FBI arrest 6 men in a militia plot to kidnap Michigan governor who also wanted to kill police officers.

Are these guys suppose to be the "master race" or something? I'm confused, could they possibly be that self deluded? They do support Trump though... They look more like targets to me than threats, but that's just me.
Of course they could be that self deluded. And it is not just about supporting Trump, even in one of your posts earlier you correctly pointed out that one of the guys called Trump a tyrant I believe it was. Trump is a trigger, but after a decade of these people radicalizing online, they really don't understand that they are trapped in a illusion that somehow everything is far worse than it actually is.

For years imagine reading all the crazy shit we se get posted here and being under a constant barrage of trolling them with things like calling them racist ending their ability to have a conversation. These people are brainwashed from whatever side of any argument into thinking violence is the answer, when it is not.

And yes these people are very dangerous, just like any other terrorist who has been radicalized with lies and nonstop propaganda hardening them to their perceived reality when they become targets at low points in their lives.
I'm sure the FBI will give him an "attitude adjustment" after the new year and he will bear the cross of covid and Trump going into an election. How do the state house and senate races look in Michigan? How is covid and Trump affecting local politics there?
Who knows, our state has been so gerrymandered for so long it is hard to know until the dust settles how the state seats will end up. The Republicans have controlled our state senate seats and are kicking and screaming to not adhere to the law that was passed in 2018 to end their power grab from the 2010 Tea Party astro-turf campaign to own the states for a decade.
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Of course they could be that self deluded. And it is not just about supporting Trump, even in one of your posts earlier you correctly pointed out that one of the guys called Trump a tyrant I believe it was. Trump is a trigger, but after a decade of these people radicalizing online, they really don't understand that they are trapped in a illusion that somehow everything is far worse than it actually is.

For years imagine reading all the crazy shit we se get posted here and being under a constant barrage of trolling them with things like calling them racist ending their ability to have a conversation. These people are brainwashed from whatever side of any argument into thinking violence is the answer, when it is not.

And yes these people are very dangerous, just like any other terrorist who has been radicalized with lies.

Who knows, our state has been so gerrymandered for so long it is hard to know until the dust settles how the state seats will end up. The Republicans have controlled our state senate seats and are kicking and screaming to not adhere to the law that was passed in 2018 to end their power grab from the 2010 Tea Party astro-turf campaign to own the states for a decade.
Next year is redistricting, this is a critical election as far as gerrymandering goes, then there will be H.R.-1 federally. You appear to have responsible administrative government, so it's a start, hope and change.
Of course they could be that self deluded. And it is not just about supporting Trump, even in one of your posts earlier you correctly pointed out that one of the guys called Trump a tyrant I believe it was. Trump is a trigger, but after a decade of these people radicalizing online, they really don't understand that they are trapped in a illusion that somehow everything is far worse than it actually is.

For years imagine reading all the crazy shit we se get posted here and being under a constant barrage of trolling them with things like calling them racist ending their ability to have a conversation. These people are brainwashed from whatever side of any argument into thinking violence is the answer, when it is not.
Let's talk about Michigan, lost causes, and a sense of purpose....
Tea Party astro-turf campaign to own the states for a decade.
You've been rat fucked

Drawing the Line
How redistricting turned America from blue to red.

Sometime around October 20, 1788, Patrick Henry rode from his seventeen-hundred-acre farm in Prince Edward, Virginia, to a session of the General Assembly in Richmond. Henry is now famous for having declared, on the eve of the Revolution, “Give me liberty, or give me death!”—a phrase it’s doubtful that he ever uttered—but in the late seventeen-eighties he was best known as a leader of the Anti-Federalists. He and his faction had tried to sink the Constitution, only to be outmaneuvered by the likes of Alexander Hamilton and James Madison. When Henry arrived in the state capital, his adversaries assumed he would seek revenge. They just weren’t sure how.

“He appears to be involved in gloomy mystery,” one of them reported.

The Constitution had left it to state lawmakers to determine how elections should be held, and in Virginia the Anti-Federalists controlled the legislature. Knowing that his enemy Madison was planning a run for the House of Representatives, Henry set to work. First, he and his confederates resolved that Virginia’s congressmen would be elected from districts. (Several other states had chosen to elect their representatives on a statewide basis, a practice that persisted until Congress intervened, in 1842.) Next, they stipulated that each representative from Virginia would have to run from the district where he resided. Finally, they stuck in the shiv. They drew the Fifth District, around Madison’s home in the town of Orange, to include as many Anti-Federalists as possible.

An ally of Madison’s who attended the session in Richmond wrote to him that while it was unusual for the legislature to “bend its utmost efforts” against a single individual, this was, indeed, what had happened: “The object of the majority of today has been to prevent yr. Election in the house of Representatives.” Another friend reported, “The Counties annexed to yours are arranged so, as to render your Election, I fear, extremely doubtful.” George Washington, too, was pessimistic; Madison’s defeat seemed to him “not at all improbable.”

Henry’s maneuver represents the first instance of congressional gerrymandering, which is impressive considering that Congress did not yet exist. (One of his biographers has observed that Henry was fortunate that “the wits of Virginia” weren’t quick enough to invent the word “henrymandering.”) Since then, every party out of power has railed against the tactic. Meanwhile, every party in power has deployed it. The Federalists, when they got their turn, gerrymandered just as energetically as the Anti-Federalists. So did the Whigs, the Democrats, and, once the Whigs collapsed, the Republicans. In the eighteen-thirties, the Anti-Masonic Party briefly came to power in Pennsylvania. The Party used its hour upon the stage to push through a round of gerrymandering.
Are these guys suppose to be the "master race" or something? I'm confused, could they possibly be that self deluded? They do support Trump though... They look more like targets to me than threats, but that's just me.

"German Americans (German: Deutschamerikaner) are citizens of the United States of German ancestry; they form the largest ethnic ancestry group in the United States, accounting for 17% of U.S. population"


Heil the master race.
I’m in Michigan, and one of the guys was from my county. Livingston county has a long history of first Klan activities, then Michigan militia. The 2 groups are intertwined. With a economy that is at best ok, there are a lot of these last sets out there. 3 I noticed, live in trailer parks, places where they rent trailers, not own a trailer and rent a lot. One guy was behind in his rent. I know of several guys who spout the same crazy rhetoric, complaining about the government. All the while collecting disability.

About 20 years ago, we had a similar group, that wanted to start a civil war. They were from the hillsdale area. Their leader lived in a old single wide trailer, no running water, out in the woods. Pictures of the place showed a couch in the front yard, and lots of junk, including a toilet. There wasn’t one inside. When the cops raided it, they removed about 50 guns, including military types. Can’t afford a place to shit, but buys 50 guns?
When the cops raided it, they removed about 50 guns, including military types. Can’t afford a place to shit, but buys 50 guns?
A classic line! I salute you, that shit happens to shitheads all the time. :D From the pictures of some of these "militia" types I can understand your description, some of them look like they haven't washed for awhile, body armor and body odor go together.
I’m in Michigan, and one of the guys was from my county. Livingston county has a long history of first Klan activities, then Michigan militia. The 2 groups are intertwined. With a economy that is at best ok, there are a lot of these last sets out there. 3 I noticed, live in trailer parks, places where they rent trailers, not own a trailer and rent a lot. One guy was behind in his rent. I know of several guys who spout the same crazy rhetoric, complaining about the government. All the while collecting disability.

About 20 years ago, we had a similar group, that wanted to start a civil war. They were from the hillsdale area. Their leader lived in a old single wide trailer, no running water, out in the woods. Pictures of the place showed a couch in the front yard, and lots of junk, including a toilet. There wasn’t one inside. When the cops raided it, they removed about 50 guns, including military types. Can’t afford a place to shit, but buys 50 guns?
Home of Robert Miles and the only place a Klansmans full robe was available in the Howell Auction house
Howell here lol
FBI Arrests Militia Members for Conspiring to Kidnap Michigan Governor Whitmer, Seeking Civil War

In April 2020, Trump tweeted, "LIBERATE MICHIGAN!" Days later, heavily armed protestors packed the Michigan state house, seemingly acting on Trump's tweeted command. We have now learned that at about the same time, a violent, right-wing, extremest militia group calling itself the Wolverine Watchmen was plotting to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Fortunately, the FBI and the Michigan State Police infiltrated the conspiracy and took it down before it could carry out its criminal plans.

Whether it's telling the Proud Boys to "stand by", or signaling to militia groups that they should "Liberate Michigan!", it is beyond dispute that the president of the United States is inspiring, motivating and encouraging this kind of violent extremism. Thank goodness the FBI is protecting the American people 24/7/365 against the violence Donald Trump continually inspires.
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DETROIT (AP) — The U.S. Marine Corps confirmed Saturday that two men charged in plots against Michigan’s government spent time in the military.

Officials are “aware of the circumstances surrounding” Daniel Harris and Joseph Morrison and will assist in any way in the investigation, the Marine Corps said in an emailed statement.

Harris is one of six men charged federally with conspiring to kidnap Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer before the Nov. 3 elections. Morrison, 26, is one of seven men charged under the state’s anti-terrorism law for allegedly seeking to storm the Michigan Capitol and ignite a “civil war.” Authorities say he was a founding member of the “anti-government, anti-law enforcement” Wolverine Watchmen.

Harris’s military file shows he was a rifleman, serving from 2014 until last year. He attained the rank of corporal E-4 in 2019 and his final duty assignment was at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

Morrison was a lance corporal and served in the Marine Corps Reserve from 2015 until Thursday, the day he was arraigned on state charges. The Marine Corps said his departure from the reserves is “unrelated to (his) current situation.”

Morrison’s last assignment was with the 4th Marine Logistics Group in Battle Creek, Michigan.
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DETROIT (AP) — The U.S. Marine Corps confirmed Saturday that two men charged in plots against Michigan’s government spent time in the military.

Officials are “aware of the circumstances surrounding” Daniel Harris and Joseph Morrison and will assist in any way in the investigation, the Marine Corps said in an emailed statement.

Harris is one of six men charged federally with conspiring to kidnap Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer before the Nov. 3 elections. Morrison, 26, is one of seven men charged under the state’s anti-terrorism law for allegedly seeking to storm the Michigan Capitol and ignite a “civil war.” Authorities say he was a founding member of the “anti-government, anti-law enforcement” Wolverine Watchmen.

Harris’s military file shows he was a rifleman, serving from 2014 until last year. He attained the rank of corporal E-4 in 2019 and his final duty assignment was at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

Morrison was a lance corporal and served in the Marine Corps Reserve from 2015 until Thursday, the day he was arraigned on state charges. The Marine Corps said his departure from the reserves is “unrelated to (his) current situation.”

Morrison’s last assignment was with the 4th Marine Logistics Group in Battle Creek, Michigan.
Is this treason? A federal death penalty case you think?
Treason needs a hot war (officially declared), they are terrorists, that should be enough to put them away. Not even Trump committed legal treason, though he did commit literal treason.
They are facing multiple state and federal felonies. The biggest charges they face are 'Providing Material Support for Terrorist Acts', 'Threat of Terrorism' and 'Gang Membership'.

Each one of those carries a 20 year sentence. They're also facing gun charges and other charges, most carry 2 to 5 year sentences.

All told, they could spend the rest of their lives in prison with relative ease.

Frankly, I don't think the Federal Government is quite done yet. By the time this goes to trial I'm of the opinion they'll be facing more charges than that.

And that's before we start talking about all the state charges.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/ralph-northam-gretchen-witmer-kidnapping-plot/2020/10/13/26b4e31a-0d5f-11eb-b1e8-16b59b92b36d_story.htmlScreen Shot 2020-10-13 at 7.23.02 PM.png

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Accused conspirators charged in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer also discussed "taking" Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, an FBI agent testified at a court hearing Tuesday, as federal authorities offered new details about the alleged anti-government plot.

During the hearing here in Grand Rapids to discuss the charges filed last week against members of a self-proclaimed militia accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan’s Democratic governor, FBI Special Agent Richard Trask revealed that months ago, some of the suspects met in Dublin, Ohio, where Northam, also a Democrat, was discussed as a potential target.

“At this meeting, they discussed possible targets, taking a sitting governor, specifically issues with the governors of Michigan and Virginia, based upon the lockdown orders,” Trask told the court, referring to state-mandated restrictions implemented to combat the spread of the coronavirus.

FBI charges six who it says plotted to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, as seven more who wanted to ignite civil war face state charges

No one has been charged with plotting to kidnap Northam, but, like Whitmer, Virginia’s governor was the target of intense criticism from some conservatives over the summer. President Trump has sharply criticized both governors, tweeting all-caps demands in the spring that their states be “liberated.”

Northam spokeswoman Alena Yarmosky said that the FBI “alerted key members of the Governor’s security team throughout the course of their investigation,” but that to keep tight control of information about such a sensitive matter, neither the governor nor other members of his staff were told.

“At no time was the Governor or his family in imminent danger,” Yarmosky said, adding that extra security measures “have been in place for Governor Northam and his family for quite some time, and they will remain.”

She also faulted Trump for fueling anger.

“Here’s the reality: President Trump called upon his supporters to ‘LIBERATE VIRGINIA’ in April — just like Michigan. In fact, the President regularly encourages violence against those who disagree with him. The rhetoric coming out of this White House has serious and potentially deadly consequences. It must stop,” Yarmosky said.

Tuesday’s hearing was in part to determine whether some of those charged in the alleged Whitmer plot can be released on bond. Separately, state authorities in Michigan charged seven others with providing support to terrorist acts.

Trask, the FBI agent, described in great detail how federal agents became concerned about the accused, particularly after a June meeting in Dublin, where more than a dozen self-styled militia members from four or five states gathered to discuss possible plans.

It was at that meeting, Trask said, that the notion of grabbing governors was raised, specifically mentioning the governors of Michigan and Virginia. One of the suspects, Adam Fox, then returned to Michigan and began recruiting possible accomplices for such a kidnapping, Trask said.

Accused leader of plot to kidnap Michigan governor was struggling financially, living in basement storage space

Fox and others conducted surveillance on Whitmer’s lakeside vacation home, Trask said, and at one point Fox told the others that he wanted to abduct the governor, take her away from the home by boat, and then “leave her out in the boat” so others would have to come rescue her, according to testimony at the hearing. Another option discussed was to take Whitmer to a secret location where they would put her “on trial,” Trask said, possibly in Wisconsin.

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The hearing began with five of the defendants being led into the courtroom in handcuffs, all but Fox wearing masks because of the coronavirus.

Defense lawyers for some of the suspects suggested their clients may be prone to “big talk” but were not leaders of the plot, and may not have known about key elements of any kidnapping plan.

Gary Springstead, a lawyer representing 24-year-old Ty Garbin, called it “a serious case,” but added “there’s been lots of cases where serious allegations don’t bear out in the proofs in court,” citing in particular a 2010 case against a self-declared militia group in which a judge later tossed charges of sedition filed by the Justice Department.

“I think it’s important to everybody, including the public, to let this play out in court and trust the system,” said Springstead.

Trask spent hours on the witness stand describing conversations and group text messages among the suspects, who he said repeatedly discussed plans to attack law enforcement officials. At one point, a member of the group mentioned the possibility of attacking Michigan State Police buildings, he said.

At another point in the investigation, one of the defendants, Brandon Caserta, became irate because he had been pulled over and ticketed for driving without insurance.

“An injustice just happened to me,” he messaged the other suspects, according to evidence introduced at the hearing, and he wrote that he could find out where the two police officers lived and “tap them,” which Trask said is slang for killing them.

Even as the FBI closed in on the group, the defendants became increasingly concerned that they might be under investigation by federal agents.
Trask said that the accused collaborators once scanned one another’s bodies for radio signals, to see if anyone was wearing a recording device, the FBI agent said. Although the scans turned up nothing, the group’s alleged plot was infiltrated by two informants and two undercover agents, Trask said, and the FBI secretly monitored more than 100 hours of the suspects’ conversations.

Defense lawyers tried to suggest that the informants or undercover agents encouraged the suspects to commit crimes, but Trask denied that, saying their role was to get those under investigation to talk about their intentions.