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Team blue will most likely lose the senate in the midterms. I do not want the GOP in charge without the protection of the filibuster.

I don't believe it and i'm not sold on it. the strategy is simple make the GOP look as bad as it is as close to midterms. it's duo purpose 1) to save the Senate and 2) to get Dems to vote.

when i was being trained for my last sales position; i was in Tampa and we went into a sex shop because they need fragrancing just like strip clubs
the literally had a vagina under a cube of glass and it was near the door so you couldn't miss it. we almost couldn't take our eyes off of it. it was very expensive.

my male trainer apologized when we left.
yes, we need to change this. end the Filibuster so we can get things done and guess what? you'll have constituents that know you care about them since ergo things will get done; their lives better and vote Dem again.

we need a spine..end the Filibuster NOW.

who's really the problem here..can't blames the Progs this time..nooooo it's the Mods who are really Repubs.

and McConnell is loving every minute rubbing it in how BIden can't get anything done with the Majority.

but know for a fact BOTH ae in a lot of trouble in their home states.
Yeah it is not going to happen unless people actually vote in more Democrats.

And pretending like anything not getting passed because these two (at least) Democratic senators are not willing to end the filibuster and not the 50 Republicans who are trying to tank our nation by stopping any legislation is just more playing into the right wing propagandist hands. So yeah no question McConnell is loving it. Especially when people lie about Biden not being able to get anything done with the majority (when they really mean Biden can't get EVERYTHING done with a tied Senate).
Why It’s Hard To Pay Attention

After the past 24 months, for many of us, our heads are spinning too fast to focus on anything. But a new book by author Johann Hari delves into how a lack of focus impacts our brains.
not strange at all- we have technology that we really shouldn't have yet.
Agreed,things have progressed to fast for me, I can,t help but think of a computer class I attended in college circa 1985,the main frame computer that controlled things in that room was the size of a delivery truck, now people have more processing power in their phones than that monstrosity main frame had.now Zuck is pushing this Metaverse thing. Also this internet of things,damn I don't need a refridgerator to tell me I need milk
Yeah it is not going to happen unless people actually vote in more Democrats.

And pretending like anything not getting passed because these two (at least) Democratic senators are not willing to end the filibuster and not the 50 Republicans who are trying to tank our nation by stopping any legislation is just more playing into the right wing propagandist hands. So yeah no question McConnell is loving it. Especially when people lie about Biden not being able to get anything done with the majority (when they really mean Biden can't get EVERYTHING done with a tied Senate).

i'm not pretending anything.

the infrastructure and BBB were supposed to be in tandem- passed together so they get done (why has everyone forgotten this?). that didn't happen..'trust us we'll do the infrastructure now'..hell, Manchin even put it in writing to Schumer then going on Sunday morning to say he's a no? WTF was that all about? out of nowhere.

if only we could have a truly tied Senate..but that's not what we have now is it, Hanimmal?
i'm not pretending anything.

the infrastructure and BBB were supposed to be in tandem- passed together so they get done (why has everyone forgotten this?). that didn't happen..'trust us we'll do the infrastructure now'..hell, Manchin even put it in writing to Schumer then going on Sunday morning to say he's a no? WTF was that all about? out of nowhere.

if only we could have a truly tied Senate..but that's not what we have now is it, Hanimmal?
But they were not, and wouldn't have been which is why they got split up. Also you are pretending when you say things like Biden got 'nothing done'. The Covid relief package that should have been passed under Trump (who instead gave his rich friends more free shit on the way out the door) for one, not allowing the government to shut down which would have hammered our economy, appointing more judges in his first year than anyone in the last what 50+ years, overseeing the largest civilian evacuation in history after the last administration made a deal screwing us, most diverse administration ever, over a hundred executive actions trying to undo the shit Trump wrote into existence and reestablishing stuff he stopped because it was done under Obama, on and on.

And yeah Democrats have 50 (now 49 due to that one having a stroke) senators, and the Republicans have 50 too. I know you think you have some bullshit 'gotcha' technicality that VP Harris is a tie breaker, but that doesn't mean that they can pass anything that needs 60 votes, which due to the insurrectionist Republicans trying like hell to hurt our nation so that they have any chance at all at winning power back, is not going to happen.

Crying that Democrats don't have all 50 votes to end the filibuster means 'nothing is getting done' is simply bullshit, and yes once again making McConnell happy that his obstruction gets to keep happening without any real negative consequences.
Agreed,things have progressed to fast for me, I can,t help but think of a computer class I attended in college circa 1985,the main frame computer that controlled things in that room was the size of a delivery truck, now people have more processing power in their phones than that monstrosity main frame had.now Zuck is pushing this Metaverse thing. Also this internet of things,damn I don't need a refridgerator to tell me I need milk
see, you went normal, when i'm pretty sure she was talking about technology from the alien spaceship they have at Roswell.... :shock:
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I don't believe it and i'm not sold on it. the strategy is simple make the GOP look as bad as it is as close to midterms. it's duo purpose 1) to save the Senate and 2) to get Dems to vote.
From wiki wiki:

The party of the incumbent president tends to lose ground during midterm elections: since World War II the President's party has lost an average of 26 seats in the House, and an average of four seats in the Senate.
From wiki wiki:

The party of the incumbent president tends to lose ground during midterm elections: since World War II the President's party has lost an average of 26 seats in the House, and an average of four seats in the Senate.

it's 2022..shhhhhhh! lets not tell anyone about the before and maybe..just maybe.