Relax, my old man's a television repair man. He's got this ultimate set of tools.
I can fix it.
Sorry, don't know why but spicoli came to mind.
Holy crap! I haven't heard that one in a while!
I saw that movie with my best buddy when it first came out in the theaters.
We both got a "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" t-shirt that the theater was giving away to anyone who bought tickets to watch it (was the opening weekend for it).
As for ultimate set of tools, my pops really DID have an ultimate set.
He even offered me the bulk of it when he retired, but I turned it down since my field of expertise is with home computers and not the business machines and mainframes he worked on (lots of specialty tools, and diagnostic equipment).
I do regret not taking him up on the offer, but most of it I would never need to use.
"That's my skull! I'm so wasted!!"
*ironically, my dad was a master mechanic (and was the son of a master blacksmith & mechanic) in the 1950's before changing careers and going to work for NCR in the late 1950's.
I just about went down the same path as they did, and learned all I could from my dad about repairing cars, but decided I didn't want to turn wrenches for a living (emissions controls were limited at the time, and no cars had computers back then, but the writing was on the wall, and I didn't want to have to deal with it.).
So after high school I went to a trade school and learned autobody repair & painting.
Then got into the computer biz later. Just like him.
So if Spicoli had known me, I could've hooked him up with the skills & tools if he had the money for the parts, and Forrest's college bribe would've looked like brand new.
But then his lack of rage might have cost them the football game, so I guess everything works out like it should.