Favorite Munchie Food?

April weed

A great munchies that i discovered in college with ma roomies... toast up some egos and put some manwich slopy joe sauce on there pretty good and there you go the best dude food / munchies you will ever have.
Some one please give it a try and let me know what you think.
Its fkn amazing trust me.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I take that texas toast garlic bread and put cheese between em with sausage or other meats and make like a grilled sausage and cheese deal. Sometimes I like to use them and put parmesan cheese and picarino romano with some nice spaghetti or lasagna and then make a sandwhich out of that. Also using bagels to make BBBLTS is pretty bomb. The extra B's are for extra fucking bacon. Because bacon is bitchin.


Well-Known Member
Heads Up Guys!!! McDonalds is have a special today, If you buy 1 Big Mac or 1 Quarter Pounder, you get the second one for a penny! I'm so having that shit for lunch!


Well-Known Member
made a hamburger, potato cassarole tonight, the pizza is on the way and i have a couple of happy dogs.


Well-Known Member
god damn you i am fucking hungry. where are you from that you call them buffalo wings? can't be buffalo ny. :D
The deep fried hot sauce coated chicken wings actually originated in buffalo ny, they actually hold a festival every year where the bob for wings in a kiddy pool of blue cheese dressing.


Well-Known Member
This sounded so good when I was stoned that I made it today when I was sober...

The other weekend we got pretty baked and made a "full course meal" -
the Menu:
Heartburn (nachos)

Pure Evil (2 hot dogs, 2 chicken strips, povolone cheese, siracha, Franks Red Hot, black pepper, and deli mustard)

First dessert - Chocolate Ganache Cake (with doughnut glaze)

and dessert 2 (cream puff with caramel sauce).

It's sad that there is a bit of culinary training between us and we usually only use it on dessert.

**In case I overlooked something incriminating in the background, this didn't happen at my house, those aren't my big club hands in the pics, and this house now has new owners (was a moving out party)

LOL, I was gonna say... Mickey mouse glove hands, sheesh. Put the hot dogs down before your heart explodes.


Active Member
magic mushrooms and ecstasy mmmm the hippie flip, if i dont have those ill take some ice cream,after some spicey chicken wings,and a fat juicy burger or some bbq ribs . gyros too i like gyros , only from real greek ppl tho. id eat the fuck outta that swan above too yummm


Active Member
You were on? Or watched on tv??
lol no my city cleveland was but i seen adam from man.vs.food standing outside "the melt" when he ate that grilled cheese with 14 different cheeses,that shit looks gross,nobody even attemps that challenge when i go there.and i go twice a week its like a 3 min walk from my house