You won't get rid of religion unltil you get rid of weak minded people. Apparently it works as some kind of viable insurance for your life, no, that's like convincing yourself you crash helmet will save you from this accident at 200mph, it may all sound convincing and appealing, but it's all tosh and everyone else knows it.
I was talking with me mam about something laong these lines a short while back. It'# my opinion t ath if god is as real as all these people claim, such as theiur experiences and such, then why is there any need for a book, the answers shold surely be given to you by said god who is real. She then stated (she is a vicar now lol) that when she was younger, she kept an open mind but never found a SINGLE INDICATION THAT THERE WAS A GOD, UP UNTIL SHE CHATTED WITH FRIENDS ABOUT THEIR EXPERIENCES AND THEN POOF, SHE HAS ONE, sorry, hit capslock somewhere there. It kinda defeats the point of an experience, if you can only experience one after you've been told how it shuold go do, it doesn't really hold any validity or credibility. I mean nowadays the only answer you seem to get is "he spoke to me", well what the fuck, last i read, god was showing his existence by drowning the world and dividing seas and setting fire to bushes and then spekaing from them, what happend to all of those experiences? I think i might know that one

they made fantastic stories, little more.
I in no way think that everything is as flat and ordinary as it seems, as i've said before, a few very simple and short reiki excersizes can be all the proof you need that there's more going on than you know, but i flat refuse to accept "god" and "allah" and all these different religions deities, i mean as far as i'm concerned, christians are all worshiping the muslim god, except that somewhere along the line someone got pissy that his village didn't do things his way so he moved on and changed it slightly, it's my thinking that all religions are praying to the same "thing" and somewhere along the lines there were simply factions. I mean look at the factions of christianity (CoE especially, let's create a denomination purely because in this one i can't et a divorce lol), it certainly stands to reason that christianity could have branched off from something itself a while back because it didn't agree.