i grow everglades bud
Well-Known Member
Someone should print some and sell for like 15 bones. I want one!
you bettter send me one to ill pay like 20 for a sticker on my truck for that shit .lol you know what i might just go get that done lol

Someone should print some and sell for like 15 bones. I want one!
You sure he just didn't like your aunt? hahaFunny story man well when i was 16 i use to pinch off some of my dads stash to smoke. well of course he found out. He didn't really care just wished i had told him instead jacking his shit. Okay so the next day my aunt came over she all religious and against smoking. . So they were chillin in the living room when my dad called me out and said to hit this bowl and in front of my aunt. I toke a hit and my aunt just look at us and started crying and left the house. My dad told me not to be ashamed of me smoking and what others think. It was a fucked up way of showing me but i understood what he was sayin. i dont go around telling anyone or smoking everywhere but if people knew or asked i wouldn't be ashamed to tell them
Ahh my sympathies bud.shit fuck if i kno he died that year R.I.P My pops Julio