F-series strips, side lighting build.

If you're growing with LED its fine to have your Ambient air temp 80 F but with HPS you're actual leaf surface temperature and bud temps are going to be 85-86 F which is too hot if your looking for optimal quality.

my leaf surface temp does not increase 6 degrees with hps, 3-4 maybe, rooms set at 82, we gonna wing it boy! Go follow my journal, see what happens. I won’t know until I hit it full power in a couple months.

first link tells me if you can smell it, those are the terps that evaporate at 70, states a majority of them take 100 and thc take 157 or something. I didn’t check the second link because the first link told me nothing. Search around for ideal leaf surface temp with co2 and 60 watts a sq foot.
I’m more concerned right now with if I should put all 50 f strips in there :lol:

@calvin.m16, don’t worry man, I won’t cook my terps, I’m not disagreeing with you and why my first comment said, this is incorrect to me, yeah hot weed stinks more for a reason, I know all this. I have lost quality before, I have grown @ 95f and at 80f. I know the risks and I put my time in and I know the limits I’m comfortable with. Most importantly, hands on is how we learnt and continue to do so. There are just too many other variables to just claim or assume anything. The test will be in flower, most wattage I have run, it will be mid winter here, we will make sure it doesn’t get too hot, for my liking though...:weed: