FBI arrest 6 men in a militia plot to kidnap Michigan governor who also wanted to kill police officers.

It is nice that you are just going full on Russian troll finally.

I know that the fact that American jurors were the ones that handed down the guilty verdicts and listened to Trump's conspirators pleading guilty might be hard for you to understand (or at least be allowed to acknowledge), but that doesn't make it untrue.

Criminals blaming the people that expose their criminality has a long tradition. What is new is having propaganda trolls spam the lies online to try to get a alternate reality to stick. But it is not going to work. All Trump's con artist buddies scams have been exposed because Trump is an idiot and they are not nearly as smart as they have tricked themselves into thinking that they are.

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Yes well that's one aspect of Durham's investigation, the Russian Hoax or more specifically the FISA spying abuse and the involvement of foreign IC communities to circumvent US law. Those convictions are a pittance to treason and attempted overthrow of the US government. That is what is coming from Durham.

How much did Billary get from the Russians again????? And I bet the FB I is still wondering where Papadopoulos put the 10k they tried to bribe him with. Cohen is a dirty lawyer who would have guessed. Those 12 Russian companies that went nowhere. What's Flynn's status?
Don't forget the two GOP operatives who just got charged with funneling Russian money directly to Trump and to the GOP. Russia owns Trump...LITERALLY. The Russian state is the only source of credit left open to the Trump Organization.
Yes well that's one aspect of Durham's investigation, the Russian Hoax or more specifically the FISA spying abuse and the involvement of foreign IC communities to circumvent US law. Those convictions are a pittance to treason and attempted overthrow of the US government. That is what is coming from Durham.

How much did Billary get from the Russians again????? And I bet the FB I is still wondering where Papadopoulos put the 10k they tried to bribe him with. Cohen is a dirty lawyer who would have guessed. Those 12 Russian companies that went nowhere. What's Flynn's status?
You really are just moving from one spam scam to the next. It is really sad that you have nothing to offer that hasn't been exposed as just lies that Trump and his criminal syndicate need to be out in the ether for his cult to pretend like they are not following a criminal cult leader.
https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/jessicagarrison/michigan-attorney-general-entrapment-response-whitmerScreen Shot 2021-09-23 at 2.42.05 PM.png
In the 11 months since their dramatic arrests, many of the men accused of conspiring to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer have argued that they were entrapped by a confidential informant working for the FBI and are in fact innocent.

Now, in the first formal response from prosecutors to these claims, Michigan’s Attorney General Dana Nessel has delivered an emphatic answer. “The defendants were not entrapped,” prosecutors wrote in a brief filed Wednesday in Michigan state court. “They unhesitatingly committed the charged crimes with no prodding or encouragement from [the informant] or the FBI agents assigned to this case. Any argument to the contrary is ridiculous.”

The alleged plot to kidnap Whitmer has emerged as one of the most significant domestic terrorism prosecutions in a generation. More than a dozen men have been charged in state and federal court with crimes related to the case. But a number of them insist that they were simply exercising their First Amendment rights with tough talk when they were lured into a plot by FBI informants.

The attorney general’s response delivered this week applies only to three men — Joseph Morrison, Pete Musico, and Paul Bellar — all members of the armed extremist group the Wolverine Watchmen, who were charged with providing material support to terrorism, gang membership, and felony firearm possession in Michigan's Jackson County. Five other defendants were charged in a second county in Michigan, Antrim, while five others face federal charges. A sixth federal defendant, who pleaded guilty and agreed to testify for the government, was sentenced to 75 months in prison late last month.

All three of the Jackson County men filed motions for the charges against them to be dismissed on the grounds that they were entrapped by a confidential informant known in court records as “Dan,” whom they say introduced them to the plot’s alleged ringleader, Adam Fox, and urged them to collaborate with him. They claim that Dan provided them transportation and other assistance to ensure their participation and gained their confidence and trust as a way to influence their behavior.

“The record is clear that ‘but for’ the FBI, through their informant, inviting Adam Fox into this group, charges would have never been brought against” the defendants, Bellar’s attorney, Andrew Kirkpatrick, wrote in his entrapment brief, which was filed in July.

But the Attorney General’s Office sharply disagreed, calling in a 24-page brief signed by Nessel for District Court Judge Thomas Wilson to hold a hearing on the question of entrapment and then to dismiss the motions.

According to prosecutors, the three men harbored violent ideas long before they met the informant, and they in fact enthusiastically sought a meeting with Fox, the man accused in federal court of planning most of the operation to kidnap Whitmer.

“Dan and the government agents working with him did nothing but watch and monitor as the relationship between Fox and the Wolverine Watchmen (and these three defendants in particular) moved on from the initial contact phase into a full blown alliance, in which the Wolverine Watchmen were training with, and supporting Fox’s plans for politically motivated violence,” prosecutors wrote.

With regard to Musico’s involvement, they noted that “defendant Musico did not need to be sold on Fox. Defendant Musico referred to Fox as the ‘answer to [a] ...prayer.’”

As for Bellar, the prosecutors wrote that, “as Fox was talking about storming the Michigan Capital, and hogtying Governor Whitmer, Bellar became ‘upbeat’” and “started talking more” and then assured Fox that he was “on board.”

And it was Morrison, the founder of the Wolverine Watchmen and their commanding officer, prosecutors said, not the FBI informant, who initiated contact with Fox that led to him eventually training with the group.

Bellar's attorney, Kirkpatrick, told BuzzFeed News on Wednesday that he had not yet seen the attorney general's brief, but that under Michigan law he believes the case is “entrapment all day long.” Attorneys for Musico and Morrison did not respond to requests for comment.

Judge Wilson is set to hear arguments about the need for an entrapment hearing on Nov. 17.
How much did Billary get from the Russians again????? And I bet the FB I is still wondering where Papadopoulos put the 10k they tried to bribe him with. Cohen is a dirty lawyer who would have guessed. Those 12 Russian companies that went nowhere. What's Flynn's status?
how quaint. Its almost as if you are reading posts from three or so years ago when the lies were first being coined.

Perhaps we should start assigning numbers so when you bring it up, we just call out the number associated with the facts that debunk your BS?
how quaint. Its almost as if you are reading posts from three or so years ago when the lies were first being coined.

Perhaps we should start assigning numbers so when you bring it up, we just call out the number associated with the facts that debunk your BS?
Be my guest. Do what you want.

What diffrence does it make.jpg
i wonder what moronia is thinking in that pic???

something like "you think this thing is a big ball, you should see what i'm tucking right now"