Favourite hallucinogen and your best tripping experiences?


New Member
dont do LSD if you want a hallucinogen shrooms is natural so it is better LSD never leaves your system, so you will randomly be tripping out for the rest of your life.
Your first sentence is untrue.
LSD is such an unstable molecule that it breaks down in a relatively short amount of time.
5 hours tops before it breaks down I say.
There is a possibility that the substituent molecules that it breaks down into stay in your system longer
but they are likely nontoxic, non-fat-soluble, and leave your system in a few days.


Active Member
Your first sentence is untrue.
LSD is such an unstable molecule that it breaks down in a relatively short amount of time.
5 hours tops before it breaks down I say.
There is a possibility that the substituent molecules that it breaks down into stay in your system longer
but they are likely nontoxic, non-fat-soluble, and leave your system in a few days.
I got this info from someone I knew that did LSD man so... DOn't know what you tlking bout


New Member
I got this info from someone I knew that did LSD man so... DOn't know what you tlking bout
Just because he did LSD once doesn't mean he knows everything about LSD.
Not saying I know everything about acid, but I do know that what I was talking about in my previous post is true.

He was probably saying something along the lines of "it changes you forever" and you possibly misinterpreted it.


New Member
You might recognize things that remind you of an intense moment in a trip and it can be quite psychedelic
but its not actually "tripping," it is all in one's mind.


Active Member
there was this lady on the news she took LSD once a while back then one day in the present she puts her baby in the oven because she was trippin on LSD


Well-Known Member
there was this lady on the news she took LSD once a while back then one day in the present she puts her baby in the oven because she was trippin on LSD
That sounds a bit more psychotic than tripping on LSD. To this day. Myself, or anyone that I have ever personally used LSD with has ever done anything psychotic or extremely A-moral during or after tripping on Acid. That lady just had some sort of mental snap.


Well-Known Member
What is it with LSD and bizare myths? LSD does NOT stay in your system for very long at all, hardly long enough to be around after you are back to baseline. Normal people don't put their babies in ovens even high on huge doeses of LSD. There is a core conciousness that keeps people from accepting the results of their imagination on LSD. They don't "think they are oranges", they can't be convinced that they can fly. to the original poster of this sort of nonsense, if someone told you that smoking pot "made" the smoker shit in their pants, would you believe it? I have known hundreds of consumers of hallucinogenics, I have read studies and have kept informed about these substances for 40 years and have yet to encounter anything but establishment fantasy and outright, blatant fabrication when it comes to LSD. I find it interesting that someone who has bucked the established mindset enoughto have smoked pot even though it supposedly "makes one crazy", diminishes their sperm count",is a "gateway drug", "causes cancer", "reduces one's motivation"- would believe the other bullshit that is said about other drugs. THIS is why I have poked fun at those who believe the various "holes in the brain", "stays in one's spinal fluid", "messes with DNA" warnings from those who know because they heard it from an LSD user himself.


Active Member
And thats why people believe marijuana is the gateway drug because ppl like you guys go on to the hard stuff after using weed... You give weed a bad name


Active Member
morning glory seeds.. u can buy it at a gardening store, nursery, homedepot and shhh like that.. it cud be illegal to buy in ur state but then u can order it online

dont do LSD if you want a hallucinogen shrooms is natural so it is better LSD never leaves your system, so you will randomly be tripping out for the rest of your life. I never done shrooms but I heard from someone when he took shrooms he thought he was in world war 2 lmao for like 4 hours he thought he was in Call of Duty or something and I heard from some1 else that when he took shrooms he thought he was falling through the floor lol like some type of black hole. But overall they say it depends on your mood you only take those things when you are in a good mood or it will take you on a bad trip like you'll be seeing demons and sh!t... Not fun just stick to weed brotha
or morning glory seed... natural lsd


Well-Known Member
And thats why people believe marijuana is the gateway drug because ppl like you guys go on to the hard stuff after using weed... You give weed a bad name
I was going to write a nice sensible rebuttal. But I'd rather just sit here and laugh. Ha ha ha ha ha. Aaaaahhhhh. Whatever.


Well-Known Member
I think it has more to do with what you are looking to achieve. If you want something with intense visuals then LSD. If you want more of a soul searching introspective experience then mushrooms. If you want to leave your body and travel to a different plane of existence then DMT.
Also agree with those saying it's who you trip with etc. I have had amazing trips with many chemicals but the most joyfull experience of my life was a 7g cube trip in my back yard. Not the first or last time I had that much but the best trip ever.