaha... =p


Well-Known Member
Season's over bro . . . no outdoor till next spring. :peace:

i still have 6 plants outside, including the upside-down one. :-P i'm sooooo tired i can't find the energy to trim them. i'm ready to just give them to someone but they have all my seeds in them.


Well-Known Member
You ever think about trying an outdoor scrog....I think it would give you great results....just a suggestion.

you ever try f&cking off? :finger:

just kidding. i love that smiley. and yes, i did an outdoor scrog this year. 2+ pound plant.

I'll take some hijack seeds . . .:weed:

i haven't harvested the seed plants yet. then it takes a month for the beans to dry. after christmas is when they are usually ready. giving away seeds is against forum rules though. :cry: