EXCUSE ME?!..**The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2020 Thread**

No, both parties don't support it.

Polls can say anyfuckingthing defending on how a question is phrased.

Try phrasing it like this:
Do you support universal health care if your taxes are going to be raised?

Good Luck though.
We could pay for it out of the defense budget. You know, the budget that no one ever asks how we pay for. Why is that?
if they had adopted his platform proposals onto their own them maybe him soapboxing for her would matter, but they didn't. His message is what matters. Policy, not politics. Take a look at the 2020 dem candidate platforms, way more in line with Sanders 2016 than hillary. He moved the goalposts. That is leadership. In 4 hours he already raised more than the frontrunner did in 24 hours of their announcement.
Correction; he set a new fundraising record for the first 24 hours of a presidential campaign.

That sure sounds like a washed up has been to me. /sarc
Lmao neo-liberal clintonites were always one election loss away from becoming republicans or republican lite. Show me the votes my ass, Obama had the seats and he didn't motivate enough of these fucking republicans in democrat clothing to vote in support of the public option. I believe we drag the party leftward and stop bickering amongst ourselves. This entire discuasion is about as fruitful as an envelope of anthrax.

Matt Groening, creator of the simpson was making fun of people like you since the mid 90's in his comic strips!View attachment 4285758
yeah i figured the state of florida voter suppression technique out.
ok just to make sure , here is a test question.
To vote for Bernie who is an Independent but is running as a Democrat, you would have to assure you are registered as a _________ in the Florida Primary..
A. Independent.
B. Republican.
C. Democrat
D. I love Bernie so much it does not matter
Lol I love how the Neoliberals on this website basivally side with George bush over someone with politics mire similar to Ralph Nader(Sanders). Its folks like y'all that gave us bush and trump.

Its going to ve fun seeing people taste their salty tears an a year or so.
Lol I love how the Neoliberals on this website basivally side with George bush over someone with politics mire similar to Ralph Nader(Sanders). Its folks like y'all that gave us bush and trump.

Its going to ve fun seeing people taste their salty tears an a year or so.
What does the word "neoliberal" mean to you?

The reason I ask is because Cult Of Sanders tends to make up their own definitions, such as, "Progressive". When one looks at the policies they support, COS really mean Socialist Democrat or Leftist. Not that I find the term, socialist, a bad word, just confused when COS rain hate on politicians with very strong records of supporting crucial progressive issues such as Elizabeth Warren.

Cult Of Sanders also call Pelosi a neoliberal which doesn't make sense either. From Wikipedia:

Neoliberalism or neo-liberalism[1] is the 20th-century resurgence of 19th-century ideas associated with laissez-faireeconomic liberalism and free marketcapitalism.[2]:7[3] Those ideas include economic liberalization policies such as privatization, austerity, deregulation, free trade[4] and reductions in government spending in order to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and society.[12] These market-based ideas and the policies they inspired constitute a paradigm shift away from the post-war Keynesian consensus which lasted from 1945 to 1980.[13][14]

I don't think you mean what Wikipedia says is the meaning behind this commonly used term. So, I'm asking. What do you mean when you say "neoliberal"?
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Lol I love how the Neoliberals on this website basivally side with George bush over someone with politics mire similar to Ralph Nader(Sanders). Its folks like y'all that gave us bush and trump.

Its going to ve fun seeing people taste their salty tears an a year or so.
I know I love the taste of right wing tears ...yummm
Lol I love how the Neoliberals on this website basivally side with George bush over someone with politics mire similar to Ralph Nader(Sanders). Its folks like y'all that gave us bush and trump.

Its going to ve fun seeing people taste their salty tears an a year or so.
Says the homosexual
Lol I love how the Neoliberals on this website basivally side with George bush over someone with politics mire similar to Ralph Nader(Sanders). Its folks like y'all that gave us bush and trump.

Its going to ve fun seeing people taste their salty tears an a year or so.

No, it's the "y'all" people that gave us Bush and Trump, neither of whom won the popular vote.

i know- everyone who's announced has adopted most of Sanders' platform only 2 1/2 years after it was deemed 'too radical' to have a living wage, health insurance as a right and free college so you're not bogged down with a mercedes payment.

from where?

simple. we are going BACK TO 90% <$10M as the wealthy have had a free ride since 1980 and time for this to end.

you don't like that you say?..someday you may be wealthy too and wish to have this in place for when that happens..be a dear and don't hold your breath while WE THE PEOPLE get marginalized due to corporate welfare.

this practice must end now by someone with proven record..remember how warm and fuzzy you felt when Nancy told Trump 'not $1'?

that someone IS BERNIE SANDERS.
First of all I am for universal subsidized education (which we have here, somewhat), the 90% tax rate for (it’s actaully > BTW) > 10,000,000 I’m torn because who wants to give back 9 out of 10 earned, I wouldn’t if I did. But I do think the loop holes, other stuff should be closed to stop the zero tax shit. It’s a tough call.
First of all I am for universal subsidized education (which we have here, somewhat), the 90% tax rate for (it’s actaully > BTW) > 10,000,000 I’m torn because who wants to give back 9 out of 10 earned, I wouldn’t if I did. But I do think the loop holes, other stuff should be closed to stop the zero tax shit. It’s a tough call.
Rolling back that tax cut for the wealthy would pay for every college student's tuition at a state university, college and Jr college with money left over to pay for getting lead out of people's drinking water. Both of those are not that big a tab and a great investment. GOP says we can't afford it though. 2022 or 2024 will see the end of GOP senate-control. Maybe then we will finally be able to do the right things.

Between now and then, it's all because of Democrats according to Cult of Sanders. The left brought us Bush jr and Trump but somehow it's all Democrats fault.
Bernie will still have a hard time with the black vote with the likes of Kamala and Cory running. Will you again be blaming blacks for Bernie not winning and do you also think a person with the name of Kamala will ever be CEO ?

I could not care less when Pada returns. Why??? do you want to send pada a pic of something being spread with duct tape ?
What a racist thing to say.

Apparently you seriously think black people are stupid enough to be fooled by skin color alone.