Favorite Smoking Tool


Well-Known Member
one of the best was filling up the sink,cutting off the bottom of a 2liter and making a gravity bong :) i think my lungs would explode if I tried that now a days
Lol, admitting it is the first step to recovery. Everyone say hi cory and trevor. LOL
We are here with you we all have had our problems.
My story is I tried to make weed tea when I was 15.
Ground up a good amount of buds, bought new coffee machine.
And wasted my time money and bud .lol.


Well-Known Member
Arizer Extreme Q vapef with fresh clean bag and newly opened or at least super thoroughly scrubbed attachments and fittings...If I didn't use it multiple times throughout most days it would be worth it to clean it before using it...but alas there is not enough time to clean it before I want to use it again...especially since it takes forever to get all the little pieces clean...not that there are alot, but they are just shaped really really weird..I just submerse all of the pieces in ISO to soak, and in a couple of hours it is shiny like new...lol. But it is awesome and I like it, but you just can't beat the taste when it is clean...The difference between your old bong, and then getting a new one...that is the difference, same profound difference...


Well-Known Member
That is the only thing I can say in favor of joints, every time you use one it is brand new.


Well-Known Member
Blowin new favorites all the time. Glass is a stoner's best friend. Pipe, bong, bub, nail set or oil rig of what ever design. Love it all. Imagination is my favorite tool.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Jesus glad! If the Mayans are right, I'm coming over to your house! We could make an epic end of the world 12 foot jizzy with all those papers! :-)
Econo Foods has them for 99cent. When I go I buy them all. lmao. I guess you can say my friends and patients do not buy papers anymore. I have looked online at ebay, amazon all kinds of places and can't buy them wholesale for that price.