Ayla's plight !!!!! Let's help if we can !!!!!!! To keep ayla's name alive

Originally Posted by maineyankee

Dear Friends ... and Damn It ... I mean Friends

I have been away for a few days from this wonderful site called RollItUp. I so very much, as well as Ayla's family, and you my friends, want to "Roll It Up", with the news that out "Little Angel Community Member" has been found safe and sound.

what? oh man...you did state that she was "found safe and sound"! why did you post that if it was not true?

To be honest ... when I was writing that sentence, my phone rang, and I wanted to add ... "But That is not the Case"

Bad Choice, but one that was done without any malice or anything else.

Also, if one continues to read ... it sort of explains the current (as to when I wrote it) what was going on.
I don't feel there is any need to apologize Maine. In reding the OP in question I can see where an honest mistake could have been made given the emotion of the subject matter.

None of that is important though. This little girl needs to come home. I still think Valentine's day should be a 'No Trolls" day. Kind of an RIU vigil of good thoughts and karma.

For Ayla and the rest of the lost but not forgotten children.:peace:
Gosh I feel so bad for maineyankee. I was talking to him when he posted this in doggies nuts. I really do hope that his friend's little girl is found. I couldnt imagine what it would be like if somebody took one of my kids! My heart goes out to you guys in maine. I hope things get better, also subbed I wanna hear what happens. Good luck guys!
Thanks BK and MrGreen, and all those in the hope of a Lost Angel ...

I thank you so very much for the thoughts, prayers and compassion. I try my very best in just getting out the message, that a child is away from mommy and daddy. I have not really slept a wink since December 17th, when I first was notified about Ayla. And I will not, until she comes home.

Moving forward ... I have teamed up with a great group www.lostnmissing.com. This non-profit is spreading the news about Ayla, as well as other "Lost Angels". I kindly ask that you take a few, and look at their site. It is awesome, but at the same time, sad that we need such a site.

If you would like, and something that I started here in my area, is to go out to Wally World, HomeTeapot or wherever, and get a GREEN LIGHT BULB. Nothing fancy, just make sure it is green, as that colour represents those that are lost and missing. Also, if you wish, get (2) ... One for yourself, and one for your neighbor. Tell them to turn it on, as a "Beacon of Hope" for those lost and missing.

Again, thanx, from Ayla, her family, and the community of those Lost and Missing.

God Bless
Bob ~ The MaineYankee
Aee if i can today ill send ya a pic with it on mabe you can show the family that even in canada we are hoping
thanks bk and mrgreen, and all those in the hope of a lost angel ...

I thank you so very much for the thoughts, prayers and compassion. I try my very best in just getting out the message, that a child is away from mommy and daddy. I have not really slept a wink since december 17th, when i first was notified about ayla. And i will not, until she comes home.

Moving forward ... I have teamed up with a great group www.lostnmissing.com. This non-profit is spreading the news about ayla, as well as other "lost angels". I kindly ask that you take a few, and look at their site. It is awesome, but at the same time, sad that we need such a site.

If you would like, and something that i started here in my area, is to go out to wally world, hometeapot or wherever, and get a green light bulb. Nothing fancy, just make sure it is green, as that colour represents those that are lost and missing. Also, if you wish, get (2) ... One for yourself, and one for your neighbor. Tell them to turn it on, as a "beacon of hope" for those lost and missing.

Again, thanx, from ayla, her family, and the community of those lost and missing.

God bless
bob ~ the maineyankee
Well there are lots of conditions that cud since a polygraph runs off sensing differences in heart beats so heart problems cud give innacurate readings and measures breathing so breathing or lung issues cud thow a reading of they also detect fluxuations in your nerve system from emotions and a mental illness SUCH AS Schizophrenia cud render false results BECAUSE THE MIND IS MANY DIFFERENT PEOPLE WITH DIFFERENT EMOTIONS TO THE SAME SITUATION so there are a few just to answer your question for ya

what kind of medical condition prevents someone from finishing a polygraph? Makes no sense.
Thos thread isnt about our opinions on her parents but you need to read up on facts of polygraphs before you guys jump just google it
exactly...it pure bullshit...she had her friends steal the kid...they are all going to get caught eventually...
She quit the test claiming she has a condition but yet refused to say what that condition is. I'm not biased one way or the other, but that is some fucking shady shit to pull.
And i agre and see your point but i always play the devils advocate i like to see both side but im just having this thread to keep her name up in the minds of people i dont want and you know they will come lol
a bunch of people slashing the parents taking away from the reason why this thread is here

you know them trolls is lurking and waiting lol

not you mossah buddy
she quit the test claiming she has a condition but yet refused to say what that condition is. I'm not biased one way or the other, but that is some fucking shady shit to pull.
I certainly hope the kid turns up safe regardless if the parents had anything to do with it or not. Hopefully it's just a kidnapping case. No rape or murder. Unless it's me being raped by a group of smoking hot women. I'd be okay with that. As long as they leave my butt alone.
Unfortunately they found the little girls blood in the basement of the house she was supposedly taken from. Sounds like mom and dad have some explaining too do......
Unfortunately they found the little girls blood in the basement of the house she was supposedly taken from. Sounds like mom and dad have some explaining too do......

they found "blood". they never confirmed who's blood it is. could be from the plumber for all we know.

what i find fishy is the cops say they found the blood "early in the investigation" but for some reason in a whole month they haven't run dna or blood type yet? and they just release that info yesterday?