• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

"Extinction Threat to Religions" Hope for the World yet?


Well-Known Member
But it's ok in some religions, who's right? Now you just started a war because your beliefs are different.

No persons beliefs should be pushed onto another, no person has that right to say what's better because they're opinion differs. That what religion does.
thats what atheist do to fuck alright this time for real bye everybody on this thread

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Take a look at christianity, we're all fucked and condemned to hell unless we're christians, kinda the bare run down of it, how is that accepting. That;'s like a motherfucking stalin dictatorship :lol: you will work the machien tractors or die in the gulags!

With regard to athiests, well at the end of the day until the religious types prove them wrong, they're right, and has nothing to do with opinion. I can accept your opinion that there is a god, but if you then tell me there is a god, you damned well better be able to prove it or i'll tell you to fuck off and come back when you have something worthwhile to say :lol: Religion can not really be about acceptance and tollerance either, hence the huge moves the churches take to try and draw in more and more people, if it's about tolerance of people, and as such their lives, why are you trying to convert people? Surely you'd be happy with the folk you have in the church and happy for the folk and their lives who're not part of the church.

Here's a question for any reigious types. Would you prefere your best friend to remain an athiest, or to convert to your religion? Because if it's convert then there can be no tolerance or acceptance, it is clearly an indication that you think your religion is better than their lifestyle is it not, else what would be the issue with him just doing as he does and being your friend at the same time?

Like i say, i've been focusing of late on the difference between religion and organised religion, because they are HUGELY different arguments.


Well-Known Member
what so my beilfe that murder is wrong shouldnt be enforced upon anyone?

I mean thats kinda silly really, Im not forcing reiligon to anyone,,my beilfes are my own AND I HAVE NEVER said Im right in what I beileve,,

and that christany your talking about is bible belt shit,,none of the preist I know speak anything like that. most of them now belive in a big bang, but that god created it. Im not reiligous in anyway,, hence why I said Im not defending reilgion.

Im simply saying that western laws and such legislation are really all based on reiligous terms. sorry for all the spelling mistakes.


Well-Known Member
no the bible finishes by the world having eternal peace, love, happiness,harmony, after the apocalypse so basically after all the bullshit in the end it will be true nirvana now im not a christian or a catholic or anything ive only been baptized and refuse to conform to one religion for i look at the world and all religion as one and i love science but to say theirs is no god out their is like saying theirs is no life in space no one really knows but im just gonna stop i hate discussing religion cuz you either get it or you dont

the bible also says that the world basicly has to be torn apart first... theres plenty of chritians that are so desperate for their story to be true that they're activley seeking the so called prophecies in their book. you even had people like George Bush going round to world leaders calling the iraq war a Gog Magog war
these people would destroy everything to get to this fabled nirvana


Well-Known Member
thats what I said in my first post!!!!!!!

"its more the PEOPLE of a religon ,interprting 'scritps' / religious text and using it to justify a war".
Lol, the way I see it, if there wasn't a religion backing them up then they're just a nutcase causing drama.

I still see religion as the problem.


Well-Known Member
well actually only some people will experience the apocalypse and some will be saved and thats it im done i think people should look more towards humanitarianism to get rid of all this bull shit we need to look as the world and the people as one and relize we need to work together for good to overcome what is evil

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
So first poeple interpreting the texts in their own way is causing wars and is the bad thing, and now interpreting texts in your own way is creating tolerance and acceptance. I mean how can a religion be a religion if noone has the balls to follow it. Last i checked a commandment wasn't a helpful suggestion, and last i checked it was quite a major part of the bible, yet would christians follow it, fuck that, far too much work and commitment. How can people call themselves christians if they can't even follow the requirements? Reminds me of the rather amusing fellow i encountered at work the other day, he's a jewish pig farmer :lol:

And again, if only "some" are saved, you're either saying that caste has no bearing, and that it would be a lucky dip ordeal, or you are kinda re-asserting the whole concept of "have faith or burn fucker"


Well-Known Member
You won't get rid of religion unltil you get rid of weak minded people. Apparently it works as some kind of viable insurance for your life, no, that's like convincing yourself you crash helmet will save you from this accident at 200mph, it may all sound convincing and appealing, but it's all tosh and everyone else knows it.

I was talking with me mam about something laong these lines a short while back. It'# my opinion t ath if god is as real as all these people claim, such as theiur experiences and such, then why is there any need for a book, the answers shold surely be given to you by said god who is real. She then stated (she is a vicar now lol) that when she was younger, she kept an open mind but never found a SINGLE INDICATION THAT THERE WAS A GOD, UP UNTIL SHE CHATTED WITH FRIENDS ABOUT THEIR EXPERIENCES AND THEN POOF, SHE HAS ONE, sorry, hit capslock somewhere there. It kinda defeats the point of an experience, if you can only experience one after you've been told how it shuold go do, it doesn't really hold any validity or credibility. I mean nowadays the only answer you seem to get is "he spoke to me", well what the fuck, last i read, god was showing his existence by drowning the world and dividing seas and setting fire to bushes and then spekaing from them, what happend to all of those experiences? I think i might know that one :lol: they made fantastic stories, little more.

I in no way think that everything is as flat and ordinary as it seems, as i've said before, a few very simple and short reiki excersizes can be all the proof you need that there's more going on than you know, but i flat refuse to accept "god" and "allah" and all these different religions deities, i mean as far as i'm concerned, christians are all worshiping the muslim god, except that somewhere along the line someone got pissy that his village didn't do things his way so he moved on and changed it slightly, it's my thinking that all religions are praying to the same "thing" and somewhere along the lines there were simply factions. I mean look at the factions of christianity (CoE especially, let's create a denomination purely because in this one i can't et a divorce lol), it certainly stands to reason that christianity could have branched off from something itself a while back because it didn't agree.

well there might always be weak minded people but how many of them are that way due to their indoctriantion? when your taught as standard not to question and when you dont need your own moral compass becuase the good book tells you whats right and wrong so what need is there for people to develope themselves and look at reality as how it is?

i think your on to something there where people only have experiences after talking with others. these would be normal everyday occurrences that wouldnt be subscribed to a higher power if it wasnt for the infectiousness of gullibility and the ever looming conformation bias

i've had "spiritual/ religious" experiences while on hallucinogens yet i have always attributed it to the drugs. however i have seen alot of people tell others that its a gateway to god/ higher dimensions and anturally the people try the drug its amazing/ otherworldly and hey presto theres another gullible fool beleiving something that any rational person would not even entertain

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
well there might always be weak minded people but how many of them are that way due to their indoctriantion? when your taught as standard not to question and when you dont need your own moral compass becuase the good book tells you whats right and wrong so what need is there for people to develope themselves and look at reality as how it is?

i think your on to something there where people only have experiences after talking with others. these would be normal everyday occurrences that wouldnt be subscribed to a higher power if it wasnt for the infectiousness of gullibility and the ever looming conformation bias

i've had "spiritual/ religious" experiences while on hallucinogens yet i have always attributed it to the drugs. however i have seen alot of people tell others that its a gateway to god/ higher dimensions and anturally the people try the drug its amazing/ otherworldly and hey presto theres another gullible fool beleiving something that any rational person would not even entertain
Very good point on the whole psychadelics! As to being weak minded due to the indoctrination, i'm afraid i can't buy that. I was one of the indoctrinated, heavily so, all holidays were christian organised affairs with large seminars and serveices instead of say jet skiing or boarding a pipe, not to mention christian camp year in year out, where there was no jet ski or snowboard, just a fuck off tent full of singing :lol: so techincally i should have been conditioned to accept it as the way and that lot, but i very rapidly realised there was nothing to it and it was a load of rubbish.

The one thing i often say just to annoy christians, largely due to these holidays etc, is that whenever i hear "i odn't know how i'd have gotten through it, just knowing that i had god looking over my shouder" etc, well a. i ask them just how damned insecure they must be, and secondly i tell them that if i can get through the same ordeal without needing or having this guy over my houlder, am i a better person than you :lol: always starts a hissy fit haha


Well-Known Member
On a different note I think we can learn some form of morals from religion, and if it wasnt for these 'codes' of conduct we wouldnt have the mordern day model of good and bad or right and wrong.
its just false to say that the world would be without morals if religion didnt exist. people are perfectly capable of making up their own minds whats wrong and right

religion makes it moral to stone women who dont cover up
religion makes it moral to drive nails into the heads of children who are accused of being "possesed"

as an atheist my morals doesnt allow it never mind what some cavedweller wrote back in the days when we knew fuck all about the world around us


Well-Known Member
well there might always be weak minded people but how many of them are that way due to their indoctriantion? when your taught as standard not to question and when you dont need your own moral compass becuase the good book tells you whats right and wrong so what need is there for people to develope themselves and look at reality as how it is?

i think your on to something there where people only have experiences after talking with others. these would be normal everyday occurrences that wouldnt be subscribed to a higher power if it wasnt for the infectiousness of gullibility and the ever looming conformation bias

i've had "spiritual/ religious" experiences while on hallucinogens yet i have always attributed it to the drugs. however i have seen alot of people tell others that its a gateway to god/ higher dimensions and anturally the people try the drug its amazing/ otherworldly and hey presto theres another gullible fool beleiving something that any rational person would not even entertain
I've never understood that doorway bullshit I always hear people talking about with hallucinagins.

I eat mushrooms and acid for the trip and the buzz, never felt a higher being or other world.


Well-Known Member
Very good point on the whole psychadelics! As to being weak minded due to the indoctrination, i'm afraid i can't buy that. I was one of the indoctrinated, heavily so, all holidays were christian organised affairs with large seminars and serveices instead of say jet skiing or boarding a pipe, not to mention christian camp year in year out, where there was no jet ski or snowboard, just a fuck off tent full of singing :lol: so techincally i should have been conditioned to accept it as the way and that lot, but i very rapidly realised there was nothing to it and it was a load of rubbish.

The one thing i often say just to annoy christians, largely due to these holidays etc, is that whenever i hear "i odn't know how i'd have gotten through it, just knowing that i had god looking over my shouder" etc, well a. i ask them just how damned insecure they must be, and secondly i tell them that if i can get through the same ordeal without needing or having this guy over my houlder, am i a better person than you :lol: always starts a hissy fit haha
christainity is a disease caught by most in childhood some are lucky enough to have shaken of by time they have grown up. you sound like one of the lucky ones although you said yourself you believe theres something more is that just trying to fill the hole left from your childhood indoctrination?

i know a couple of people who parents are/ were vicars and even tho a some of them denounced their faith while growing up they never truley gave it up and most of them are pretty devout now


Well-Known Member
I've never understood that doorway bullshit I always hear people talking about with hallucinagins.

I eat mushrooms and acid for the trip and the buzz, never felt a higher being or other world.
i'd been a space cadet on lsd and shrooms for several years and i too just took it to have fun it wasnt untill i took a heroic (and my first) dose of dmt that i saw what everyone was talking about i wasnt much expecting it and in trying to explain it my mind kept trying to attribute things to it. was quite a blow to my psyche but i knew it was a drug induced inner body experiance not my mind floating up threw the higher dimensions like somepeople tried to tell me

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
christainity is a disease caught by most in childhood some are lucky enough to have shaken of by time they have grown up. you sound like one of the lucky ones although you said yourself you believe theres something more is that just trying to fill the hole left from your childhood indoctrination?

i know a couple of people who parents are/ were vicars and even tho a some of them denounced their faith while growing up they never truley gave it up and most of them are pretty devout now
I'm a funny one, i'm not agnostic, in that i plain don't beleive there is a god as we al picture, but at the same time i often meditate on what oculd be, for example the concept of the spirit of mother nature, that really appeals to me, because it's down to earth, hahaha, bad pun, but as i say, i just ponder it, and as such, i could think of it as in "mother nature taught us a lesson with japan, slow the fuck down, she can flatten it faster than you can re-build it so keep it simple." but in the same way i can look at that and simply think that it's a lesson from mother nature in that we need to slow down because we can't build faster than she can flatten, and the fancier and moderner we build, the longer it takes to re-build." I'm sat trying to work out how i'd phrase that but i'm having a hard time putting a couple of words on it. Is it mother nature telling us something directly, or is mother nature indirectly teaching us lessons, that we must realise for ourselves (one instance being an earthquake is made to teach us, the other being we use the example of the earthquake to learn.

Just been sat readin up a little bit on Shinto. Some interesting concepts.


Well-Known Member
its just false to say that the world would be without morals if religion didnt exist. people are perfectly capable of making up their own minds whats wrong and right

religion makes it moral to stone women who dont cover up
religion makes it moral to drive nails into the heads of children who are accused of being "possesed"

as an atheist my morals doesnt allow it never mind what some cavedweller wrote back in the days when we knew fuck all about the world around us
If people were able to make up there own minds on whats right and wrong why did all the genrations of people follow religon blindly??
If you werent religious you wouldnt celebrate CHRISTmas,,or thanks giving,,do you??
thats a genuie question not trying to provoke anyone.
bringing a tree inside your house(which we adopted) is orginally belived to be from saint someone who stopped pagans scarifing a child by gutting down there oak th ree and a pine grew from its base,branchs points heaven ward,tree of god bla-blah balh.,,
Or from a story that says that late in the Middle Ages, Germans and Scandinavians placed evergreen trees inside their homes or just outside their doors to show their hope that spring would soon come.
Take it easy.


Well-Known Member
If people were able to make up there own minds on whats right and wrong why did all the genrations of people follow religon blindly??
If you werent religious you wouldnt celebrate CHRISTmas,,or thanks giving,,do you??
thats a genuie question not trying to provoke anyone.
bringing a tree inside your house(which we adopted) is orginally a pagan ritual,,where the tree would be cut and brought in in the darkest winter months and would be taken back out and buried in the new spring. Thats if I remeber rightly.
Take it easy.
we're only just in a stage in history where its safe to be an atheist openly

not only that but religion itself takes away the tools needed to make up you own mind
dogma states not to question the book so the moment you start questioning the morals of your book you already against you own god counter productive eh?
also why should any decide for themselves whats right and wrong when you already have been given a list of right and wrongs from an infallible book?

your trying to justify chritianity with the festering commercial materialistic farce of a religious celebration callled christmas?? WOW


Well-Known Member
so all the people in the middle ages were brain washed???????????????? I find that hard to grasp.

I understand that they had less knowledge so in effect they would belive more in what people would say..

That video dose show that alot of people who are religous would probly just be a nutter anyway if thats what you said earlier. I agree with that,,

So do you celebrate xmas,,thanks giving?

just curious.