Favorite activity to do while high?


Well-Known Member
I like to watch movies, play video games, log in to ROLLITUP and eat.

How bout you?



Active Member
Man I'll Cruise around the city, Shoot some pool, Watch some cheesy movies, Hang with friends, Have conversations about life. Simple stuff really.


Active Member
Does anyone ever just sit in a room and turn on some sketchy old records and see what they think of? I know its weird but I think of some weird shit.


Active Member
Does anyone ever just sit in a room and turn on some sketchy old records and see what they think of? I know its weird but I think of some weird shit.
Haha, what kind of music are we talking? The term "sketchy old records" just gives me a weird, creepy feeling...


Active Member
Haha, what kind of music are we talking? The term "sketchy old records" just gives me a weird, creepy feeling...

Not talking about floyd type stuff more like old jam style ones that you find at a thrift shop. haha let me go see what I have in my storage room. you all have me wondering. I know I have all the iron maiden records but thats not what Im talking about. (got those for a good price ) :joint:

grow space

Well-Known Member
Yo man. I like listening to music, some good up lifting DNB and jungle:):):)Also, sex, cool scary pc games, hang in rollitup:).


Active Member
Meh its all the way back in the back but I know ive got a bunch of jams I enjoy. Thin lizzy, Bad Company, Quiet riot. Just some stuff. I don't have a chance to seek out thrift stores for these anymore because of work. but if I see something that catches my eye ill def. pick it up. I am also a gamer as well. I love shooters and that about it. Mmo's are boring to me. But Idk just put me behind a gun and its on. ps halo is lame ;p


Active Member
never played halo and yes, it sucks ass-doom 3 is fucking bomb, old, but fucking great:)
idk how long you have been playing shooters but if you played quake 2 and Unreal tourny for pc then you would know how heated lan games that were played. :p Doom 3 is a good play. Have you played the doom 1 conversion where they used the doom 3 engine to re-skin everything? Good stuff man... Actually halo 1 was amazing for pc but the xbox versions just killed it...

grow space

Well-Known Member
idk how long you have been playing shooters but if you played quake 2 and Unreal tourny for pc then you would know how heated lan games that were played. :p Doom 3 is a good play. Have you played the doom 1 conversion where they used the doom 3 engine to re-skin everything? Good stuff man... Actually halo 1 was amazing for pc but the xbox versions just killed it...
Idunno, something like 3-4 years.I prefer 2 world war fps games or scary shit, like doom or resident evil.But im not a really big gamer, like i used to be:-|:-|

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
haha i love chillin in the bath when im baked or watching splatter horror flicks. or just sitting out on the moor in the sun...


im gonna go play me some left 4 dead

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
l4d rocks, even if it was a bit of a scam :P

as far as 'activities' goes, i'd say i've never really gotten high and performed and activity. i climbed a tree once, a real real tall one, rolled up a joint at the top then came back down an hour later. i am normally just sat around listening to anything and everything, or watching films/tv shows.

i've only once had a weed that's enabled me to get up and do something. everything i smoke locks me to the floor.


Active Member
haha i love chillin in the bath when im baked or watching splatter horror flicks. or just sitting out on the moor in the sun...


im gonna go play me some left 4 dead
LMFAO, Damn.... I havent laughed that hard in a while man thanks for that. I loved the street fighter ending. Nothing Like a good KO uppercut to the chest.

l4d rocks, even if it was a bit of a scam :P

as far as 'activities' goes, i'd say i've never really gotten high and performed and activity. i climbed a tree once, a real real tall one, rolled up a joint at the top then came back down an hour later. i am normally just sat around listening to anything and everything, or watching films/tv shows.

i've only once had a weed that's enabled me to get up and do something. everything i smoke locks me to the floor.
You should try it sometime man. Go out with some friends and just see what you all get into. thats what we do :P no planned out evening completely just go do something as you see it. Even shit you wouldn't think you would do. Like free functions. I know this sounds dorky but these are real fun and usually contain loads of free goodies.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
the guy with repetitive donkey kong action had me floored!!

hey tip top how do you figure l4d was a scam??? i totally love it

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
£35 for the game, 4 levels, only 2 available for verses for a looong time.

don't get me wrong, i love the game, it's an absolute laugh, and if i'ev a reef in my mouth and a mic at hand, just save yourselves! i get excited when hunting, but i just felt a bit cheated, like they'd released it as soon as they could for what was a high price.

didn't sting as much as killing floor though, that sucked to start with and still sucks!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah i guess the actual play through time for single player was quite poor looking back but then i stopped playing new games on regular n started from veteran from the off especially with the likes of COD and gears of war like to get my £'s worth...

i love being the boomer or the smoker smokers awesome fun.

not played killing floor. have you seen the trailer for the new COD modern warfare 2???

comes with night vision goggles but costs £119 FFS im treating myself to a new tv as an early xmas pressie just to play it!!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
modern warfare 2 eh, hellls yes! world at war sucked imo.

i also find little replay value in single player games, hidden and dangerous 2 being the exception, so i tend to set it to the harder difficulties as well, might as well enjoy it right the first time around.

killing floor is an old unreal mod gone retail, it's like survival on l4d, just imo it is awful, real awful.

and i bought my tv as a late christmas pressie in january. nice 42" 1080p lcd, couldn't be happier.