Fastest Cloning Ever ....

Which method to clone do you prefer ?

  • DIY

    Votes: 14 25.0%
  • Cloner

    Votes: 15 26.8%
  • Cube

    Votes: 12 21.4%
  • Plug

    Votes: 11 19.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 7.1%

  • Total voters
I wanted to get input from everyone about what method , trick , tip , technique you have found to be the FASTEST and MOST RELIABLE way you personally found to take and grow clones. I been growing for a long time but I suck at cloning , I can do any kind of regular growing ( water farm , coco , soil , Hempy , etc. ) but when it comes to cloning , it is weak sauce.

I have had minor success with cubes and rooter plugs , but percentage is low for effort ...

This is already a known method ... But it changed what I plan to do from now on.

I did a " water bottle clone method " as a cheap way to do. I did NOT EXPECT what happened in about 8 hours.......... Not Days ... I took cutting this morning.

I took cutting ( GORILLA GLUE ) today at about 10:00 am . Used a water bottle with PH 6.5 TAP ( chlorine vapored off ) the night before then used a " mix " I thought might help.

It is now 5:45 pm and it threw roots .......
I will probably be called out on this but I am 100% serious. I thought I would be looking at DAYS not hours !
I have NEVER had any way trying to clone work this fast ! ... No root hormone .

I was going to get an aero cloner like most people but since I don't need 12 clones at a time , I may take maybe 4 usually.

So I wanted to share and listen to others about what works for them .

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I do have a Progation dome and tray setup , but it has been mothballed as of today.

Those are not roots that are pictured in the op. The white root looking thing is a stigma and the other stuff is just plant material sicking out.

The fastest I have ever gotten roots was nubs in three days and it still took a week to actually have any sort of roots popping out done by dipping the cut in vita grow and then clonex in an aero cloner.
I've tried just about every method of cloning over the years and I get damn near 100% success within 5 - 10 days using straight coco. Some strains root faster than others.

Here is an old aero cloner I haven't used in years that I made. It was successful at cloning but I wanted something simpler. I got tired of dealing with pumps, reservoirs, space it took up, etc...


This is what I use today. Coco and small nursery pots. No dome and I rarely even spray. Just put cutting in coco out of direct light and leave alone. I get pretty close to 100% success with minimal effort. Works for me and saves time and hassle. I don't like fiddling with things if I don't have to. Set it and forget it is the way I like to do things. And with coco you just set it and forget it for a week. No lifting lids checking for roots. No changing reservoirs. No domes and spraying all the time.

i said all this stuff earlier lol

5 days is my fastest to have actual roots
Not nubs but roots

To throw a wrench in there
I have clones that are doing well
That were literally plucked from the plant and stuck into the same rockwool cube as i topped it from.

Then fed the same ppm of the large plant about 650 to 900 ppm ...... do you think they grew or died? ..... they grew just took about 3 weeks for roots to pop. But they did not droop or get too pissed off about it

Just my 2
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That post has the exact DIY aero cloner I made. They don't have coco in that thread but it is an old thread back when coco was still coming of age in the cannabis world. Good link.

I just realized I made that cloner 7 years ago. How time flies.

my favorite ...air layering the laziest way ever cool too

yeah 8 years old and still running strong ....excellent


Supersonic Foggaponic Floracloner!


Fog ponic orginally called aero ponics

but got confusing with hydro guys who also called their hydro

the nutes would block the steam ...

causing all types of hassles

That post has the exact DIY aero cloner I made. They don't have coco in that thread but it is an old thread back when coco was still coming of age in the cannabis world. Good link.

I just realized I made that cloner 7 years ago. How time flies.

Huge roots in the aerocloner but no bigger than coco
Lol ... If it was sarin , I just killed some fuckers ...

Old school term ( Saran Wrap ) - meaning sammich plastic wrap. So one would do a stem scrape / mop on some Clonex or honey / wrap a moist rooter around it and wrap it ?

Some shit like that ?

yes. It's called air layering or in old school term marcotting
I made a simply bucket cloner similar to this one and it works great. I got roots as fast as 3-5 days in a clone bucket with skunk #1 back in the day. That skunk would root like nothing else but most all plants busted roots within 7 days.

Nowadays I just use rock wool and plain water and nothing else and have great success and it's super lazy easy.

Plus the DIY you could do just 4 slots like you were saying
Lol ... If it was sarin , I just killed some fuckers ...

Old school term ( Saran Wrap ) - meaning sammich plastic wrap. So one would do a stem scrape / mop on some Clonex or honey / wrap a moist rooter around it and wrap it ?

Some shit like that ?
My own preference is similar

I toke a huge 'J'

lie on the floor of the grow room

whilst in some deep converstation with my babe

or friend as they do house stuff/ or toke

with clean hands and boxcutter I scrape away a nice spot on the tree

like above smear some honey

slice a rapid rooter into two ...slap to wound

and fix with kitchen foil...its dark proof

and hold with tape or sarin hold best

check in 10-14 days

if no roots ....thats ok try some place else

but the limb still lives

that why I like this air layering

good luck
Had Peyote Gorilla clone send a 3” super thin root within 24 hours. Last night I cut a decent clone off a Peyote Gorilla lady who is 2 weeks into flower. Dipped the cut into clonex root gel and inserted it into a cup full of soaked fox farms ocean forest. I swear to the lord, I checked it today (about 20 hours later) and there is a root shooting out the bottom of my solo cup!
I don’t wanna be a dick , but I don’t see a root , I see a pistil and some outter surface scuffed up.
I would be interested to see the clone right now and in between.

I can get roots really fast in my DIY cloner but it’s a pita, I hate cleaning n changing water every few days.
I like rockwool , less work.
I know this is a over 2 yrs old, but thank you for calling a pile of BS a pile of BS....OF COURSE that dude is seriously high on something stronger than weed and way more damaging to the brain....I've been growing for 43 yrs now and the earliest I ever got roots was 5 days (old school Williams Wonder strain)....I use 50/50 mix of perlite/vermicite with nearly 100% rooting success every batch...I BOUGHT a Clone King auto aeroponic cloner and I ALSO agree that those are FAR MORE WORK than I want....THEY SUCK, IMO...a pump in 2.5gal of water (36 cell cloner) keeps the water in the UPPER 80IES...It grows EVERYTHING but roots unless your constantly changing the water....ACCORDING TO THE MFG'er, THATS NOT PART OF THE PROCESS...White Snot slime, algae, you name it....All your creating is a frog pond, if its done according to directions....I'm not about to start running laboratory grade conditions to root some clones with those things....and yes, plugs work amazing too...
Wanting to say Kudos for calling out that BS...look at how many ppl BELIEVED IT and swap to his method...problem with forums, is noobies DONT KNOW if the info they get is legit.....MANY TIMES ITS NOT.....No, you were not a dick...I never read that till today, but wouldnt want anyone to step in the steaming pile of BS if I can set it straight.....TOO FUNNY DUDE....TOO BAD there were not forums with some type of certified EXPERTS to answer questions....Hummm, Theres a thought...Maybe for an annual fee, you could subscribe to a site like that....Nice little business to set up....Lots of possible legal implications recommending how to grow weed....LOL....
Happy Growing, YT