Favourite hallucinogen and your best tripping experiences?

I've been interested in hallucinogens a lot lately and I've been very keen to try them although I have no reliable sources. Came close to trying mescaline once but apparently I had to be 21 to buy a 16" San Pedro cutting, anyway I'd love to hear your opinions on which drug is your drug of choice and some of your best experiences with them :)



Well-Known Member
Get some shrooms and/or lucy (lsd). Read through a few pages in this forum section. Many similar threads. Then make your decision.


Well-Known Member
That's like asking me to pick a favorite child. Mescaline, psilocybin, LSD, MDMA, 2C-B are favorites of many for damn good reason. AET is quite nice. I'd be curious what an N-alkylated 4-OH or 4-OR would be like. Probably have a pretty long duration, but be quite interesting.


Well-Known Member
Sharing shrooms with someone for the 1st time, and setting up the music and environment.

Waiting for the peak to kick, watching his face in amazement, then playing Trip to the Fair.


And then explaining that fuck that, she's wrong, kick ass song though, we can go play and come back with NO FEAR.

And then playing some music for them for the 1st time, like Yes, Tales of Topographic Oceans or Pink Floyd, Astronime Dominie.

Explaining the feeling. The feeling you can't explain. But when tripping together, you can. The touch of god.


Well-Known Member
Psilocybe Azurescens

VERY potent shrooms....only took them once (3.5g) but that's all I needed.

3.5 g of azies is probably equivalent to a quarter of cubensis...


Well-Known Member
My favorite trip ever I'd have to day was on some 4-AcO-DET but normally I like shrooms the most. Except for the taste.


Well-Known Member
I believe that the people that you are around. And the type of environment that you're in at the time play a big part in the experience.


Well-Known Member
mescaline :fire:then shrooms,, then mdma.. wish i knew where to find some mesc :-( havent done it in decades,,


New Member
Best psychedelic experience?
A seizure.
I felt the universe for what it is and I could read it like a book.
It was really extreme, I felt like I was put through a sort of "test."
No experience comes close to what I felt then.

Favorite hallucinogen?
DMT, it never gets old.


Well-Known Member
Best psychedelic experience?
A seizure.
I felt the universe for what it is and I could read it like a book.
It was really extreme, I felt like I was put through a sort of "test."
No experience comes close to what I felt then.
I always knew that those epileptics were holding out on me.


Active Member
Back in the 70s I did some purple microdot...only time I ever hallucinated. It was winter time and the naked branches of the trees became snakes writhing. It didn't scare me. I knew I was seeing things. Like the worms crawling around me and the asparagus fern that kept reaching for me! Next morning...worms turned out to be pine needles from a recently tossed Christmas tree. Another time, I took mescaline and attended a Pink Floyd concert when they toured Dark Side of the Moon in Louisville, Ky in 1973. Best concert EVER! My ticket cost $6.00 :)


Well-Known Member
After really thinking back I can say the common threads of the best experiences have little to do with the substance, and almost all come from set and setting. Put me in a comfortable environment with some good friends and everything is good. Sit and talk with some people close to my heart on MDMA, explore the universe with mescaline, hippy flipping with mystical creatures flying around the room. That's the key for me.


Well-Known Member
First row seats for a Hubert Laws concert. Back then I looked a lot like Frank Zappa. During the show, Laws kept bending down and saying "how'm I doin Frank?" The little tablet I took before the show kept making me tend to believe that I really was Frank and but for my girlfriend's insistance to the contrary, I would have gotten on stage and played.


Well-Known Member
First row seats for a Hubert Laws concert. Back then I looked a lot like Frank Zappa. During the show, Laws kept bending down and saying "how'm I doin Frank?" The little tablet I took before the show kept making me tend to believe that I really was Frank and but for my girlfriend's insistance to the contrary, I would have gotten on stage and played.
Funny story. Having him bend down and call me by someone else's name during a show, while tripping, would have bugged me the hell out. Good times.