FDD's De-MODification PARTY.!!.


Well-Known Member
nothing man just some friends who act stupid when they get drunk.

we are drinking an this guys is like ok, bout time for bed. he just popped a beer and i was ight don't waste that beer. he gets all pissed .

I told him he needed to chill the fuck out no point in being madd over what i said. I honestly was just telling him dont waste it ill take it.

he has the balls to tell me that i am nothing with out him. i asked him who he has and he pulls a blank. he has a felony for gun charges gets pissed when i dont let him smoke the bong. You know why because i know better than him and if he smokes hes going to prison for 15 years.

He has done not one thing for me or my family , if it wasn't for me advising him he would be in prison already.

He is a fucked asshole living at my friends house about to have a kid, without a GED.

This guy i wonder why i care about him. he might as well be my brother but if he wants to dam him self be my guest. I will honestly not stop him anymore.

I have tried for 5 years and im done.
Man, I had a friend like that I've known for over 20 years, and it took him finally stabbing me in the back when I needed him to realize he was never my friend to begin with. I hate to say the same thing here, but from what it sounds like, brother, if he was ever really was your friend, that time has long since past.


Well-Known Member
Man, I had a friend like that I've known for over 20 years, and it took him finally stabbing me in the back when I needed him to realize he was never my friend to begin with. I hate to say the same thing here, but from what it sounds like, brother, if he was ever really was your friend, that time has long since past.

funny i have been stabbed in the back 5 times, not but the guy in my story but another one of of my Xanax false friends( also known since dippers). Lets just say i took the knife from him slit his throat and got away with murder.


Well-Known Member
...or he could just ask him when he sees him in person. If he in cal then his shits most likely legal, so he won't mind being honest as opposed to most of us... :(


Well-Known Member
Coke never really did it for me. Don't get me wrong, it took me from the point of passing out standing up to being fresh as rain, but unlike pot, it really didn't fulfill a need for me. I was staying up way to much working on a project and someone needed me to give them a ride for work, so they we're giving me free lines of coke to be awake enough to drive them. Damn sure useful, I'll grant it that.


Well-Known Member
Your entitled to your opinion and I'm not hating, If your open minded and in S.F. area you should come to my show, maybe you'll like my white rap- and I'm hoping to Bring V-Nasty and maybe let her do a sone or two so you could see if your more into it when she's live and you've had some drinks- Hemlock Tavern this Sat Aug 13

Today, Saturday, Aug 13 5:00p
at Hemlock Tavern, San Francisco, CA
Price: $10
Phone: (415) 923-0923
Age Suitability: None Specified
Tags: There are no tags.

Event Website
Category: Other
Creator: Zvents