f#ck, I BROKE the golden rule, and now I pay for it


Well-Known Member
I would screw that son of a bitch up for yappin, and start introducing yourself to people like I do "Hey, I'm ______. I smoke marijuana." bwahaha but seriously, thats pretty much how I introduce myself, nothin to hide


Fuck all that...Bro im sorry for your loss in friends, But BE PROUD! your normal your free..... you were surrounded by fake people! so Live your life! and keep grow'n!:leaf:


Active Member
This is not fucked. This is too funny. A dipshit with shithead friends. I wish I knew people like them so I can fuck with them hard.
It's not just a golden rule to not tell anyone that you grow bud but a personal conduct that just goes on without mentioning.


Well-Known Member
Wow, thats never happened to me. Most of the people I know smoke weed. Everyone who knows me knows that I smoke. I don't have a whole lot of friends because I like it better that way. For one, people annoy me... and for two, I don't keep my smoking a secret from my friends. The less people who know the better though... so thats why I just have a small circle of friends. Now GROWING is a different story. Not even my BEST friends know about that.

As far as YOUR story goes though. I suppose that is bound to happen when you keep your smoking of weed a secret from friends. If they know (from the word GO) that you smoke, they'll have the option of just not being your friend... and you'd never have to worry about a situation like this. Or, just don't ever let the cat out of the bag.

You're pretty bold for breaking out a bag of illegal narcotics in the presence of an anti-marijuana type of person (friend or not).


Active Member
yea you just need to find a couple of smoking buddies. Then you all can get stone and laugh at the ignorance of your other friends.


Active Member
Always follow the rules. every time you break one of them you will kick yourself. and guess what if you do it again you will get the same result everytime. But thanks for the story, I always try to learn from others mistakes. PEACE


Well-Known Member
this story is hilarious your friend gives you shit about smoking weed how its going to give you cancer etc., and he/she smokes? lmfao


New Member
it's hilarious how your friends, aquaintances and such seem to almost let the weed thing define who you are as a person, just because you smoke it lol

they sound like very sheltered people


Active Member
this story is hilarious your friend gives you shit about smoking weed how its going to give you cancer etc., and he/she smokes? lmfao
yeah....cancer......when they give cancer patients mary for pain.....but i guess its ok for them right they already got the shit? dumbass. its illegal in my state...sadly based on my observations and personal exp. i notice about 75% of adults/teens in my city smoke the stuff...so its not too mcuh an issue here, aint shit to ask most "where the green at?". But alas, all my friends smoke, and if they dont, they dont know i do, but i also make it a point to somehow "test the waters" so to speak to find their standpoint.....u shoulda done the same my friend. and yeah he'd so caught a right hook for flushing my herb....nothing worse then wasted chronic


New Member
Is IT older than the bibles?

Phucking Wacko Gimps From Wako.


Did you feel that one?

Thoughts Become Things


ITs the high levels of birth control piss etrogen in bottled water, we're tellin' ya!

Have No Doubt.

IT can get plainer than this for The Flyers!

What if an Avatar-Solution phucked the other way around?



Well-Known Member
I'm exactly opposite. I tell everyone I smoke, and I think its better this way. I weed out the non smokers right away! And if my friends are going to think less of me because I smoke, then what kind of friends are they really. I'll tell you. They are the kind of friends that make you hope and pray that you don't have any enemies.. Dump you pice of shit friends. And go smoke that joint after school with your new better friends. A friend with weed is a friend indeed. Good luck to you!