EXCUSE ME?!..**The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2020 Thread**

What a racist thing to say.

Apparently you seriously think black people are stupid enough to be fooled by skin color alone.
or maybe they can identify with someone more their color. Tired of old white men running shit. Who said anything about that being stupid. Do you think black people are stupid for being tired of old white men running shit ?
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but there is air and a sun and a moon!

going forward you need to cite or your post will be flagged on suspicion as russian troll.

how many rubles do they pay you daily?
Oh good lord. I agree with you. People who do that should be locked up. They are indeed Russian trolls whether they get paid or not.

Enjoy your crow, dear.

Reports coming from Venezuelans are saying that opposition forces are attacking and even killing civilians, then blaming the deaths on government forces.

The situation is getting out of hand and it's clear that America's influence is deeply involved. Considering how many tells there are, I'd be surprised if the CIA wasn't up their neck in it.

Exactly what reports? Caitlyn? RT?

Nope, Venezuelan state TV.

So now you're clairvoyant.

Got it

I think I proved my clairvoyance rather well. Although it doesn't take a rocket scientist to read Tty's mind.
I'm not a coward.

No one here has justified American intervention in the affairs of Venezuela, no matter how good or bad Mauro might be as a leader.


Where has our intervention ever worked?

You made some claims about what was happening in Venezuela that you have failed to substantiate despite being requested to.

We have been here before. You claimed the military was being purged for political reliability and when pressed on your sources you claimed that:

Finally I pressed you enough to actually check the source. It did not substantiate your claims at all. But you couldn't accept being wrong, you had to lie about it...

Considering this non-existent early version, can you explain the following...?

Did all your deep state contacts hear the same non-existent "early version" or are you a liar that thinks nothing of overstating your contacts and making up shit if it suits your purpose?

Hmmmm, who does that remind me of?

So, at hand we have the following statement that you made the other day...

Please share these reports. I have asked you to do so several times but you haven't because you are hiding the fact that I was right when I suggested that these so-called "reports" were likely from known propaganda mouthpieces of the Maduro regime.

Put up or shut up, mountain man. You can use your "deep state" contacts or girlfriends that go to "other schools"!


Good to see you around @ttystikk, your unwillingness to post your sources about your claims about Venezuela prove you are a know nothing who will accept the most specious news as fact if it reports your preconceptions.

This is why we laugh at you and have no respect whatsoever for you opinions.


Why do you support illegal intervention in other countries in order to steal their resources and enrich multinational corporations?

Yep,, still waiting to find out where @ttystikk read those reports.
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Clinton lost to Putin.

Deny it all you want, that's fine.

Putin fucking HATED Clinton, well documented, and went all in to try to get his thumb on the scale.

You've heard of the Mueller investigation, right?

And by the way, Putin's boys were helping Bernie for a while too.

so then what you're saying is the president is a traitor via treason against The United States of America?

Lookie cookie, trump and bill clinton now both tied to jeffrey Epstein via various angles.

"Then-federal prosecutor Alexander Acosta, now the U.S. secretary of labor (responsible for oversight of international human trafficking and child labor violations), agreed to seal the deal, withholding it from Epstein’s victims, many between 13 and 16 years old when they were abused, until it was too late for them to object in court.

Acosta played a major role in the deal that would immunize Epstein and his accomplices from federal prosecution and largely allowed Epstein’s lawyers to define the terms of the non-prosecution agreement, according to the Herald. The sealed agreement could potentially name other influential people from Epstein’s expansive network of elite friends."

Donald trump- “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York magazine in 2002. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”
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or maybe they can identify with someone more their color. Tired of old white men running shit. Who said anything about that being stupid. Do you think black people are stupid for being tired of old white men running shit ?

Yeah, none of those fuckers ever got a strain of weed named after 'em! - Marion Berry
or maybe they can identify with someone more their color. Tired of old white men running shit. Who said anything about that being stupid. Do you think black people are stupid for being tired of old white men running shit ?
BBBut Sanders has evolved on race issues. It says it right here

Sanders' evolution on race may not have come soon enough

Sanders is a Democratic socialist who has been hesitant to talk about race and showed a disdain for identity politics on one hand while never acknowledging it on the other hand.
But, there are clear signs that he has evolved on these issues.

"I wouldn't say so much he has evolved as many more lessons learned," Turner said. "He listens, he is a student of the game. He sees a lot as class-based, it's his predominate lens but it's not his only lens."

Doesn't that make you feel better now? What it is that Sanders has not-evolved into isn't quite spelled out in the article.
Just like AOC explained, it's only 70% of that portion of one's income OVER $10 million earned that year. It's not as if they'll be going hungry.

America needs that healthcare. My parents are retiring to British Columbia, healthcare is one of the biggest reasons why.
So they spend at least 6 months of the year in Canada and are Canadian citizens. Good for them :). And yes BC would be a great place. I hope to do that as well, but in Ontario and only for 6 months ;).
having our choice taken away with the coronation of Pickle Queen- who polled within error margin and NOT Sanders who polled +20 against Bad Orange Man is how it happened..

show me these polls where bernie was up 20 points on donald

BTW, latest iowa polls are out

biden - 29%
harris - 18%
bernie - 15%
warren - 11%

so much for "most popular politician in america", right?

deluded cult member