fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

Im always impressed with your work Fdd. Or should i say greenthumb:-) Looks like you'll be set for the winter months ehhh......

quick question for fdd, how do you still get high? Im currently in CO and have access to some of the best buds the US has to offer and I still don't really get high. I dont think ive been "really" high since i was 16. So I guess my question is, do you still get high, or do you just get relief?

edit- im 18 btw, been smoking since 13?
friggin' chimney pipe is 40 dollars a foot. the T was $155. 2 elbows were $166. crazy money. the stove itself cost me $100, the pipe and chimney were $800. worth every penny. so warm and toasty. nice crackling fire. i love it. :-P

Sweet man just in time its getting cold in cali.

I love the smell of fires in the air this time of year it means its almost Christmas =)
quick question for fdd, how do you still get high? Im currently in CO and have access to some of the best buds the US has to offer and I still don't really get high. I dont think ive been "really" high since i was 16. So I guess my question is, do you still get high, or do you just get relief?

edit- im 18 btw, been smoking since 13?

try some honey oil. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
quick question for fdd, how do you still get high? Im currently in CO and have access to some of the best buds the US has to offer and I still don't really get high. I dont think ive been "really" high since i was 16. So I guess my question is, do you still get high, or do you just get relief?

edit- im 18 btw, been smoking since 13?

i kno how u feel im 18 been smoking since i was 11 i havent been really high since i was like 15.dont get me wrong i still get high its just different now.
i have a toasty, crackling fire going. drying my buds. got my temp to 70 and humidity to 40. my humidity has been in the 70's for the past week and a half. i have no rot or mold but my buds aren't drying. they are "open air curing". well they were. :)
exactly. Thats why 15 is too young to smoke. It's more of a maturity thing probably. I dont get high i just get "focused" and ..... shit..... its hard to describe.. its maturity all the way though.

yea i started smoking way to early but i was brought up around bud everyone in my family smokes its like are religon.i just miss the days i could smoke a couple bowls and be slumped on the couch for hours.
friggin' chimney pipe is 40 dollars a foot. the T was $155. 2 elbows were $166. crazy money. the stove itself cost me $100, the pipe and chimney were $800. worth every penny. so warm and toasty. nice crackling fire. i love it. :-P

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and a big tub-o-buds. :weed: View attachment 236121

You have one good life there fella. Wouldn't mind settling down like that at all!! Toke some of that medical grade A for me will ya?:leaf:

Edit: I'm trying to find a pic of your plant, but there are to many damn pages! Mind posting one??