Favorite Munchie Food?


Well-Known Member
My kryptonite is spicey chicken wings, they have to be spicey and covered in hot sauce, I don't like those sauceless hot wings. What are you guys favorites?, + Rep for all those who chime in!
the best stoner food marijuana pizza's are bomb and mj icecream is good to thats my favorite+rep :)


Mine has got to be a footlong Meatball Subway, followed by a large bar of chocolate (milk) and finally a McDonalds thick shake (strawberry). Im feeling hungry already, Lol. :hump:


Well-Known Member
fresh fruit right out of the garden. i just cut up a big bowl of watermelon chunks this morning, every time i walk pass the fridge i got to grab a piece. cold, wet, and sweet, what more could you ask for?


man get 2 mini pizza's cook a phat ass burger and put that in the middle and eat it
This sounded so good when I was stoned that I made it today when I was sober...

The other weekend we got pretty baked and made a "full course meal" -
the Menu:
Heartburn (nachos)

Pure Evil (2 hot dogs, 2 chicken strips, povolone cheese, siracha, Franks Red Hot, black pepper, and deli mustard)

First dessert - Chocolate Ganache Cake (with doughnut glaze)

and dessert 2 (cream puff with caramel sauce).

It's sad that there is a bit of culinary training between us and we usually only use it on dessert.

**In case I overlooked something incriminating in the background, this didn't happen at my house, those aren't my big club hands in the pics, and this house now has new owners (was a moving out party)


Well-Known Member
Mega sticky ass sticky buns, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, mixed with chopped macadamia, hott melted hershey's bar(homemade chocolate sauce), and mini toll house white chocolate chips...aka, "Death BY Diabetes" haha



In And Out- Double Double Animal Style with Animal Style Fries and a Shake! This is only for the super bake because if I ate this every time I had munchies I would have to get them to deliver because I wouldnt be able to get out the door. lol.


I remember one time I got the munchies extremely bad... I literally just ate everything in my house and I mean everything... That is the best munchy food, EVERYTHING! Feels good to just go all out. Now I don't really listen to my munchies, I know eating that much food is just bad news, so when I smoke I don't eat and it doesn't really have any negative effects... For me munchies only kick in after I have that first mouthful of food, then I just go crazy.