Favourite Strains for Treating Pain?

Back it up with Kratom. Pick a red variety or a green.

4 grams to start. Pour in a glass and put some water with it. Let it soak to till its no longer dry powder. Chug. You can work up to 6-7 grams. Over that is La-La land. The feeling of Vicodin.

Once you feel it start to take effect. Smoke a bowl.

Hindu kush herijuana uk cheese chemdog real nl real white widow for more sativa end stardawg or amazonian from brazil etc tbh i have found with most people who have chronic pain is that the heavy indicas tend to be better than the sativas in my experience plus dont buy the hype regarding cbd only strains cos most people need full plant full spectrum cannabinoids and terps also myrecene heavy is good too as it tickles the opioid receptors anyway
Herijuana, Afghani and kush varieties for traditional medicinal strains. I would go for some of the newer strains with 1:1 ratio or 2:1 ratio of THC to CBD. Eating and juicing raw flowering cannabis is really best for pain management IMO.

There's also a lot of Sativas great for headaches and such. Kali Mist is one of them. Cheers!
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I should have added that it needs to be an indica or a very short growing strain, my tent is only 5' tall :).

I have taken Kratom many time in my life, I will never take it again (for the same reasons I won't take any opiate agonist, which relates to something called migraine rebounding). It is good stuff though, assuming it doesn't give you or make your current migraine much worse (as it does for me). i used to use it all the time at work because it seems to make you work harder and care less about how shitty your job is lol.

I have only tried edibles a handful of times because tbh they don't do jack shit to me. I've probably done something wrong in their preparation but I'm not prepared (read: cannot afford) to lose an ounce of premium bud again, and yes I decarboxylated it.

@Rurumo yeah I know but I am just trying to plan for my next grow. I just harvested blueberry and peyote critical and waiting for it to dry in my tent (and then cure in jars) and I have Critical Purple Kush clones I've prepared and ready for this next grow right now, so I'm just trying to prepare for the future of my next grow and wanted other peoples opinions. The biggest drawback i've had to growing my own and with the 4 plan limit is that I may get 1 or 2 strains but then I'm stuck smoking that strain for the next 6 months . Tent is too small to have 4 very different strains in, it's very hard (for me) as it is just to get a flatish canopy with 1 or 2 strains.

I'll add all the other suggestions to a list and start doing some research. if anyone knows of any good breeders, or wants to do some trades (in Ontario north of Toronto) PM me, I don't have much in terms of clones but a bunch of seeds and several critical purple kush clones rooting right now.

Oh and CBD does absolute jack for me. It's weird but the efficacy of THC isn't so much in that it relieves the pain, but it for some strange reason allows me to focus the pain into one spot in my head. So instead of my whole head exploding in pain it's just one point, which is much easier to bear with.
Lately I’ve been using “La La Land”. It’s a high THC Indica strain. Used to be on fentanyl and OxyContin for my back pain. I quit using the pills without help, I just weaned off and never looked back.
I have tried several strains of Indica flower, this is a favorite. I don’t get a head high, so my back muscles are put at ease and some of my pain is relieved.
I have tried edibles but they don’t work for me . Tinctures and drinks are the same way. Only burnt or vaporized flower works.
Anyway, chill and smoke one for old Rio!
P. S. thank you for the forum
It helps with symptoms like every other medication available. Cannabis should be one of many factors to contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

I have a hard time eating many foods and have auto immune problems like AS and gastro intestinal problems making me very sensitive to certain foods. Cannabis really helps me with digestion and nutrient uptake. I have a hard time keeping my weight up without it and I'm a lesser human being when I don't consume Cannabis.

It helps to stabilize my CNS which is in constant stress from internal pain response.
You and millions of others seem to benefit. Lol. Myself included.
Sick not low. Mentally ill shit right there.
Oh yes needing help is why were here. He does make some good points but is verbally excessive, drinking can do this. Ive been sober since last October and is hell on the body. But the pain stigmata is highly overused. I suffer cronic pain and smoke everyday. It doesnt help that much but does give relief so brain doesnt explode. Ive been cronic since 35 years ago, l think legalization sucks. But am trying to be better person now. So jumping through all the ropes.
Oh yes needing help is why were here. He does make some good points but is verbally excessive, drinking can do this. Ive been sober since last October and is hell on the body. But the pain stigmata is highly overused. I suffer cronic pain and smoke everyday. It doesnt help that much but does give relief so brain doesnt explode. Ive been cronic since 35 years ago, l think legalization sucks. But am trying to be better person now. So jumping through all the ropes.
Best of luck to you. All we can do is try and better ourselves 1 day at a time.
Im from the uk your fucking point ?and u know where i live come ahead then lol you would last 10 seconds where im from i think Maybe you should try putting the bottle down and you might spam less i thought better of you tbh spliff others dismiss you as a troll now i see why .
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