First of all i dont do this sort of stuff anymore

I havent been drunk in some years and dont enjoy alcohol at all, neither have i been doing graffiti much either.
So i was going home from this party and i got really drunk and i also had some of this fine afghani hash. I got to train from city center and in the train at one stop(way way before mine) i sorta passed out for a split second, then the stop looked like it was my stop, train doors started to close and i ran out just in time. Only noticing that it was no my stop yet. I tried to make sense of when the next train is coming, but i was too drunk to do so even tho there was the sign right in front of me telling me that there is no next and the one i was in was the last train. So because the area was outside(even tho there is also a building in the station) i thought id go to a dark corner and smoke some of that hash from my pipe i had with me, since i didnt have any beer left and would try to make sense of the timetables after(or i could hop on the next train if it happened to come).
Anyways after smoking the bowl of that hash i remembered i have a small marker with me, so i did some tags where i was smoking in(which was where the trains stopped, but bit further than where people get off the train), then i had to pee and i thought id pee where people usually pee there and where i had peed before. While peeing i thought id also throw some graffiti there.
By the time i was done peeing i heard a security guard yell something like "HEY!" and running at me. My first instinct was ofc to run, but before i started to run, i figured im too drunk to run, so i was like "hey no problem in not running and im not interested in wrestling, im way too drunk for that". So he did not try to use force on me. If i would had ran, i would had gotten hurt when he would had taken me down for sure, i dont think very badly, maybe some bruise or so, unless ofc he wanted to be an asshole and hurt on purpose, but thats outside the story.
So he wanted to hold my hand so that he could easily take me in handlock if i tried to run. I didnt care and i was like "yea im not going to try to run, but you can hold my hand if you want to". He then took me in this like jail type of thing, but in the train station, where you just hold people temporarily until cops come if you need to.
Then after a while the cops arrived and started asking what happened etc. I told them the story and other of the two cops was pretty nasty when i told that i took the marker from my former workplace(after she asked where i got it from) and she was like, "yea as if you had a job", i was a bit baffled and i dont think i said anything but started her like "wtf you talking" and the other cop seemed to have an expression like that was a bit unnecessary.
Anyways since security guards cannot search bags or anything in here without permission, the cops asked me if it was ok for the security guard to go over my bag while they questioned me. I said sure, because i knew there was a chance that the security guard would ignore the hash and pipe i had more likely than the cops. He was searching my bag like right behind me so that i could see a little if i looked to my side. While i was taliing with the cops, i saw with the back of my eye that the security guard was showing the cops the thing i used to prepare the hash on, like silently asking them if they want to do something about this. I was like i did not see it, but i saw one of the cops waved his hand like just put it back. He did not show them the bag i had the pipe and hash in i think, because if they had seen the pipe they would had taken it for sure. Weed here is not legal, but cops have the right to just give warning to minor offences like having very low amount on you, but they rarely do ignore it. So i got lucky.
Anyways after i was released, there was no next train until many hours, si i had to walk home for about 8 miles. So naturally i wanted to get a ride from the cops

i started begging them please please give me a ride, i got so long way home. They refused and got a bit annoyed,then when i didnt stop asking them for a ride, they told me that if i dont stop they can take me to the station and give me a place to sleep. I was like naaah, please please give me a ride at least through that bridge that was like 200m long

DD They were like NO and went away
So i started searching for my hash and could not find it. So i thought that the security guard took it to himself. So naturally i went backtothe train station(that was closed) and knocking his door and i thought that i we can share it if he likes to smoke. he did not open the door despite me attempting quite a bit, so i went away being bummed that i had no hash or beer and like 8 miles to walk. Then after i had walked for a while, i was like fuck this ill collect some tar from the pipe if i cant find the hash. But i did find the hash and the security guard did not take it

Oh god if he would had opened the door and i would had started to demand my hash back from him..
Anyways i stopped smoking couple times during the walk and bought some low alcohol beer from a gas station and had a pretty fun walk home
I ende dup getting i think it was 86€ fine for it and they told me that if the train station demands that i pay for the tag i did, then i might have to pay them a bit more. But the wall was heavily tagged already and mine was not very big, so they didnt demand anything from me.
They also missed all but that one tag of mine and i was able to lie to them what it said