All extracted air goes outside, night time temps is where I'm at, I'm checking, outside is 6c inside not sure without checking. Now I'm only growing through the night I should be fine, gonna grab a new extraction fan anyway as I can get a hyper v2 for cheap 10" so should keep me to fine till end of this grow n have more funds. However as soon as I'm done I was want to change my grow to led and hps or led and cmh and as temps will sore middle June day and night I want to run ac and maybe co2 , maybe ? My space is c hanging too, space will be about 8' x 8' , maybe 9 foot square and 8 foot high and running probabl y 2x 660w led bar lights and 4 x 250w hps or led and cmh not sure of amount either 2 or 4 ?? All pumps , ballasts etc will be outside of space, How much a.c would I need ?