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Is telling someone to take livestock dewormer, then having that person die of Covid-19 a form of physical violence? They say it feels like an elephant sitting on their chest as they slowly choke to death. It's got to hurt.

+ you basically drown in your own fluid..your skin starts to slip off when you touch it 'skinslip'..at that stage i would totally do compassionate..you're not coming out of it..might as well get some morphine on the way out..why die miserably?

i'm going to do that when it's time..i've already spoken to one doctor and you can do it 4-6 months before arrange everything nice and neatly. Local crematory and spread me on the mountains..i'm setting it all up.
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Likely because you are brainwashed into thinking whatever bullshit you got tricked to think is 'the left'.
Collectivism is always left.
Left isn't a dirty word, and neither is right.
Having open discussion with your rivals improves your ideas. Competition makes all things better.
+ you basically drown in your own fluid..your skin starts to slip off when you touch it 'skinslip'..at that stage i would totally do compassionate..you're not coming out of it..might as well get some morphine on the way out..why die miserably?

i'm going to do that when it's time..i've already spoken to one doctor and you can do it 4-6 months before arrange everything nice and neatly. Local crematory and spread me on the mountains..i'm setting it all up.
Words are not violence. Anyone who thinks so hasn't been beaten physically bad enough.
Collectivism is always left.
Left isn't a dirty word, and neither is right.
Having open discussion with your rivals improves your ideas. Competition makes all things better.

Yeaaaaaahhhh but americans in particular tend to have a terrible understanding of collectivism. We think we have a right to spit on people and anything preventing us from doing that is collectivism. We're idiots.
Yeaaaaaahhhh but americans in particular tend to have a terrible understanding of collectivism. We think we have a right to spit on people and anything preventing us from doing that is collectivism. We're idiots.
It would be nice if your kind would just stop with the violence and threats of violence.

Oh, and while we are discussing using bodily fluids as a political statement. Your brothers who invaded the Capitol Building on Jan 6 shit on the floor and smeared it on the walls. So much for the purity you are falsely trying to project.
There you go. The answer is always a cry to authority to "shut him up".

I have the right to not believe her. Just like you have the right to not believe me. How does a situation that involves neither of us personally produce such a strong emotional reaction? It's just a discussion, nobody is being hurt.
you're telling lies, aimed to undermine democracy...your lies hurt the entire nation...they condone illegal behavior, they condone racist behavior, they condone every evil thing that trump and his cadre of white power assholes are trying to do...lots of people are getting hurt, because people liek you let it happen and refuse to stand up to insurrectionist pieces of shit and tell them they're fucking anti-american, anti-freedom, anti-constitution fucking brown shirt thugs...
It was literally the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

If words trigger someone they're either not mature, or suffered some kind of trauma.

Any kind of government can foster an authoritarian ruler if that's what the people fall for. But as a rule most of them hide behind collectivism. That way the "good of the people" trumps morals.
calling a pile of dog shit a diamond won't get you a dollar at the pawn shop...
Let me guess, Stalin wasn't a leftist either?
hitler was a right wing totalitarian, stalin was a left wing totalitarian...but they were both totalitarians...
"relating to a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state."...left and right are just semantics...
Words are not violence. Anyone who thinks so hasn't been beaten physically bad enough.
word are absolutely violence...there are occasions in my life that happened 30-40 years ago, where no one laid a hand on me, but i remember the words they said...they still hurt,and always will. they were designed to hurt, they were said to hurt, and they achieved their goal.
you think it doesn't hurt a teacher when a rabid spittle spraying trumptard parent accuses them of trying to turn their child into a "liberal zombie"...?when all they're trying to do is teach the kids the truth, and it's the parents that are trying to teach them lies?
do you think that doctors and nurses aren't hurt when they're accused of trying to trick people into taking "mind control drugs and tracking chips and graphene"....when all they're doing is trying to save the fucking antivaxx morons from themselves....when they're accused of murder for not allowing stupid ass qanon fuckheads to troop into a hospital and start giving entubated people invermectin...?
do you not think poor waitresses and shop clerks aren't hurt when fucking asshole antimaskers go off on them for following the rules and asking them to put a mask on?....
words are absolutely violence
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