Fdd, Knowm, ..anybody that nows their stuff please have a look


Well-Known Member
but obviously pH can give you a Mg deficiency even if there's plenty of it around. normally around that size i would just say to flush and renute, but again, it's hydro, so I'm out of my element.


Well-Known Member
Not so fast!! I'm hand watering....its just soilless now lol

Yeah I've read about the ph locking out mag....thats why I raised the ph.


Well-Known Member
Well...they got worse. I don't think my foliar spray of magical worked. The tops are kind of twsty looking too. And the bottom leaves are getting worse. Its like they get the brown tip first, then the edges of the leaves get brown rusty, then they start to get blotchy and yellow between the veins. It works its way up the leaf. I'm starting to get conerned. I have some more pics to post...but I have to finish washing these cars first.


Well-Known Member
Well...they got worse. I don't think my foliar spray of magical worked. The tops are kind of twsty looking too. And the bottom leaves are getting worse. Its like they get the brown tip first, then the edges of the leaves get brown rusty, then they start to get blotchy and yellow between the veins. It works its way up the leaf. I'm starting to get conerned. I have some more pics to post...but I have to finish washing these cars first.

damnit!!!! :evil:


Well-Known Member
Here is some more pics of the worsening problem.

The next ones show the light colored leaf tips and the seemingly "twisted"(what do you think) new growth, and the taco/canoe effect


Well-Known Member
man those plants really look great. i wouldnt stress it too much. are your hydroton rocks fresh or reused?


Well-Known Member
IF those were houseplants I'd say they're over-watered and/or burned with fertilizer. But, they're not, so I wouldn't know.


Well-Known Member
another thing i noticed is that you've got really strong (good) main stems, which is great, but they're also really long and leggy. as your plant is obviously stretching to reach light it deems insufficient, it's going to shed those lower leaves that it doesn't need anymore. I would guess that this is the reason for the yellowing and dropping (possibly combined with overwatering/lack of O2 to roots), and the overfertilization is the origin of the tip problem. Think about it: if jacking up the nitrogen didn't green those leaves, nothing will ... leading again to the conclusion that they're overfertilized.


Well-Known Member
Ummm....I'm New to growing but I have this Question.....Do you use calibration solution to make sure your PH monitor is reading PH correctly....I use calibration solution every time I use my pen and It needs adjusting every time I use it.....Also I have had to replace one monitor because it was reading ph at two points below what it actually was(Faulty meter)...Just an Idea:)


Well-Known Member
i really can't guess. i'd say nitrogen again but i don't think that's right.
They are fresh. They looked a lot worse when the dead leaves were still attached.

I am going to transplant tonight and give them 800ppm of just the base nutes and some magical...If they burn....then I'll know...but if they take it well, I may just be defiecent all over the board. K def. kinda matches...one of them got tall real quick(but it just may be male) Really it still looks to me like its a cal/mag combo. I just don't have the experience to know...but after this is over I should gain a lot.

I forgot to put some of those other pics up. I'll post them in a min.

The new growth that is coming right off the stem looks pretty good at least....but I'm affraid its still gona get sick

The tips aren't the only burnt thing. The leaf edges get discolored and work their way up the leaf. The first group of pics shows that better I think.


Well-Known Member
i feel like i'm taking crazy pills here. the plants are overfertilized. i don't know about hydro, but i know overfertilization when i see it.

i had a pretty bad Mg def on a grow a long time ago, and it results in spots on the interior of the leaves, not the edges and tips as much. if you are at proper pH and your nutrients are complete, you should *not* be Ca/Mg deficient.


Well-Known Member
See thats where the coco comes into play...it can interfere with uptake of them both...from what I was told. I'm never using coco again...I'm blaming all my troubles in life on the coco.


Well-Known Member
hahaaa .. people rave about it!! what are your nutrients again? get some of that 'just for coco' shit.


Well-Known Member
Plus when the tips first went brown I flushed and cut back the nutes....I only started them out at 250ppm for crying out loud....then 300, 400, 500,